I have a working solution for 'Cut the tree' problem but it is not fast enough.
Problem Statement:
Atul is into graph theory, and he is learning about trees nowadays. He observed that the removal of an edge from a given tree
will result in the formation of two separate trees,T1
.Each vertex of the tree
is assigned a positive integer. Your task is to remove an edge, such that theTree_diff
of the resultant trees is minimized.Tree_diff
is defined as the following:F(T) = Sum of numbers written on each vertex of a tree T Tree_diff(T) = abs(F(T1) - F(T2))
Input Format:
The first line will contain an integer \$N\$, i.e. the number of vertices in the tree.
The next line will contain \$N\$ integers separated by a single space, i.e. the values assigned to each of the vertices.
The next \$N−1\$ lines contain a pair of integers each, separated by a single space, that denote the edges of the tree.
In the above input, the vertices are numbered from \$1\$ to \$N\$.
Output Format:
A single line containing the minimum value of
\$3≤N≤105\$ \$1≤\$ number written on each vertex \$≤1001\$
Sample Input:
6 100 200 100 500 100 600 1 2 2 3 2 5 4 5 5 6
Sample Output:
Originally, we can represent tree as
1(100) \ 2(200) / \ (100)5 3(100) / \ (500)4 6(600) Cutting the edge at 1 2 would result in Tree_diff = 1500-100 = 1400 Cutting the edge at 2 3 would result in Tree_diff = 1500-100 = 1400 Cutting the edge at 2 5 would result in Tree_diff = 1200-400 = 800 Cutting the edge at 4 5 would result in Tree_diff = 1100-500 = 600 Cutting the edge at 5 6 would result in Tree_diff = 1000-600 = 400
Hence, the answer is 400.
The solution is in Python, with iterative BFS. I could only pass the first five tests and timed out on the rest. Any hints for improving time complexity? Input size can be up to \$100,000\$ vertices.
def find_sum(v, p):
s = vertices[v-1]
stack = [(v,p)]
while stack:
v,p = stack.pop()
for e in adj_list[v]:
if p != e:
s += vertices[e-1]
return s
n = int(raw_input())
vertices = map(int, raw_input().split())
adj_list = {}
edges = []
total = sum(vertices)
res = total
for _ in xrange(n-1):
u, v = map(int, raw_input().split())
if u not in adj_list:
adj_list[u] = []
if v not in adj_list:
adj_list[v] = []
for u,v in edges:
tmp = find_sum(u,v)
res = min(res, abs(tmp-abs(total-tmp)))
print res