I'm trying to clone a Dots game with some little differences (power ups and objectives) as a school project. I have almost every objective done so now, I'm not trying to get my work done for free. I am however asking for code structure advice and to learn if you find any horrible mistake. I'm sorry that the code isn't commented, maybe a bad habit but I prefer to make the code as readable as I can without them (at least I hope it is readable).
Also, pt.isel.a41530.lib.tile
package is not my code and I'm not asking for a review of that code.
My main concerns are:
- Redundant code in the game logic, especially with the combo having objects with x,y when I have a bi-dimensional array.
- Too much work to add new Pieces:
- Creating a class for the object, creating a type (on the enum) but that static reference doesn't seem good to me, it still seems better than creating an object every time I want to check the object characteristics.
- The class for the
seems to have to much work: The game logic is divided in 2 classes, one handles all the "base game mechanics" and the other handles the score/objectives/playsleft/save/load. Should I split them a bit more? - Visual characteristics of the pieces are on the "model" (that should only handle logic and be completely portable if I might want to make the game for desktop or something along those lines).
Game Base Logic: pt/isel/a41530/linkeddots/model/LinkedDots.java
package pt.isel.a41530.linkeddots.model;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import pt.isel.a41530.linkeddots.model.pieces.Piece;
import pt.isel.a41530.linkeddots.model.pieces.PieceType;
public class LinkedDots {
private static final boolean SIMPLE = false, CONNECTED = true, FINISH = true;
private final int COLS, LINES;
private PieceType[][] grid;
private LinkedList<Piece> connectedPieces = new LinkedList<>();
private LevelManager manager;
private OnActionListener listener;
public LinkedDots(){
this(new LevelManager());
public LinkedDots(LevelManager manager){
this.manager = manager;
COLS = manager.getCols();
LINES = manager.getLines();
grid = new PieceType[COLS][LINES];
public boolean newCombo(int c, int l){
addPieceToCombo(c, l);
return true;
return false;
public boolean addLink(int c, int l){
if(validMovement(c, l)){
if(checkUndo(c, l)){
listener.undo(connectedPieces.getLast().getX(), connectedPieces.getLast().getY());
else if(checkComboCollision(c, l)){
if(specialCombo(c, l))
else if (checkTypes(c, l)){
addPieceToCombo(c, l);
return true;
return false;
private boolean checkTypes(int c, int l){
return grid[c][l] == connectedPieces.getFirst().getType()
|| grid[c][l].sample().alwaysConnects();
private boolean validMovement(int c, int l){
int x = connectedPieces.getLast().getX();
int y = connectedPieces.getLast().getY();
return (Math.abs(c - x) == 1 && l - y == 0) || (Math.abs(l - y) == 1 && c - x == 0);
private boolean checkUndo(int c, int l){
return connectedPieces.size() > 1 &&
c == connectedPieces.get(connectedPieces.size()-2).getX() &&
l == connectedPieces.get(connectedPieces.size()-2).getY();
private boolean checkComboCollision(int c, int l) {
for(Piece piece : connectedPieces){
if(piece.getX() == c && piece.getY() == l)
return true;
return false;
private boolean specialCombo(int c, int l){
return c == connectedPieces.getFirst().getX()
&& l == connectedPieces.getFirst().getY();
public boolean finishCombo(){
if(connectedPieces.size()>1) {
return true;
listener.undo(connectedPieces.getFirst().getX(), connectedPieces.getFirst().getY());
return false;
private void finishCombo(boolean type){
char pieceType = connectedPieces.getFirst().getType().getID();
int counter = clearCombo();
if(type) //type == CONNECTED
counter += clearAllPieces(connectedPieces.getFirst().getType());
if(manager.play(counter, pieceType) != FINISH) {
private int clearCombo(){
for (Piece piece: connectedPieces){
clearPiece(piece.getX(), piece.getY());
return connectedPieces.size();
private int clearAllPieces(PieceType type){
int counter = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < COLS; c++)
for(int l = LINES - 1; l >= 0; l--)
if(grid[c][l] != null && grid[c][l] == type) {
clearPiece(c, l);
return counter;
private void newPieces(){
boolean hasNext;
for (int c = 0; c < COLS; c++) { //for each column
hasNext = true;
for (int l = LINES-1; l >= 0; l--) { //for each line
if(grid[c][l] == null && hasNext) //check if is null(and still "has" next)
hasNext = checkCol(c, l); //check if truly has next and shift
if(!hasNext && grid[c][l] == null) { //if there is no more pieces
grid[c][l] = manager.newRandomPiece(); //bring a new random piece
listener.newPiece(c, l); //notify that there is a new piece
private boolean checkCol(int column, int lineOffset){
for(int line = lineOffset - 1; line >= 0; line--){ //for each line (starting in the offset)
if(grid[column][line] != null){ //if the line != null "hasNext"
if(grid[column][line].sample().isMovable()) {
/* Shift Piece in model and view */
grid[column][lineOffset] = grid[column][line];
listener.shiftPiece(column, line, lineOffset);
grid[column][line] = null;
return true;
return false;
private void addPieceToCombo(int c, int l){
connectedPieces.add(PieceType.newPiece(grid[c][l], c, l));
public void addPiece(char type, int c, int l){
grid[c][l] = PieceType.valueOf(type);
public void addPiece(PieceType type, int c, int l){
grid[c][l] = type;
private void resetCombo(){
connectedPieces = new LinkedList<>();
private void clearPiece(int c, int l) {
grid[c][l] = null;
listener.clearPiece(c, l);
public PieceType getPiece(int c, int l) {
return grid[c][l];
public int getCols(){
return COLS;
public int getLines(){
return LINES;
public int getScore(){
return manager.getScore();
public int getPlays() {
return manager.getPlaysRemaining()>0? manager.getPlaysRemaining() : 0;
public void saveLevel(BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException {
manager.saveLevel(writer, this);
public void setOnPlayListener(OnActionListener listener){
this.listener = listener;
public String toString(){
String model = "";
for (int l = 0; l < LINES; l++) {
for (int c = 0; c < COLS; c++) {
model += grid[c][l].getID() + " ";
model += "\n";
return model;
Game Score Logic (plus Save/Load) pt/isel/a41530/linkeddots/model/LevelManager.java
package pt.isel.a41530.linkeddots.model;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import pt.isel.a41530.linkeddots.model.pieces.PieceType;
public class LevelManager {
public static final int COLS = 6, LINES = 6, PLAYS_REMAINING = 15, SCORE = 0;
private final int cols, lines;
private int score;
private int playsRemaining;
private int totalPieceTypes;
private Objective[] objectives;
private String[] initialData;
public LevelManager(){
cols = COLS;
lines = LINES;
playsRemaining = PLAYS_REMAINING;
score = SCORE;
totalPieceTypes = 6;
public LevelManager(int cols, int lines, int playsRemaining, int score){
this.cols = cols;
this.lines = lines;
this.playsRemaining = playsRemaining;
this.score = score;
totalPieceTypes = 3;
public LevelManager(int cols, int lines, int playsRemaining, int score, int totalPieceTypes){
this(cols, lines, playsRemaining, score);
this.totalPieceTypes = totalPieceTypes;
public boolean play(int score, char type){
this.score += score;
for (Objective objective : objectives)
if(objective.getType() == type)
return playsRemaining--<=0;
public static LevelManager loadLevel(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException{
String[] line = reader.readLine().split("[ x]");
int cols = Integer.parseInt(line[0]);
int lines = Integer.parseInt(line[1]);
int playsRemaining = Integer.parseInt(line[2]);
int score = Integer.parseInt(line[3]);
LevelManager manager = new LevelManager(cols, lines, playsRemaining, score);
/* Seconds Line : Objectives */
String s = reader.readLine();
if(s.length()>1) {
line = s.split(" ");
Objective[] objectives = new Objective[line.length];
for (int i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
char c = line[i].charAt(0);
String objective = "";
String progress = "";
for (int l = 1; l < line[i].length(); l++) {
if (line[i].charAt(l) == '/') {
for (l++; l < line[i].length(); l++) {
progress += line[i].charAt(l);
} else objective += line[i].charAt(l);
objectives[i] = new Objective(c, Integer.valueOf(objective));
if (progress.length() > 0) {
/* New Pieces */
manager.initialData = new String[lines];
for(int l = 0; l < lines && (s = reader.readLine())!=null; l++) {
manager.initialData[l] = s.replace(" ", "");
return manager;
public void saveLevel(BufferedWriter writer, LinkedDots model) throws IOException{
writer.write(cols + "x" + lines + " " + playsRemaining + " " + score);
if(objectives!=null) {
for (Objective obj : objectives) {
writer.write(obj.toString() + " ");
public void newLevel(LinkedDots model) {
if(initialData != null){
private void dataLevel(LinkedDots model) {
for(int l = 0; l < lines; l++)
for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
model.addPiece(initialData[l].charAt(c), c, l);
private void randomLevel(LinkedDots model){
for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
for(int l = 0; l < lines; l++)
model.addPiece(newRandomPiece(), c, l);
public PieceType newRandomPiece(){
return PieceType.createPiece((int)(Math.random() * totalPieceTypes));
private void setObjective(Objective[] obj){
this.objectives = new Objective[obj.length];
System.arraycopy(obj, 0, this.objectives, 0, obj.length);
public int getCols(){
return cols;
public int getLines(){
return lines;
public int getScore(){
return score;
public int getPlaysRemaining(){
return playsRemaining;
public int getPieceTypes() {
return totalPieceTypes;
public Objective[] getObjectives(){
return objectives;
public static class Objective{
private final char type;
private final int objective;
private int progress = 0;
private Objective(char type, int amount) {
this.type = type;
this.objective = amount;
public boolean increase(int progress){
return (this.progress += progress) >= objective;
public char getType() {
return type;
public int getObjective() {
return objective;
public int getProgress(){
return progress;
public void setProgress(int progress) {
this.progress = progress;
public String toString(){
String obj = String.valueOf((progress == 0)? objective : (objective + "/" + progress));
return type + obj;
PieceTypes Enum: pt/isel/a41530/linkeddots/model/pieces/PieceType.java
package pt.isel.a41530.linkeddots.model.pieces;
public enum PieceType {
protected Piece newPiece(int c, int l){
return new BasicPiece(c, l, getID());
public Piece sample(){
return redPieceSample;
}, GREEN('G'){
protected Piece newPiece(int c, int l){
return new BasicPiece(c, l, getID());
public Piece sample(){
return greenPieceSample;
}, BLUE('B'){
protected Piece newPiece(int c, int l){
return new BasicPiece(c, l, getID());
public Piece sample(){
return bluePieceSample;
}, AllType('?'){
protected Piece newPiece(int c, int l) {
return new AllTypePiece(c, l);
public Piece sample() {
return allTypePieceSample;
}, BLOCK('#'){
protected Piece newPiece(int c, int l) {
return null;
public Piece sample() {
return blockPieceSample;
}, N_BLOCK('X'){
protected Piece newPiece(int c, int l) {
return null;
public Piece sample() {
return noGravityBlockSample;
private final char NAME_ID;
private PieceType(char nameID){
this.NAME_ID = nameID;
protected abstract Piece newPiece(int c, int l);
public abstract Piece sample();
public static PieceType valueOf(char c){
for(PieceType dot: values()){
if(dot.NAME_ID == c) {
return dot;
return null;
public char getID(){
return NAME_ID;
public static PieceType createPiece(int rng){
for(PieceType type: values()){
if(type.ordinal() == rng) {
return type;
return null;
public static Piece newPiece(PieceType type, int c, int l) {
return type.newPiece(c, l);
private static Piece redPieceSample = new BasicPiece('R');
private static Piece greenPieceSample = new BasicPiece('G');
private static Piece bluePieceSample = new BasicPiece('B');
private static Piece allTypePieceSample = new AllTypePiece();
private static Piece blockPieceSample = new BlockPiece();
private static Piece noGravityBlockSample = new NoGravityBlockPiece();