I implemented this code, looking at a dependency injection program as an example. I wanted to confirm with you all whether this implementation is the right way of doing the same.
namespace TestAsyncProjectWithDI
public interface IReadFileTypes
void ReadUsingFileSteamAsync();
public class ReadfileFromSystem: IReadFileTypes
private readonly StreamReader _reader =null;
public ReadfileFromSystem(StreamReader reader)
_reader = reader;
public async void ReadUsingFileSteamAsync()
await Task.Run(()=> Console.WriteLine("Reading the content of File: {0}", _reader.ReadToEnd()));
public class Builder
public IReadFileTypes ReadFileTypes { get; set; }
private string path = "C:\\Brackets\\Projects\\index2.html";
public Builder()
ReadFileTypes = new ReadfileFromSystem(new StreamReader(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)));
public class Program
private readonly IReadFileTypes _readFileTypes = null;
public Program(IReadFileTypes readFileTypes)
this._readFileTypes = readFileTypes;
public void FunctionInvoke()
//starting point of the class
public class Default
static void Main(string[] args)
var build = new Builder();
var obj = new Program(build.ReadFileTypes);