language-tags is my first crate, it is hosted on GitHub and I uploaded it to It parses language tags like en-US
into useful parts, like language and region for example. These tags then can be compared or printed out again. To create language tags it provides the langtag!
Is it good code, where can I improve it?
Language tags always have a canonical captialization while being case-insensitive, should I always print the canonical form?
#![cfg_attr(test, deny(warnings))]
//! Language tags can be used identify human languages, scripts e.g. Latin script, countries and
//! other regions.
//! Language tags are defined in [BCP47](, an introduction is
//! ["Language tags in HTML and XML"]( by
//! the W3C. They are commonly used in HTML and HTTP `Content-Language` and `Accept-Language`
//! header fields.
//! This package currently supports parsing (fully conformant parser), formatting and comparing
//! language tags.
//! # Examples
//! Create a simple language tag representing the French language as spoken
//! in Belgium and print it:
//! ```rust
//! use language_tags::LanguageTag;
//! let mut langtag: LanguageTag = Default::default();
//! langtag.language = Some("fr".to_owned());
//! langtag.region = Some("BE".to_owned());
//! assert_eq!(format!("{}", langtag), "fr-BE");
//! ```
//! Parse a tag representing a special type of English specified by private agreement:
//! ```rust
//! use language_tags::LanguageTag;
//! let langtag: LanguageTag = "en-x-twain".parse().unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(format!("{}", langtag.language.unwrap()), "en");
//! assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", langtag.privateuse), "[\"twain\"]");
//! ```
//! You can check for equality, but more often you should test if two tags match.
//! ```rust
//! use language_tags::LanguageTag;
//! let mut langtag_server: LanguageTag = Default::default();
//! langtag_server.language = Some("de".to_owned());
//! langtag_server.region = Some("AT".to_owned());
//! let mut langtag_user: LanguageTag = Default::default();
//! langtag_user.language = Some("de".to_owned());
//! assert!(langtag_user.matches(&langtag_server));
//! ```
//! There is also the `langtag!` macro for creating language tags.
use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
use std::error::Error as ErrorTrait;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::str::FromStr;
fn is_alphabetic(s: &str) -> bool {
s.chars().all(|x| x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z' || x >= 'a' && x <= 'z')
fn is_numeric(s: &str) -> bool {
s.chars().all(|x| x >= '0' && x <= '9')
fn is_alphanumeric_or_dash(s: &str) -> bool {
s.chars().all(|x| x >= 'A' && x <= 'Z' || x >= 'a' && x <= 'z' ||
x >= '0' && x <= '9' || x == '-')
/// Defines an Error type for langtags.
/// Errors occur mainly during parsing of language tags.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
/// The same extension subtag is only allowed once in a tag before the private use part.
/// If an extension subtag is present, it must not be empty.
/// If the `x` subtag is present, it must not be empty.
/// The langtag contains a char that is not A-Z, a-z, 0-9 or the dash.
/// A subtag fails to parse, it does not match any other subtags.
/// The given language subtag is invalid.
/// A subtag may be eight characters in length at maximum.
/// At maximum three extlangss are allowed, but zero to one extlangss are preferred.
impl ErrorTrait for Error {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
Error::DuplicateExtension => "The same extension subtag is only allowed once in a tag",
Error::EmptyExtension => "If an extension subtag is present, it must not be empty",
Error::EmptyPrivateUse => "If the `x` subtag is present, it must not be empty",
Error::ForbiddenChar => "The langtag contains a char not allowed",
Error::InvalidSubtag => "A subtag fails to parse, it does not match any other subtags",
Error::InvalidLanguage => "The given language subtag is invalid",
Error::SubtagTooLong => "A subtag may be eight characters in length at maximum",
Error::TooManyExtlangs => "At maximum three extlangss are allowed",
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
/// Result type used for this library.
pub type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Error>;
/// Contains the 17 irregular old language tags not matching the standard grammer of tags.
pub const GRANDFATHERED_IRREGULAR: [&'static str; 17] = [
/// Contains the 9 regular grandfathered tags having special semantics.
pub const GRANDFATHERED_REGULAR: [&'static str; 9] = [
/// A language tag as described in [BCP47](
/// Language tags are used to help identify languages, whether spoken,
/// written, signed, or otherwise signaled, for the purpose of
/// communication. This includes constructed and artificial languages
/// but excludes languages not intended primarily for human
/// communication, such as programming languages.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct LanguageTag {
/// Language subtags are used to indicate the language, ignoring all
/// other aspects such as script, region or spefic invariants.
pub language: Option<String>,
/// Extended language subtags are used to identify certain specially
/// selected languages that, for various historical and compatibility
/// reasons, are closely identified with or tagged using an existing
/// primary language subtag.
pub extlangs: Vec<String>,
/// Script subtags are used to indicate the script or writing system
/// variations that distinguish the written forms of a language or its
/// dialects.
pub script: Option<String>,
/// Region subtags are used to indicate linguistic variations associated
/// with or appropriate to a specific country, territory, or region.
/// Typically, a region subtag is used to indicate variations such as
/// regional dialects or usage, or region-specific spelling conventions.
/// It can also be used to indicate that content is expressed in a way
/// that is appropriate for use throughout a region, for instance,
/// Spanish content tailored to be useful throughout Latin America.
pub region: Option<String>,
/// Variant subtags are used to indicate additional, well-recognized
/// variations that define a language or its dialects that are not
/// covered by other available subtags.
pub variants: Vec<String>,
/// Extensions provide a mechanism for extending language tags for use in
/// various applications. They are intended to identify information that
/// is commonly used in association with languages or language tags but
/// that is not part of language identification.
pub extensions: BTreeMap<u8, Vec<String>>,
/// Private use subtags are used to indicate distinctions in language
/// that are important in a given context by private agreement.
pub privateuse: Vec<String>
impl LanguageTag {
/// Matches language tags. The first language acts as a language range, the second one is used
/// as a normal language tag. None fields in the language range are ignored. If the language
/// tag has more extlangs than the range these extlangs are ignored. Matches are
/// case-insensitive. `*` in language ranges are represented using `None` values. The language
/// range `*` that matches language tags is created by the default language tag:
/// `let wildcard: LanguageTag = Default::default();.`
/// For example the range `en-GB` matches only `en-GB` and `en-Arab-GB` but not `en`.
/// The range `en` matches all language tags starting with `en` including `en`, `en-GB`,
/// `en-Arab` and `en-Arab-GB`.
/// # Panics
/// If the language range has extensions or private use tags.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate language_tags;
/// # fn main() {
/// let language_range1 = langtag!(it);
/// let language_tag1 = langtag!(de);
/// let language_tag2 = langtag!(it;;;CH);
/// assert!(!language_range1.matches(&language_tag1));
/// assert!(language_range1.matches(&language_tag2));
/// let language_range2 = langtag!(es;;;BR);
/// let language_tag3 = langtag!(es);
/// assert!(!language_range2.matches(&language_tag3));
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn matches(&self, other: &LanguageTag) -> bool {
return matches_option(&self.language, &other.language) &&
self.extlangs.iter().all(|x| other.extlangs.iter().all(|y| x.eq_ignore_ascii_case(y))) &&
matches_option(&self.script, &other.script) &&
matches_option(&self.region, &other.region);
fn matches_option(a: &Option<String>, b: &Option<String>) -> bool {
match (a.is_some(), b.is_some()) {
(true, true) => a.as_ref().unwrap().eq_ignore_ascii_case(b.as_ref().unwrap()),
(true, false) => false,
(false, _) => true,
impl PartialEq for LanguageTag {
fn eq(&self, other: &LanguageTag) -> bool {
return eq_option(&self.language, &other.language) &&
eq_vec(&self.extlangs, &other.extlangs) &&
eq_option(&self.script, &other.script) &&
eq_option(&self.region, &other.region) &&
self.variants.iter().all(|x| other.variants.iter().all(|y| x.eq_ignore_ascii_case(y))) &&
BTreeSet::from_iter(&self.extensions) == BTreeSet::from_iter(&other.extensions) &&
self.extensions.keys().all(|a| eq_vec(self.extensions.get(a).unwrap(),
other.extensions.get(a).unwrap())) &&
eq_vec(&self.privateuse, &other.privateuse);
fn eq_option(a: &Option<String>, b: &Option<String>) -> bool {
match (a.is_some(), b.is_some()) {
(true, true) => a.as_ref().unwrap().eq_ignore_ascii_case(b.as_ref().unwrap()),
(false, false) => true,
_ => false,
fn eq_vec(a: &Vec<String>, b: &Vec<String>) -> bool {
a.len() == b.len() &&
a.iter().zip(b.iter()).all(|(x, y)| x.eq_ignore_ascii_case(y))
impl Default for LanguageTag {
fn default() -> LanguageTag {
LanguageTag {
language: None,
extlangs: Vec::new(),
script: None,
region: None,
variants: Vec::new(),
extensions: BTreeMap::new(),
privateuse: Vec::new(),
impl std::str::FromStr for LanguageTag {
type Err = Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self> {
let t = s.trim();
if !is_alphanumeric_or_dash(t) {
return Err(Error::ForbiddenChar);
// Handle grandfathered tags
if let Some(tag) = GRANDFATHERED_IRREGULAR.iter().find(|x| x.eq_ignore_ascii_case(t)) {
return Ok(simple_langtag(tag))
if let Some(tag) = GRANDFATHERED_REGULAR.iter().find(|x| x.eq_ignore_ascii_case(t)) {
return Ok(simple_langtag(tag))
// Handle normal tags
// The parser has a position from 0 to 6. Bigger positions reepresent the ASCII codes of
// single character extensions
// language-extlangs-script-region-variant-extension-privateuse
// --- 0 -- -- 1 -- -- 2 - -- 3 - -- 4 -- --- x --- ---- 6 ---
let mut langtag: LanguageTag = Default::default();
let mut position: u8 = 0;
for subtag in t.split('-') {
if subtag.len() > 8 {
// > All subtags have a maximum length of eight characters.
return Err(Error::SubtagTooLong);
if position == 6 {
} else if subtag.eq_ignore_ascii_case("x") {
position = 6;
} else if position == 0 {
// Primary language
if subtag.len() < 2 || !is_alphabetic(subtag) {
return Err(Error::InvalidLanguage)
langtag.language = Some(subtag.to_owned());
if subtag.len() < 4 {
// extlangss are only allowed for short language tags
position = 1;
} else {
position = 2;
} else if position == 1 && subtag.len() == 3 && is_alphabetic(subtag) {
// extlangs
position = 2;
} else if position == 2 && subtag.len() == 3 && is_alphabetic(subtag)
&& !langtag.extlangs.is_empty() {
// Multiple extlangss
if langtag.extlangs.len() > 2 {
// maximum 3 extlangss
return Err(Error::TooManyExtlangs);
} else if position <= 2 && subtag.len() == 4 && is_alphabetic(subtag) {
// Script
langtag.script = Some(subtag.to_owned());
position = 3;
} else if position <= 3 && (subtag.len() == 2 && is_alphabetic(subtag) ||
subtag.len() == 3 && is_numeric(subtag)) {
langtag.region = Some(subtag.to_owned());
position = 4;
} else if position <= 4 && (subtag.len() >= 5 && is_alphabetic(&subtag[0..1]) ||
subtag.len() >= 4 && is_numeric(&subtag[0..1])) {
// Variant
position = 4;
} else if subtag.len() == 1 {
position = subtag.chars().next().unwrap() as u8;
if langtag.extensions.contains_key(&position) {
return Err(Error::DuplicateExtension);
langtag.extensions.insert(position, Vec::new());
} else if position > 6 {
} else {
return Err(Error::InvalidSubtag);
if langtag.extensions.values().any(|x| x.is_empty()) {
// Extensions and privateuse must not be empty if present
return Err(Error::EmptyExtension);
if position == 6 && langtag.privateuse.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::EmptyPrivateUse);
return Ok(langtag);
fn simple_langtag(s: &str) -> LanguageTag {
let mut x: LanguageTag = Default::default();
x.language = Some(s.to_owned());
impl fmt::Display for LanguageTag {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if let Some(ref x) = self.language {
try!(Display::fmt(x, f))
for x in self.extlangs.iter() {
try!(write!(f, "-{}", x));
if let Some(ref x) = self.script {
try!(write!(f, "-{}", x));
if let Some(ref x) = self.region {
try!(write!(f, "-{}", x));
for x in self.variants.iter() {
try!(write!(f, "-{}", x));
for (raw_key, values) in self.extensions.iter() {
let mut key = String::new();
key.push(*raw_key as char);
try!(write!(f, "-{}", key));
for value in values {
try!(write!(f, "-{}", value));
if !self.privateuse.is_empty() {
if self.language.is_none() {
} else {
for value in self.privateuse.iter() {
try!(write!(f, "-{}", value));
/// Utility for creating simple language tags.
/// The macro supports the language, exlang, script and region parts of language tags,
/// they are separated by semicolons, omitted parts are denoted with mulitple semicolons.
/// # Examples
/// * `it`: `langtag!(it)`
/// * `it-LY`: `langtag!(it;;;LY)`
/// * `it-Arab-LY`: `langtag!(it;;Arab;LY)`
/// * `ar-afb`: `langtag!(ar;afb)`
/// * `i-enochian`: `langtag!(i-enochian)`
macro_rules! langtag {
( $language:expr ) => {
$crate::LanguageTag {
language: Some(stringify!($language).to_owned()),
extlangs: Vec::new(),
script: None,
region: None,
variants: Vec::new(),
extensions: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(),
privateuse: Vec::new(),
( $language:expr;;;$region:expr ) => {
$crate::LanguageTag {
language: Some(stringify!($language).to_owned()),
extlangs: Vec::new(),
script: None,
region: Some(stringify!($region).to_owned()),
variants: Vec::new(),
extensions: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(),
privateuse: Vec::new(),
( $language:expr;;$script:expr ) => {
$crate::LanguageTag {
language: Some(stringify!($language).to_owned()),
extlangs: Vec::new(),
script: Some(stringify!($script).to_owned()),
region: None,
variants: Vec::new(),
extensions: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(),
privateuse: Vec::new(),
( $language:expr;;$script:expr;$region:expr ) => {
$crate::LanguageTag {
language: Some(stringify!($language).to_owned()),
extlangs: Vec::new(),
script: Some(stringify!($script).to_owned()),
region: Some(stringify!($region).to_owned()),
variants: Vec::new(),
extensions: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(),
privateuse: Vec::new(),
( $language:expr;$extlangs:expr) => {
$crate::LanguageTag {
language: Some(stringify!($language).to_owned()),
extlangs: vec![stringify!($extlangs).to_owned()],
script: None,
region: None,
variants: Vec::new(),
extensions: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(),
privateuse: Vec::new(),
( $language:expr;$extlangs:expr;$script:expr) => {
$crate::LanguageTag {
language: Some(stringify!($language).to_owned()),
extlangs: vec![stringify!($extlangs).to_owned()],
script: Some(stringify!($script).to_owned()),
region: None,
variants: Vec::new(),
extensions: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(),
privateuse: Vec::new(),
( $language:expr;$extlangs:expr;;$region:expr ) => {
$crate::LanguageTag {
language: Some(stringify!($language).to_owned()),
extlangs: vec![stringify!($extlangs).to_owned()],
script: None,
region: Some(stringify!($region).to_owned()),
variants: Vec::new(),
extensions: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(),
privateuse: Vec::new(),
( $language:expr;$extlangs:expr;$script:expr;$region:expr ) => {
$crate::LanguageTag {
language: Some(stringify!($language).to_owned()),
extlangs: vec![stringify!($extlangs).to_owned()],
script: Some(stringify!($script).to_owned()),
region: Some(stringify!($region).to_owned()),
variants: Vec::new(),
extensions: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(),
privateuse: Vec::new(),