I'm developing a system in which users can upload their .doc file and the system will check whether the file contains certain words, and the system will tell the users whether their doc file falls under 'Sustainability' category.
The system will find any word in doc file and match it with the keyword that have been predefined in the database and generate the result in percentage form.
The problem I'm having at the moment is that when the doc file is uploaded and when I click the 'Generate' button for the system to process it, it takes forever to generate the result, even though the doc file that I upload is only 12kb.
Based on my observation, the problem starts at ScreenDocument()
, because the system can successfully upload the .doc
file to the htdocs
public function ValidateDocument($FileName, $UploadName)
$PrevUploadName = basename($this->RequestFields->GetField('UploadName'));
if(strlen($PrevUploadName) > 0 && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/uploads/' . $PrevUploadName) && is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/uploads/' . $PrevUploadName))
unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/uploads/' . $PrevUploadName);
$this->RequestFields->SetField('FileName', basename($FileName));
$this->RequestFields->SetField('UploadName', basename($UploadName));
return true;
public function ScreenDocument()
//validate input data
$UploadName = basename($this->RequestFields->GetField('UploadName'));
$UploadFileName = dirname(__FILE__) . '/uploads/' . $UploadName;
if(!(strlen($UploadFileName) > 0 && is_file($UploadFileName) &&
file_exists($UploadFileName) && filesize($UploadFileName) > 0))
echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Invalid document.'));
$University = (int)@$_POST['University'];
if($University <= 0)
//echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Please select a university!'));
$University = 1;
$Course = (int)@$_POST['Course'];
if($Course <= 0)
//echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Please select a course!'));
$Course = 0;
$Subject = @$_POST['Subject'];
if(strlen($Subject) == 0)
echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Please enter a subject!'));
$FileName = basename($this->RequestFields->GetField('FileName'));
if(strlen($FileName) == 0)
echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Can\'t find the upload file name!'));
if(($File = fopen($UploadFileName, 'r')) === false)
return false;
$RawText = @f($File, filesize($UploadFileName));
// document text
$DocHelper = new DocHelper();
$Text = $DocHelper->($UploadFileName);
//clean the text
$Text = preg_replace('/(\r\n|\r|\n)/', ' ', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\.;\?\+\-]/', ' ', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/\+{2,}/', '+', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/\-{2,}/', '-', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/\?{2,}/', '?', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/\;{2,}/', ';', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/\.{2,}/', '.', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/\s{2,}/', ' ', $Text);
//start a transaction
if(!$this->Db->Handler->query("START TRANSACTION"))
echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Failed to start a transaction!'));
//insert the document in database
$Stmt = $this->Db->Handler->prepare('insert into `documents` (`idmember`, `university`, `course`, `subject`, `filename`, `text`, `data`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Failed to prepare a statement!'));
$Stmt->bind_param('iiissss', $_SESSION['idmember'], $University, $Course, $Subject, $FileName, $Text, $RawText);
echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Failed to insert the document into database!'));
$DocumentId = $Stmt->insert_id;
//screen for the first 8 criteria
$CriteriaHits = array();
$IsSustainable = false;
$TotalNumberOfKeywords = 0;
for($i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++)
$CriteriaHits[$i] = array();
$CriteriaHits[$i]['TotalKeywordCount'] = 0;
$CriteriaHits[$i]['CurrentDistinctHitCount'] = 0;
$CriteriaHits[$i]['Hits'] = array();
$Result = $this->Db->OpenQuery('select `id`, `criteria`, `value` from `keywords` where `criteria` = ' . $i . ' order by `value` asc');
if($Result && $this->Db->GetQueryRecordCount($Result) > 0)
$TotalKeywordCount = 0;
while($Row = $this->Db->GetQueryNextRow($Result))
$KeywordMatched = false;
$Offset = 0;
while(preg_match('/\b' . $Row['value'] . '\b/i' , $Text, $Matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $Offset) == 1)
$Hit = array();
$Hit['id'] = $Row['id'];
$Hit['criteria'] = $Row['criteria'];
$Hit['value'] = $Row['value'];
$Hit['hittext'] = $Matches[0][0];
$Hit['hitoffset'] = $Matches[0][1];
$CriteriaHits[$i]['Hits'][] = $Hit;
$Offset = $Matches[0][1] + 1;
$IsSustainable = true;
$KeywordMatched = true;
$CriteriaHits[$i]['TotalKeywordCount'] = $TotalKeywordCount;
$TotalNumberOfKeywords += $TotalKeywordCount;
//is sustainable ?
echo json_encode(array('Error' => false, 'Message' => 'Document is not sustainable.'));
//get the criteria names
$CriteriaNames = array();
$Result = $this->Db->OpenQuery('select `id`, `name` from `criteria` order by `id` asc');
if($Result && $this->Db->GetQueryRecordCount($Result) > 0)
while($Row = $this->Db->GetQueryNextRow($Result))
$CriteriaNames[$Row['id']] = $Row['name'];
//complete the screening for the rest of criteria
for($i = 9; $i <= count($CriteriaNames); $i++)
$CriteriaHits[$i] = array();
$CriteriaHits[$i]['TotalKeywordCount'] = 0;
$CriteriaHits[$i]['CurrentDistinctHitCount'] = 0;
$CriteriaHits[$i]['Hits'] = array();
$Result = $this->Db->OpenQuery('select `id`, `criteria`, `value` from `keywords` where `criteria` = ' . $i . ' order by `value` asc');
if($Result && $this->Db->GetQueryRecordCount($Result) > 0)
$TotalKeywordCount = 0;
while($Row = $this->Db->GetQueryNextRow($Result))
$KeywordMatched = false;
$Offset = 0;
while(preg_match('/\b' . $Row['value'] . '\b/i' , $Text, $Matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $Offset) == 1)
$Hit = array();
$Hit['id'] = $Row['id'];
$Hit['criteria'] = $Row['criteria'];
$Hit['value'] = $Row['value'];
$Hit['hittext'] = $Matches[0][0];
$Hit['hitoffset'] = $Matches[0][1];
$CriteriaHits[$i]['Hits'][] = $Hit;
$Offset = $Matches[0][1] + 1;
$KeywordMatched = true;
$CriteriaHits[$i]['TotalKeywordCount'] = $TotalKeywordCount;
$TotalNumberOfKeywords += $TotalKeywordCount;
//prepare the insert stmt for keywords
$Stmt = $this->Db->Handler->prepare('insert into `results` (`idmember`, `document`, `criteria`, `offset`, `keyword`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Failed to prepare a statement!'));
$Stmt->bind_param('iiiii', $_SESSION['idmember'], $DocumentId, $Criteria, $Offset, $Keyword);
foreach($CriteriaHits as $Idx => $Criteria)
foreach($Criteria['Hits'] as $Hit)
$Criteria = $Hit['criteria'];
$Offset = $Hit['hitoffset'];
$Keyword = $Hit['id'];
//insert each keyword found into database
echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Failed to insert keywords into database!'));
//remove any non-alpha characters from text
$Text = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]]/', ' ', $Text);
$Text = preg_replace('/\s{2,}/', ' ', $Text);
//now create a array of words from this text
$Text = explode(' ', trim($Text));
$Stmt = $this->Db->Handler->prepare('insert into `criteria_match` (`idmember`, `document`, `criteria`, `percentage`) values (?, ?, ?, ?)');
echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Failed to prepare a statement!'));
$Stmt->bind_param('iiid',$_SESSION['idmember'], $DocumentId, $CriteriaIdx, $Percent);
//create the output
$TotalCount = 0;
$TotalDistinctCount = 0;
$TotalCriteriaMatched = 0;
$TableHtml = '';
foreach($CriteriaHits as $Idx => $Criteria)
$CriteriaIdx = $Idx;
$Percent = RoundUp($Criteria['CurrentDistinctHitCount'] / $Criteria['TotalKeywordCount'] * 100, 2);
//echo "alaa:".$Criteria['CurrentDistinctHitCount']."</br>";
//echo"iihh: " . $Criteria['TotalKeywordCount'];
//$Percent = RoundUp(count($Criteria['Hits']) / count($Text) * 100, 2);
//insert each keyword found into database
echo json_encode(array('Error' => true, 'Message' => 'Failed to insert keywords into database!'));
$TableHtml .= '<tr>';
if($Idx == 1)
$TableHtml .= '<td rowspan="8" style="vertical-align: middle;">SD-ESD</td>';
else if($Idx == 9)
$TableHtml .= '<td rowspan="10" style="vertical-align: middle;">WEHAB</td>';
else if($Idx == 19)
$TableHtml .= '<td rowspan="6" style="vertical-align: middle;">+3</td>';
$TableHtml .= '<td>' . $CriteriaNames[$Idx] . '</td>';
$TableHtml .= '<td>' . $Percent . '%</td>';
$TableHtml .= "</tr>\n";
//$TableHtml .= '<tr><td></td><td>';
$PrevWord = '';
$CurrentCount = 0;
foreach($Criteria['Hits'] as $Hit)
if($PrevWord == '')
$PrevWord = $Hit['value'];
else if($PrevWord != $Hit['value'] && $CurrentCount > 0)
//$TableHtml .= '<p>"' . $PrevWord . '" - ' . $CurrentCount . ' match' . ($CurrentCount != 1 ? 'es' : '') . "</p>\n";
$PrevWord = $Hit['value'];
$CurrentCount = 0;
if($CurrentCount > 0)
//$TableHtml .= '<p>"' . $PrevWord . '" - ' . $CurrentCount . ' match' . ($CurrentCount != 1 ? 'es' : '') . "</p>\n";
$TotalCount += count($Criteria['Hits']);
$TotalDistinctCount += $Criteria['CurrentDistinctHitCount'];
if(count($Criteria['Hits']) > 0)
//$TableHtml .= "</td><td></td></tr>\n";
//commit this transaction
//$tot = ($Percent /24 )*100;
$Html = "<div class=\"SamResultTabsDiv\">
<li><a href=\"historytable.php?id=$DocumentId\" target=\"frame\"><img src='images/table2.png' height='25' width='25' /> TABLE</a></li>
<li><a href=\"histogramGenerate.php?id=$DocumentId&chart=column\" target=\"frame\" ><img src='images/histogram.png' height='25' width='25' /> Column Chart</a></li>
<li><a href=\"histogramGenerate.php?id=$DocumentId&chart=pie\" target=\"frame\" ><img src='images/piechart.png' height='25' width='25' /> Pie Chart</a></li>
<li><a href=\"histogramGenerate.php?id=$DocumentId&chart=scatter\" target=\"frame\" ><img src='images/scatterchart.png' height='25' width='25' /> Scatter Chart</a></li>
<li><a href=\"histogramGenerate.php?id=$DocumentId&chart=spider\" target=\"frame\" ><img src='images/spiderchart.png' height='25' width='25' /> Spider Chart</a></li>
$Html .= "<p align=\"left\"><iframe src=\"blank.php\" name=\"frame\" height=\"900px\" width=\"700px\" frameborder=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe></p>";
/*$Html .= "<div class=\"SamTableDiv\" id=\"SamTableDiv\">\n";
$Html .= " <div class=\"TableLegend\">Results</div>\n";
$Html .= " <div class=\"ResultStats\">\n";
$Html .= " <p>Percentage total of matched keyword = " ."$tot". "%</p>\n";
$Html .= " <p>Percentage based on keywords = " . RoundUp($TotalDistinctCount / ($TotalNumberOfKeywords / 100), 2) . "%</p>\n";
$Html .= " <p>Percentage based on criteria = " . RoundUp($TotalCriteriaMatched / (count($CriteriaNames) / 100), 2) . "%</p>\n";
$Html .= " </div>\n";
$Html .= " <table>\n";
$Html .= " <thead><th>TYPE</th><th>CRITERIA</th><th>SUSTAINABILITY RESULT(%)</th></tr>\n";
$Html .= " <tbody>" . $TableHtml . "</tbody>\n";
$Html .= " </table>\n";
$Html .= "</div>\n";
$Html .= "<div class=\"SamHistogramDiv\" id=\"SamHistogramDiv\">\n";
$Html .= "<iframe src=\"histogram.php?id=$DocumentId\" name=\"frame\" height=\"700px\" width=\"700px\" frameborder=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" scrolling=\"auto\"><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p></iframe>";
$Html .= "</div>\n";
include 'configure.php';
$idmembersession = $_SESSION['idmember'];
//-------------------------CALCULATION: 3 kategory resul---------------------------//
$query2 = "select SUM(percentage) as total from criteria_match where idmember=$idmembersession and document=$DocumentId and criteria<=$sd" ;
$sql_query2 = mysql_query($query2) or die('Error 3 :'.mysql_error());
while($data2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_query2,MYSQL_ASSOC))
$totalcrcountsd= $data2['total'];
$query3 = "select SUM(percentage) as total1 from criteria_match where idmember=$idmembersession and document=$DocumentId and criteria<=$we" ;
$sql_query3 = mysql_query($query3) or die('Error 3 :'.mysql_error());
while($data3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_query3,MYSQL_ASSOC))
$wecount = $data3['total1'];
$query4 = "select SUM(percentage) as total2 from criteria_match where idmember=$idmembersession and document=$DocumentId and criteria<=$tre" ;
$sql_query4 = mysql_query($query4) or die('Error 3 :'.mysql_error());
while($data4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_query4,MYSQL_ASSOC))
$trecount = $data4['total2'];
//-------------------------CALCULATION: Blink2 total everage result---------------------------//
$query1 = "select SUM(percentage) as total from criteria_match where idmember=$idmembersession and document=$DocumentId";
$sql_query1 = mysql_query($query1) or die('Error 3 :'.mysql_error());
$TotalCount = 0;
while($data1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_query1,MYSQL_ASSOC))
$TotalCount = $data1['total'];
$tot= ($TotalCount / 24);
//-------------------------(CALCULATION: Merge the result from 24 criteria to criteria---------------------------//
$query24 = "select * from criteria_match where idmember=$idmembersession and document=$DocumentId";
$sql_query24 = mysql_query($query24) or die('Error 3 :'.mysql_error());
$criteria1 = 0; $cr2 = 0; $criteria2=0; $cr3=0; $criteria3=0; $cr4 = 0; $criteria4=0;
$cr5=0; $criteria5=0; $cr6=0; $criteria6=0; $cr7=0; $criteria7=0; $cr8=0; $criteria8=0;
$cr9=0; $criteria9=0; $cr10=0; $criteria10=0; $cr11=0; $criteria11=0; $cr12=0; $criteria12=0;
$Tcriteria1= 0; $Tcriteria2=0; $Tcriteria3=0; $Tcriteria4=0; $Tcriteria5=0; $Tcriteria6=0; $Tcriteria7=0;
$Tcriteria8=0; $Tcriteria9=0; $Tcriteria10=0; $Tcriteria11=0; $Tcriteria12=0;
while($data24 = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_query24,MYSQL_ASSOC))
$criteria24 = $data24['criteria'];
$percentage24 = $data24['percentage'];
if ($criteria24<=2)
$criteria1=$criteria1 + $percentage24;
$Tcriteria1=Round( $criteria1 / 2, 2 );
if ($criteria24<=4)
$Tcriteria2=Round($criteria2 / 2, 2 );
if ($criteria24<=6)
if ($criteria24<=8)
if ($criteria24<=10)
if ($criteria24<=12)
if ($criteria24<=14)
if ($criteria24<=16)
if ($criteria24<=18)
if ($criteria24<=20)
if ($criteria24<=22)
if ($criteria24<=24)
$query = "INSERT INTO `compareresult`(`idmember`,`iddocument`,`subject`,`result`,`resultsd`,`resultwe`,`resulttre`,
VALUES ('$idmembersession','$DocumentId','$Subject','$tot','$totalcrcountsd','$totalcrcountwe','$totalcrcounttre',
mysql_query($query) or die("Error 3: ".mysql_error());
echo json_encode(array('Error' => false, 'Message' => 'Document data generated.', 'Html' => $Html));}
at key points, log the results, and edit the post to tell reviewers where to start looking. Other than that, note reviewers are free to comment on any & all aspects of the code, which may or may not improve performance. Good luck! \$\endgroup\$