I'm writing to some serial comm port with specific bytes set into buffer. My protocol for write buffer is written below. Platform is Windows and IDE is Visual C++.
- Byte 0 will have message type indicator (Byte)
- Byte 1-4 will have message number (Uint32)
- Byte 5-8 will have unix epoch time (Uint32)
- Byte 13-14 will have number of sample packets (Uint16)
- Bytes 15+ (upto 60) will have sample data packets (Uint16)
- Byte 15+(No of samples*2) will have end of message (Byte)
Now I'm concern about buffer building (raw Bytes) from integer or short values.
void ConvertIntToByte(int iValue, BYTE* ucRawBuffer, int iOffset)
ucRawBuffer[iOffset] = ((iValue >> 24) & 0xFF);
ucRawBuffer[iOffset+1] = ((iValue >> 16) & 0xFF);
ucRawBuffer[iOffset+2] = ((iValue >> 8) & 0xFF);
ucRawBuffer[iOffset+3] = (iValue & 0xFF);
void ConvertShortToByte(short iValue, BYTE* ucRawBuffer, int iOffset)
ucRawBuffer[iOffset] = (iValue >> 8) & 0xFF;
ucRawBuffer[iOffset+1] = iValue & 0xFF;
void DataThreadFunction()
DWORD dwRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_hDataSendEvent, INFINITE);
if(dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
int iUTCTime = GetEpochTime();
ASSERT(m_iMaxSamples != 0);
BYTE ucXmtdat[60] = {0};
ucXmtdat[0] = 0x0B;
ConvertIntToByte(iUTCTime, ucXmtdat, 1);
ConvertIntToByte(m_iMsgSequence, ucXmtdat, 5);
ConvertIntToByte(m_iMaxSamples, ucXmtdat, 13);
int iOffset = 15;
// m_data - member vector populating from some other method
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_data.size(); i++)
short iCurrData = m_data[i];
ConvertShortToByte(iCurrData, ucXmtdat, iOffset);
iOffset += sizeof(unsigned short);
iOffset = 15+(m_iMaxSamples*2);
ucXmtdat[iOffset] = 0xCA;
bool bSuccess = m_objComm.WriteCommPort(ucXmtdat, 60);