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6 votes
3 answers

Simple Container Class

I'm learning C++ and trying to create my own container class just for practice (I know about vector, list, map, set). I plan to improve this class and add new methods as I learn new material. Please ...
vansergh's user avatar
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An Updated Multi-dimensional Image Data Structure with Variadic Template Functions in C++

This is a follow-up question for Multi-dimensional Image Data Structure with Variadic Template Functions in C++. Considering the suggestion from G. Sliepen: Make everything work for more than 5 ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Multi-dimensional Image Data Structure with Variadic Template Functions in C++

This is a follow-up question for Three dimensional data structure in C++. I am trying to implement multi-dimensional image data structure with variadic template functions. For example, ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Three dimensional data structure in C++

This is a follow-up question for Three dimensional gaussian image generator in C++. Considering the suggestion from G. Sliepen: Structure of a 3D image Your 2D ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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A greedy approach to the Knapsack problem with C++ templates

The assignment is to be implemented on the following instructions: You are to write a Knapsack class and the main() to support and demonstrate the functionality required here. A function generate(int)...
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2 votes
2 answers

Template Complex class

I have created a class Complex which represents a complex number of any arbitrary arithmetic type. Overloads are given for the 4 common functions, addition, ...
finlay morrison's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Checking image size in C++

This is a follow-up question for 3D Inverse Discrete Cosine Transformation Implementation in C++. After checking G. Sliepen's answer, I am trying to update the part of width and height checking of <...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Gallery template class

I have created a template class Gallery which is intended to be used as a container for objects. I used a private member of type...
Shwalala's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Tests for the operators of image template class in C++

This is a follow-up question for Two dimensional gaussian image generator in C++. Thanks for Cris Luengo's answer and JDługosz's answer. I am attempting to update the implementation of ...
JimmyHu's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Cleanly passing in a large number of mutable parameters through a python class

I want to create two classes, one for attributes and one for functional behaviors. The point of the attributes class was to hold all of the attributes along with property methods (setters/getters), ...
Simply Beautiful Art's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Generic Doubly Linked-list implementation in C++

I am just learning about C++ templates and generic types, I decided it would be nice to try to create a generic container class as a challenge and test my knowledge in the process. Here is what I have ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Email Template Parser PHP Class

This is a very basic PHP class that I am working on which will allow me to provide an HTML template in the form of a string saved to a variable or into an actual template file. I can then pass into ...
JasonDavis's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Wrap function pointers in template classes

I'm working on a C++ library for Arduino and other embedded systems. I'm currently working on wrapping up function pointers and member-function pointers into two C++ template classes (function and ...
Nathan Wehr's user avatar