Questions tagged [authorization]

Authorization is the module of an application that is responsible to manage user access to the application resources.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Security of cookie based authorization Golang

I still write login system in Go(Golang) using cookies.But my system is still not secure enough.Can you review my code and provide some suggestions on how to improve the security?Previous question. ...
Honor 373's user avatar
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Multitenant app authorization

Role based security does not work for me well in a multitenant app, as I need to query DB to decide on permission allowance. Here is the solution I came to. All implementations of this interface will ...
Dmitry Nogin's user avatar
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PHP Login Checker Stage

I have been working on my script which allows people to sign-up and login to my website. I was wondering if someone could review the code. It works but I can't help but feel it could be optimized. ...
Casper's user avatar
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Secure auth with Node.js, GraphQL, Nexus and passport with JWT's

I am trying to authenticate / authorise users with graphql, nexus, passport, prisma, graphql-shield and fastify for REST with JWT To answer possible questions: I am using passport because it handles ...
Daniell's user avatar
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Unit-testing authorization policies in Rails with RSpec

The following specs test the authorization setup of the Post resource in a Rails 4.2 application. The Pundit gem is used for authorization but I believe the specs ...
BrunoF's user avatar
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