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Building user friendly inputs on a mobile device

I am working on an e-commerce website. The home page has 2 inputs: Looking for and Location. The user would enter their desired product and location and click on Search as shown below: The first ...
Hooman Bahreini's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Autocomplete selector country/region/city for ex-USSR countries

I wrote a selector for several countries. This selector allows the user to choose a country, then a region and then a city. After the user chooses a city, it displays the selected object's country ...
cyklop77's user avatar
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jQuery autocomplete for all place names in the UK

I made an autocomplete input box of every town, city and village in the UK. Yes, every single one. The load times are painful so is there a way to reduce that? Here is a sample: ...
Jon Snow's user avatar
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jQuery Search Suggestion Generator

I'm currently using a PHP shopping cart, and finally decided to implement a search suggestion feature. There are some already available solutions out there, but I wanted to gain control over how mine ...
StuyvesantBlue's user avatar
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Adding, deleting elements as per autocomplete results

I am working on a bookmarker project for replacing storage of bookmarks in a web browser. It will be storing bookmarks as per categories in a database. I have written some jQuery for the WIP search ...
Aseem Bansal's user avatar
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Module to support autocomplete for movie tags

I've just completed a JavaScript module and I've got a strong feeling that this is borderline spaghetti code. My task was to build a tagging form which adds selected tags to hidden outputs to be sent ...
el_pup_le's user avatar
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