The following code snippets are academic. I was required to make a PHP generated HTML interface for a MySQL database of a movie rental store, and the requirement was filtering the displayed movies by category.
The approach for having the filter persist across all form actions (without using a session) was to have the hidden form input inserted into all the other forms on the page. And my first approach to this was testing if $_POST['category']
is set, and if so echoing the HTML tag for the hidden input to carry the category variable to the next page.
This was still the method, but, I tinkered with it and decided that instead of testing if a category was selected at every form I could test once, and if not leave the string variable for the HTML tag empty and echo it regardless.
This worked nicely but I'm curious if if in a larger/co-operative project if the possible confusion for the outputting of a variable that is sometimes empty (i.e. ineffectual) and sometimes not will be more confusing than the lines of code and processing time saved.
$categorySelected = '';
$hiddenCategory = '';
//conect to databes
//create mysqli object
if( isset($_POST['category']) && $_POST['category'] != $Allcats ){
//<check that catagory still has entries>
//if there are entries for category filter, set local variable, and html tag for form input
//hidden input tag is inserted to all forms to carry category selection to next page reload
if(<videos of that category exist>){
$categorySelected = $_POST['category'];
$hiddenCategory = "<input type='hidden' name='category' value='$categorySelected'>";
} //else //<display message that there are no videos of that category>
//database manipulations completed
//html header
//in all forms in html $hiddenCategory is echod
//to add category k/v pair to post
//or '' is echoed with no consequence if category not set
<form id='addvideo' action = <?php echo $SELF; ?> method ='post'>
<?php echo $hiddenCategory; ?>
<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='addvideo'>
<input type="submit" value="ADD VIDEO">
Name:<input type="text" name="name">
<!-- more fields.... -->
//prepare statement for all entries of category filtered
$vidStmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM records");
$vidStmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM records WHERE category=?");
//iterate over all videos in database query, creating <tr> for each
echo "<tr>
<td> $name <td> $category <td> $length <td>
<form class='rent' action = $SELF method ='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='rent'>
.... more fields ..