Patching core prototypes like String
to add non-standard functionality is considered bad software engineering practice, especially in a language where code from various libraries may need to coexist on the same webpage. I'd just define a regular function.
There's nothing "English" about the output. The result is a Number
. It's not even in base 10. Really, this is an enhancement to parseInt()
, and should be named accordingly.
Interestingly, the inverse operation is built-in to many browsers (notably not WebKit):
(12345).toLocaleString('fa') # => "۱۲۳۴۵"
What you are trying to do, though, has no built-in browser support. However, note that the problem is not unique to Persian numerals — many other languages in that part of the world have positional base-10 numeral systems. Therefore, I suggest a generalization:
var PERSIAN_NUMERALS = '۰'.charCodeAt(0);
function numeralParseInt(zero, str) {
var digits = new Array(str.length);
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
digits[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (zero <= digits[i] && digits[i] < zero + 10) {
digits[i] -= zero - 48; // '0' = ASCII 48
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, digits);
function persianParseInt(str) {
return numeralParseInt(PERSIAN_NUMERALS, str);
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