The part I'm really wondering about is in the "if, elif, else" part. I set the variable to bring up the raw input thing so it would stay there long enough to read instead of just printing a response and closing the program right away. There must be a better way of doing this. An answer about that, and any other tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is my first program.
import random
#Define rolling function.
def rollDice():
#Set min and max levels for random.
min = 1
max = 20
#Set variable to yes, then set up 'while' loop.
rollAgain = 'yes'
while rollAgain == 'yes' or rollAgain == 'y':
print ('Sam rolled ' + str(random.randrange(min,max)) + '.')
print ('Jeff rolled ' + str(random.randrange(min,max)) + '.')
#Variable value is reset by user - loops to begining if answer is 'yes.'
rollAgain = raw_input('Would you like to roll again?')
#For looks.
print ('------')
'''If variable is set to 'no' variable is reset
as raw_input so text response won't disappear.'''
if rollAgain == 'no' or rollAgain == 'n':
rollAgain == raw_input("Okay, I'm going home.")
#First lines read, preface the function.
yN = raw_input('You want to roll?')
if yN == 'yes' or yN == 'y':
print '------'
elif yN == 'no' or yN == 'n':
yN == raw_input('Then why am I here?')
yN == raw_input("I can't understand your sausage fingers, restart the program.")