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Questions tagged [c++03]

Code that is written to the 2003 version of the C++ standard. Use in conjunction with the 'c++' tag.

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3 votes
2 answers

Finding paths between triangles efficiently in 3D geometry #2

This post is an update of the one from here. I've updated the code and a couple pieces of the post itself. I've been writing some functions used to find paths between two types of triangles - alphas ...
Tyler Shellberg's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Finding paths between triangles efficiently in 3D geometry

An update to this post can be found here I've been writing some functions used to find paths between two types of triangles - alphas and betas. Alphas are triangles that have been in a zone we ...
Tyler Shellberg's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

wrapper for common subset of auto_ptr and unique_ptr API

I read an interesting old question on the Software Engineering SE about how to transition away from std::auto_ptr. So I wrote a wrapper around the common subset of <...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using mutable keyword to implement an owner-pointer class (C++03)

For a couple of days, I have been trying to implement an own templated class called owner_ptr (for my little project) whose instances has ownership over a ...
Gergely Tomcsányi's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Inheriting from std::auto_ptr to support deletion of allocated arrays in C++98/C++03

[EDIT: Thanks for your opinions. I think this topic is discussed enough. Since std::auto_ptr is removed from C++17, I decided to drop the idea of inheriting from <...
Gergely Tomcsányi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Functions asking for user input, with default prompts

I succeeded in the first part of the exercise, this attempt is the second part. I am not sure I have accomplished the goal, and would appreciate the input of more knowledgeable minds. As always, ...
paddyblack's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

UVa 524 - Prime Ring

The challenge A ring is composed of n (even number) circles as shown in diagram. Put natural numbers 1,2,...,n into each circle separately, and the sum of numbers in two adjacent circles should be ...
Abhisek's user avatar
  • 335
8 votes
3 answers

UVA 750: 8 Queens Chess

In chess it is possible to place eight queens on the board so that no one queen can be taken by any other. Write a program that will determine all such possible arrangements for eight queens given ...
Abhisek's user avatar
  • 335
3 votes
2 answers

OrderedList class template

I called my template OrderedList, but I don't like the name. Is there a better one? It stores a vector of values of type T, and ...
user31264's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes
2 answers

Simple class to mimic a dynamic array

for my c++ class I was asked to write a class with the following characteristics: Implement a vector replacement that operates only on integers (you don't need to use templates like the normal STL)...
Obito's user avatar
  • 23
3 votes
1 answer

Memoization via template

This is kind of follow up of this question on stack overflow... I wrote the following to utilize memoization for functions that take a single parameter and return a value: ...
463035818_is_not_a_number's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Relaying stdin data from one thread to another

I'd like to know if this piece of code is thread-safe. I'm learning something about threads, queues and synchronization, and I'd like to make sure this is correct, before moving forward to next step. ...
Albert's user avatar
  • 143
5 votes
1 answer

Converting a string to a list of key-value pairs

I'm trying to convert a string (here after called input) into a vector of key-value pairs, all in C++03 (cannot use C++11, cannot use Boost libs). The string in ...
Jir's user avatar
  • 201
4 votes
2 answers

Portable C++98 thread class akin to std::thread

I want a homegrown version of C++11's std::thread. My motivation is to avoid manual memory management of the arguments passed to the thread function. I'm restricted ...
Cat Zimmermann's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Distance between angles as points

This code calculates the distance between angles, particularly for n-tuples of angles. One example where this situation occurs is as follows: I'm using a 2 arms, one 6 degree of freedom and the other ...
Andrew Hundt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Implement test which tries function with diferent params and expected results

What could I improve in the following code? The goal is to test a function againts a table of input parameters and compare to some expected results with some tolerance (as there are random variables ...
José D.'s user avatar
  • 135
1 vote
1 answer

Circular buffer offsets and sorted set of offsets sorted on their index

Consider the following C++03 code: ...
WilliamKF's user avatar
  • 183
1 vote
1 answer

Converting integers to strings

I drafted a method that I intend to use to convert integers to strings. Is there a way to make it faster? Are there any "simple" changes I could make to improve its performance? This cannot be done ...
Bernardo Sulzbach's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Member function state machine

For various reasons, I wrote this. For one, I don't like to wrap every single function in a separate class, which is too verbose. It's a state machine based on GoTW 57 function pointer wrapping and ...
kert's user avatar
  • 183
3 votes
2 answers

Length Conversions

I'm trying to create some helper functions that will allow me to convert from one unit of measurement to another. I eventually will need to be able to do speeds and temperatures as well, but so far, I'...
jliv902's user avatar
  • 1,952
4 votes
3 answers

Using a template to cycle through a sequence of containers

I'm trying to implement a template that takes a container as parameter. The template has a getnext method that cycles through the elements in the parameter. Take ...
Dean's user avatar
  • 43
6 votes
2 answers

Fixed size matrix implementation

I implemented a fixed-size matrix class which supports basic matrix operations (cannot use C++11). What do you think, and how could it be improved? ...
Blaz Bratanic's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Avoiding casts in abstract types

I asked this question on Stack Overflow and in the comments someone had this to say. In a proper design, you should almost never have to do a dynamic_cast, even if it's hidden inside some nice ...
ctor's user avatar
  • 151
5 votes
1 answer

Dijkstra's and Prim's algorithms: correctness/efficiency

This is in preparation for a competition that only allows C++03. ...
jcai's user avatar
  • 151
2 votes
1 answer

RAII-style lockable objects

I am working on a Windows project using C++03 (C++11 is not an option), and without using Boost. I have several resources that are accessed by multiple threads at various times - a queue, for example, ...
icabod's user avatar
  • 173
4 votes
1 answer

Using set for unordered, unique list of elements

In C++11 we have the option of using std::unordered_set if we require a list of elements that have no duplicates but order is not important. In C++03 we don't have ...
Memleak's user avatar
  • 596
11 votes
2 answers

make_auto implementation for C++03 compilers

I want to provide, in the the spirit of C++11/boost make_shared and C++14 make_unique, a production-ready make_auto for C++03 compilers. So, inspired boost's make_shared implementation for C++03 ...
paercebal's user avatar
  • 281
3 votes
2 answers

legacy code and exception handling

After some 'digging' into the dark corners of legacy code I've found class, which handles INI files. It does reading and writing to the file, but I haven't found any exception handling logic. What ...
sigidagi's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes
1 answer

Standard library-like linear interpolation table

I'm looking for a general review of a generalized linear interpolation table. Design decisions, anything that's missing, anything that could be clearer or simplified, any style considerations. Keep in ...
Yuushi's user avatar
  • 11k
11 votes
2 answers

Custom nullptr_t class

I tried to write a nullptr_t class based on the official proposal to be used in C++03 only. The only differences with the proposal are that we can compare two ...
Morwenn's user avatar
  • 20k
0 votes
2 answers

Remove continuous duplicate

I've made a little function to eliminate continuous duplicate from a std::vector. I have to use C++03. For example, if a vector of ints is composed of: 1,1,2,3,,3,...
nkint's user avatar
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