We are generating our data access code following this pattern:
public static IEnumerable<SomeDataOutputDTO> GetSomeData(SomeDataInputDTO dto, IDbConnection dbConnection) {
var queryString = @"Some SQL query";
using (var command = (OracleCommand)dbConnection.CreateCommand()) {
command.CommandText = queryString;
command.BindByName = true;
command.Parameters.Add("SomeParam", OracleDbType.Int16, dto.SomeParam, ParameterDirection.Input);
command.Parameters.Add("SomeOtherParam", OracleDbType.Int16, dto.SomeOtherParam, ParameterDirection.Input);
var success = false;
try {
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) {
success = true;
while (reader.Read()) {
object data;
var newDto = new SomeDataOutputDTO();
data = reader["first_column"];
newDto.FirstColumn = (short)Convert.ChangeType(data, typeof(short));
data = reader["second_column"];
if (data != DBNull.Value) {
newDto.SecondColumn = (short)Convert.ChangeType(data, typeof(short));
yield return newDto;
finally {
if (success) {
QueryLogger.Debug(queryString, command.Parameters, "TheseQueries.GetSomeData");
else {
QueryLogger.Error(queryString, command.Parameters, "DocumentTypeQueries.GetDocumentTypesByApplyType");
I want to know if there are any pitfalls regarding this code. As you can see the control flow is a bit complex since it returns an Enumerable and to do that it contains a
yield return
Note also that there are two using() blocks and one try block in the middle. The purpose of the try-finally block is to ensure proper logging of the query, in Error level if there was an error, or Debug level if the query ran OK. The purpose of the using blocks is to ensure proper disposal of the command and reader objects.
The QueryLogger helper class uses log4net, not that it should matter much.
Please also remember that this is code generated by a tool, so whether it's readable or easy to maintain is not a concern. My concerns are with proper resource disposal, proper logging, etc.
Also, returning an IEnumerable is very important because it allows to use LINQ when consuming the results. Of particular interest when using LINQ are:
- Take / Skip
- ToLookup / ToDictionary
- ToList
- FirstOrDefault
doesn't match withfinally
. \$\endgroup\$