So I have committed to making a German translation for the guys over at Rubberduck, which is localized via .resx files.
Now these files are basically XML-Files with a certain, rather simple document structure:
<!-- Snip -->
<data name="Resource_Key">
<value>Resource Value</value>
<!-- Snip -->
Of course there's a little more to it, but as of now the program doesn't have to handle this.
The basic goal is:
- Parse the resx-file into a DOM-Structure
- Use said DOM-Structure to present a side-by-side view of Resource Values
- Allow editing one side of the Resource Pair (that you translate into)
- And save the whole thing back into the resx-File
I decided on a Presenter-First MVP approach, to develop this in a testable and extensible manner. This gives 4 rather massive interfaces to work upon:
public interface OverviewModel {
void register(OverviewPresenter p);
void loadFromDirectory(Path resxFolder, String targetLocale);
List<Translation> getTranslations();
Translation getSingleTranslation(String key);
void updateTranslation(String key, String newTranslation);
void save();
public interface OverviewPresenter {
public static final String DEFAULT_TARGET_LOCALE = "de";
public static final String DEFAULT_ROOT_LOCALE = "";
void show();
void initialize();
void loadFiles(Path resxFolder, String rootLocale, String targetLocale);
void onException(Exception e, String message);
void onParseCompletion();
void onTranslationSubmit(Translation t);
void onTranslateRequest(String key);
void onTranslationAbort();
void onSaveRequest();
public interface OverviewView {
void register(OverviewPresenter p);
void initialize();
void show();
void rebuildWith(List<Translation> translations);
void showError(String title, String errorMessage);
Why 4 and not 3, as MVP would suggest? Because the editing is happening in a separated view. This view consists of a Label, a Textbox and 2 Buttons. This is the reason that there is only a Presenter for that part. It's basically a Popup dialog and that's why it has following @implNote
in the javadoc:
Implementation will not happen with an additional separated View interface, since there is in no way enough View-Logic to justify it
So here (to clean up on the interface side) comes the TranslationPresenter
public interface TranslationPresenter {
public void register(OverviewPresenter p);
public void show();
public void hide();
public void setRequestedTranslation(Translation t);
Now this all is just the skeleton of what is yet to come. Cramping the whole program into a single post would not make for good reviewable material though, so without further ado, here comes the part worrying me the most:
public class OverviewModelImpl implements OverviewModel {
private static final String VALUE_NAME = "value";
private static final String KEY_NAME = "name";
private static final String ELEMENT_NAME = "data";
private static final String FILE_NAME_FORMAT = "RubberduckUI%s.resx";
private final Map<String, String> originalLocale = new HashMap<String, String>();
private final ExecutorService fileOperationService = Executors
private final BiConsumer<Path, Boolean> loadResxFile = (path, isTarget) -> {
SAXBuilder documentBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
try {
if (isTarget) {
this.translationDocument =;
} else {
Document doc =;
List<Element> translationElements = doc.getRootElement()
element -> {
.getValue(), element
} catch (JDOMException e) {
this.presenter.onException(e, "Unspecified Parsing error");
} catch (IOException e) {
this.presenter.onException(e, "Unspecified I/O Error");
} catch (Exception e) {
this.presenter.onException(e, "Something went really wrong");
private final XPathFactory xPathFactory = XPathFactory.instance();
private OverviewPresenter presenter;
private Document translationDocument;
private Path currentPath;
private String currentTargetLocale;
public void register(final OverviewPresenter p) {
presenter = p;
public void loadFromDirectory(final Path resxFolder,
final String targetLocale) {
this.currentPath = resxFolder;
this.currentTargetLocale = targetLocale;
// for now there's only en-US root-Files
final Path rootFile = resxFolder.resolve(fileNameString(""));
final Path targetFile = resxFolder
Runnable buildDocument = () -> {
loadResxFile.accept(rootFile, false);
loadResxFile.accept(targetFile, true);
private void normalizeTargetLocale() {
List<Element> translationElements = translationDocument
Set<String> passedKeys = new HashSet<String>();
Iterator<Element> it = translationElements.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Element el =;
String key = el.getAttribute(KEY_NAME).getValue();
if (!originalLocale.containsKey(key)) {
// build new elements for newly created keys in root
.filter(k -> !passedKeys.contains(k))
k -> {
Element newElement = new Element(ELEMENT_NAME);
Element valueContainer = new Element(VALUE_NAME);
newElement.setAttribute(KEY_NAME, k);
private String fileNameString(final String localeIdent) {
return String.format(FILE_NAME_FORMAT, localeIdent.isEmpty() ? "" : "."
+ localeIdent.toLowerCase());
public List<Translation> getTranslations() {
List<Element> translationElements = translationDocument
return -> {
final String key = el.getAttribute(KEY_NAME).getValue();
final String currentValue = el.getChildText(VALUE_NAME);
return new Translation(key, originalLocale.get(key), currentValue);
public void updateTranslation(final String key, final String newTranslation) {
Element translationToUpdate = getValueElement(key);
private Element getValueElement(final String key) {
XPathExpression<Element> expression = xPathFactory.compile("/*/"
+ ELEMENT_NAME + "[@" + KEY_NAME + "='" + key + "']/"
+ VALUE_NAME, Filters.element());
// ohh damn that's so many assumptions
Element element = expression.evaluate(translationDocument).get(0);
return element;
public void save() {
XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
Path outFile = currentPath.resolve(fileNameString(currentTargetLocale));
try (OutputStream outStream = Files.newOutputStream(outFile,
StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) {
outputter.output(translationDocument, outStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
presenter.onException(e, "Could not save File");
public Translation getSingleTranslation(final String key) {
final String currentValue = getValueElement(key).getText();
return new Translation(key, originalLocale.get(key), currentValue);
This is the model-class I currently use. The whole code in it's current state can be viewed on github
What I'm worried about most in this class:
- The "state machine" I have running in
- My usage of JDOM and general Document manipulation
- Extensibility to additional resx features like Comments
As always interesting to me are comments concerning:
- Naming
- Performance
- Everything that catches your eye :D