
Please, review the following implementation of Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm (p-91):


class Bits
    int bit1;
    int bit2;
    int bit3;
    int bit4;
        bit1 = bit2 = bit3 = bit4 = 0;
    Bits(Bits & b)
        *this = b;
    Bits & operator & (Bits & b)
        bit1 = bit1 & b.bit1;
        bit2 = bit2 & b.bit2;
        bit3 = bit3 & b.bit3;
        bit4 = bit4 & b.bit4;
        return *this;
    Bits & operator | (Bits & b)
        bit1 = bit1 | b.bit1;
        bit2 = bit2 | b.bit2;
        bit3 = bit3 | b.bit3;
        bit4 = bit4 | b.bit4;
        return *this;
    Bits & operator = (Bits & b)
        bit1 = b.bit1;
        bit2 = b.bit2;
        bit3 = b.bit3;
        bit4 = b.bit4;
        return *this;
    bool operator == (Bits & b)
        if(bit1 == b.bit1 && bit2 == b.bit2 && bit3 == b.bit3 && bit4 == b.bit4) return true;
        else return false;
    int Sign(double a)
        if(a>0.01f) return 1;
        else return 0;
    int GetBit1(double y, double yMax)
        return Sign(y - yMax);
    int GetBit2(double y, double yMin)
        return Sign(yMin - y);
    int GetBit3(double x, double xMax)
        return Sign(x - xMax);
    int GetBit4(double x, double xMin)
        return Sign(xMin - x);
    void PointToBits(Point2d & clipMax, Point2d & clipMin, Point2d & pnt)
        bit1 = GetBit1(pnt.y, clipMax.y);
        bit2 = GetBit2(pnt.y, clipMin.y);
        bit3 = GetBit3(pnt.x, clipMax.x);
        bit4 = GetBit4(pnt.x, clipMin.x);
    bool IsClippingCandidate(Bits & bits)
        Bits zeroBits;
        Bits andedBits = *this | bits;

        if(andedBits == zeroBits) return false;
        else return true;


#include "Line2d.h"
#include "Rectangle2d.h"
#include "Coordinates2d.h"

class ClippingLine2d
    Rectangle2d rectangle;//clipping rectangle
    Line2d line;//line to be clipped
    Bits startPointBits;//bits for start point of line
    Bits endPointsBits;//bits for end point of line
    ClippingLine2d(Rectangle2d rect, Line2d line)
        this->rectangle = rect;
        this->line = line;      
    Line2d GetClippedLine(std::vector<Line2d> clippingRegionLines, Line2d ln)
        Point2d start = ln.GetStart();
        Point2d end = ln.GetEnd();

        if(startPointBits.bit4 == 1)
            start = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[3]);//DA
        else if(startPointBits.bit3 == 1)
            start = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[1]);//BC
        else if(startPointBits.bit2 == 1)
            start = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[0]);//AB
        else if(startPointBits.bit1 == 1)
            start = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[2]);//CD

        if(endPointsBits.bit4 == 1)
            end = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[3]);//DA
        else if(endPointsBits.bit3 == 1)
            end = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[1]);//BC
        else if(endPointsBits.bit2 == 1)
            end = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[0]);//AB
        else if(endPointsBits.bit1 == 1)
            end = ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[2]);//CD

        return Line2d(start.Round(), end.Round());
    Line2d GetClippedLine()
        Point2d min = rectangle.GetStart();
        Point2d max = rectangle.GetEnd();

        startPointBits.PointToBits(max, min, line.GetStart());
        endPointsBits.PointToBits(max, min, line.GetEnd());

        std::vector<Line2d> clippingRegionLines = rectangle.GetLines();

        Line2d tempLine = this->line;
        Bits start = startPointBits;
        Bits end = endPointsBits;

            tempLine = GetClippedLine(clippingRegionLines, tempLine);

            Point2d startP = tempLine.GetStart();
            Point2d endP = tempLine.GetEnd();

            start.PointToBits(max, min, startP);
            end.PointToBits(max, min, endP);

        return tempLine;

int main()
    Line2d ln(Point2d(-120, -40), Point2d(270, 160)); 
    Rectangle2d rect(Point2d(20, 20), Point2d(160, 120));   

    Coordinates2d::ShowWindow("Cohen-Sutherland Line Clipping");
    Coordinates2d::Draw(ln, Red);
    Coordinates2d::Draw(rect, LightGreen);  

    ClippingLine2d clip(rect, ln);

    Line2d clippedLine = clip.GetClippedLine();

    Coordinates2d::Draw(clippedLine, Yellow);


    return 0;

The whole Visual C++ 2008 Express source code can be found here.


1 Answer 1


Extra Copying

ClippingLine2d(Rectangle2d rect, Line2d line)
    this->rectangle = rect;
    this->line = line;      

This will default-initialize rectangle and line, copy the input parameters into rect and line, and then copy them again into your member variables. You can save a copy and an extra initialization by direct initializing them from references to const:

ClippingLine2d(Rectangle2d const& rect, Line2d const& line)
: rectangle(rect)
, line(line)
{ }

The same is true of GetClippedLine. This:

Line2d GetClippedLine(std::vector<Line2d> clippingRegionLines, Line2d ln)

does an extra copy of the vector and the Line2d. This:

Line2d GetClippedLine(std::vector<Line2d> const& clippingRegionLines, Line2d const& ln)

does not.

Is this copy even necessary?

Bits start = startPointBits;
Bits end = endPointsBits;


Now that you posted the code, lots to say here. First, there is a standard C++ container to use for storing bits: std::bitset. Use it:

class Bits {
    std::bitset<4> bits;

That way you don't need to write the copy constructor/assignment operators. For the other other operators, they're wrong in two ways:

Bits & operator & (Bits & b)

That actually implements &=. It'd be pretty surprising to users if they did Bits c = a & b; and found out that a had changed too! Also there's no reason to restrict the input to non-const references. This should become:

Bits& operator&=(const Bits& b) {
    bits &= b.bits;
    return *this;

Bits operator&(const Bits& b) const {
    Bits lhs(*this);
    lhs &= b;
    return lhs;

And similarly for operator|.

For operator==, writing if (expr) return true else return false is an antipattern. It should just be return expr. Also, comparison should be const:

bool operator==(const Bits& rhs) const {
    return bits == rhs.bits;

Next the main methods. PointToBits makes zero sense as a member function. It should be a free function. Also you have 4 one-line functions that are all only used in one place. That makes it harder to read without adding any value. Just write them all inline:

Bits PointToBits(Point2d const& clipMax, Point2d const& clipMin, Point2d const& pnt)
    Bits b;
    static const double epsilon = 0.01;

    b[0] = pnt.y - clipMax.y > epsilon;
    b[1] = clipMin.y - pnt.y > epsilon;
    b[2] = pnt.x - clipMax.x > epsilon;
    b[3] = clipMin.x - pnt.x > epsilon;

    return b;

You'll have to add operator[] on Bits. It'll be easy.

Lastly, IsClippingCandidate(). We're not modifying this (or at least we wouldn't be if operator| was correct), so the function should be const. The variable is named andedBits - so presumably you meant to use & and not |. The argument should be taken by const reference. And we have the same antipattern about returning true or false. The whole thing can be reduced to:

bool IsClippingCandidate(Bits const& b) const {
    return (bits & b.bits).any(); // check if any of the bits specified
                                  // by 'b' are set


In the overload of GetClippedLine that takes a vector, you have the same block twice. You can refactor that:

size_t bitsToIndex(Bits const& bits) {
    if (bits.bit4 == 1) {
        return 3; // DA
    else if ( ... ) { ... }
    else {
        return -1;

Point2d getIntersectionPoint(std::vector<line2d> const& clippingRegionLines,
                             Line2d const& ln, bool isStart)
    Bits& bits = isStart ? startPointBits : endPointBits;
    size_t idx = bitsToIndex(bits);

    if (idx != -1) {
        return ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[idx]);
    else {
        return isStart ? ln.GetStart() : ln.GetEnd();

Line2d GetClippedLine(std::vector<Line2d> const& clippingRegionLines, Line2d const& ln) {
    return Line2d(
        getIntersectionPoint(clippingRegionLines, ln, true).Round(),
        getIntersectionPoint(clippingRegionLines, ln, false).Round()

That's a lot easier to grok. Could even avoid the awkward bool in there by introducing:

struct Start { };
struct End { };

Point2d get(Rectangle2d const& rect, Start ) { return rect.GetStart(); }
Point2d get(Rectangle2d const& rect, End ) { return rect.GetEnd(); }
// likewise for other cases


template <typename SIDE>
Point2d getIntersectionPoint(std::vector<line2d> const& clippingRegionLines,
                             Line2d const& ln, SIDE side)
    size_t idx = bitsToIndex(getBits(side));

    if (idx != -1) {
        return ln.GetIntersection(clippingRegionLines[idx]);
    else {
        return get(ln, side);

Line2d GetClippedLine(std::vector<Line2d> const& clippingRegionLines, Line2d const& ln) {
    return Line2d(
        getIntersectionPoint(clippingRegionLines, ln, Start()).Round(),
        getIntersectionPoint(clippingRegionLines, ln, End()).Round()
  • \$\begingroup\$ OK. It works, but, the question is, Is the algorithm implemented correctly? I suspect that the while loop is actually not needed at all to implement the algorithm. What do you think? \$\endgroup\$
    – user3804
    Commented Jul 14, 2015 at 18:37

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