I have written a little class that is basicly looking for video files in given directory and then parsing some info about those files. Finally it saves everything in a list.
To properly run this you need ffmpeg.exe (to get file duration).
Can you please give me some hints how can I improve my code? I am not sure if I have correctly used try-except instructions.
How would you advise me to store the data? Now i saved it as CSV but I think that is a bad idea - reading will be difficult.
This code works, but now I would like it to be well-written and clear as crystal.
import os
from stat import * # ST_SIZE etc
import subprocess
import re
import csv
class FileList:
def __init__(self, directoryPath):
self.directoryPath = directoryPath #FileList object will hold directory path that is being searched
self.filelist=[] #this will hold list of all found files
self.skippedFiles=[] #this will hold files that were skipped while searching
def filelength(self, filePath):
process = subprocess.Popen(['ffmpeg', '-i', filePath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
matches = re.search(r"Duration:\s{1}(?P<hours>\d+?):(?P<minutes>\d+?):(?P<seconds>\d+\.\d+?),", stdout, re.DOTALL).groupdict()
#print process.pid
duration = {'hours': matches['hours'], 'minutes' : matches['minutes'], 'seconds' : matches['seconds'], 'total_in_sec' : float(matches['seconds']) + 60 * float(matches['minutes']) + 3600 * float(matches['hours'])}
return duration
def scanDirectory(self, allowedFormats):
#convert allowedFormats to lower case (self.fileFormat will also be converted)
#we need to do so because "mp4" != "MP4"
[x.lower() for x in allowedFormats]
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(self.directoryPath):
for f in files:
#Try reading stats of the file (Absoulte path) if it doesn't fail then we can continue parsing
self.absolutePath = path + '\\' + f
self.fileName_split = f.split(".")
self.fileFormat = self.fileName_split[-1]
except IOError:
print "Failed to get information", f
print "Error reading file info or getting file format"
#There was no error reading filename, so we can continue parsing files
if self.fileFormat.lower() in allowedFormats:
self.duration = self.filelength(self.absolutePath)
except Exception as inst:
print type(inst) # the exception instance
print inst # __str__ allows args to be printed directly
print "You are probably trying to get filelength of a file that isn't a video file. Hence ffmpeg fails."
#There was no error reading movie file so we can update metadata
duration_string = "[%s:%s:%s]" % (self.duration['hours'],self.duration['minutes'],self.duration['seconds'])
self.metadata = {'fullpath' : self.absolutePath ,
'filename' : f ,
'format' : self.fileFormat,
'filelength' : duration_string,
'filesize' : self.st[ST_SIZE],
'ratio' : (self.duration['total_in_sec'] / self.st[ST_SIZE]) * 1000*1000}
#time/size ratio, *1000 to convery bytes to kilobytes and then *1000 to scale the ratio to whole numbers
# 0-4 bad, 4-6 not good, 6-8 good, 8> great
print self.metadata
self.metadata_skipped = {'fullpath' : self.absolutePath, 'format' : self.fileFormat}
def dataOutput(self, filelist):
self.writer = csv.writer(open('dict.csv', 'wb'))
self.writer.writerow(["number of files", filelist.__len__()])
for i in filelist: #filelist contains dictionaries with metadata about movie file
for key, value in i.items(): #take each pair: [key,value] in dictionary i.items returns all the [key,value] pairs
self.writer.writerow([key, value]) #write each [key,value] pair as a single line, separate them with comma
self.writer.writerow("")#write blank line to separate each dictionary (so each file metadata)
if __name__ == "__main__":
my_FileList = FileList("C:\Movies")
my_FileList.scanDirectory(["mp4", "mkv", "flv", "wmv", "avi", "mpg", "mpeg"])