I saw this question "Is this implementation of an Asynchronous TCP/UDP Server correct" and it is very similar to what I want to do but it goes about it in a different way so I am wondering if anyone would mind doing some constructive critism on my method please.
I'm looking for any feedback along the lines of "when x happens your server will fall over because of y" or something like that.
My intention is that the server should log out errors that happen and raise an event when it has data. I want it to be really resilient and just deal with errors where it can and carry on waiting for clients but there is a point where I think that is not possible which is why I have the FatalError event.
So, my server class will have this interface:
public interface IMySocketServer
// Start the server listening and return immediately
void Open();
// Stop the server
void Close();
// Raised when data is receieved
event EventHandler<SocketDataEventArgs> DataReceived;
// Raised when a fatal error has happened such that the
// server cannot recover itself
event EventHandler<EventArgs> FatalError;
and for completeness here is the event arguments class:
public class SocketDataEventArgs : EventArgs
private readonly byte[] _data;
public SocketDataEventArgs(byte[] data)
_data = data;
public byte[] GetData()
return _data;
My implementation looks like this:
public class MySocketServer : IMySocketServer
private readonly TcpListener _listener;
private ILogger _logger = NullLogger.Instance;
public event EventHandler<SocketDataEventArgs> DataReceived;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> FatalError;
public MySocketServer(int port) : this(port, 2048)
public MySocketServer(int port, int inputBufferSize)
InputBufferSize = inputBufferSize;
_listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
public ILogger Logger
get { return _logger; }
set { _logger = value; }
public int InputBufferSize { get; set; }
protected virtual void OnDataReceived(SocketDataEventArgs e)
var evt = DataReceived;
if (evt != null)
evt(this, e);
protected virtual void OnFatalError(EventArgs e)
var evt = FatalError;
if (evt != null)
evt(this, e);
public void Close()
// Start the server - this will throw a SocketException or an
// ObjectDisposedException if it cannot start - the caller can catch
// these and deal with them. It will also check the buffer is a
// sensible size and throw an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if not
public void Open()
if (InputBufferSize <= 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The buffer must be larger than 0");
var res = _listener.BeginAcceptSocket(OnAcceptSocket, _listener);
if (res.CompletedSynchronously)
private void OnAcceptSocket(IAsyncResult res)
var thread = Thread.CurrentThread;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thread.Name))
thread.Name = "Accept " + thread.ManagedThreadId;
if (!res.CompletedSynchronously)
private void AcceptSocket(IAsyncResult res)
// End the current Accept and get the socket and start another
// one straight away so as not to block the server
var listener = (TcpListener)res.AsyncState;
Socket socket = null;
socket = listener.EndAcceptSocket(res);
catch (ObjectDisposedException e)
// Will log this exception but I do not think there is anything
// else to do here?
catch (SocketException e)
// If the socket is closed before we can end log the error but
// bury it since it is probably a client that has disconnected
var r = listener.BeginAcceptSocket(OnAcceptSocket, listener);
if (r.CompletedSynchronously)
catch (SocketException e)
// This is really bad if this happens - we will not
// be able to accept the next TCP request not sure there
// is much I can do here, the server is just broken, or
// is there something I can do??
OnFatalError(new EventArgs());
catch (ObjectDisposedException e)
// See above - same reason
OnFatalError(new EventArgs());
if (socket != null)
// If it gets here, we are waiting for the next client and we
// have the socket for this client
private void HandleSocket(Socket socket)
var ms = new MemoryStream();
using (socket)
// Read the input in chunks and append them
// to the data array
var buffer = new byte[InputBufferSize];
int read;
while ((read = socket.Receive(buffer,
SocketFlags.None)) > 0)
ms.Write(buffer, 0, read);
catch (SocketException e)
// Now everything should be closed we can raise the data received
// event
OnDataReceived(new SocketDataEventArgs(ms.ToArray()));
It has been pointed out that I should clarify some thnigs (thanks Bobby):
The names of the types are just because I didn't want to say exactly what I would call it in real life since it would describe the product (rest assured the name is not My anything and is wonderfully descriptive).
I didn't go XML doc comment style because I wanted to keep the code part brief for this question (I do always xml comment in the real world, but I wanted to know about the implementation and just commented essentially what each bit is doing).
The Data of my SocketEventArgs should not be a readonly property because I do not want it to be modified by the caller.
I don't agree with the naming convention for c# member variables described at Guidelines for Names as I have found that I really do want to know if a variable is a member) and the
is pretty common (and less tedious and mistake prone than requiringthis.
) - just a personal preference thing I know!The wrapping is because I keep the code to 80 characters wide (this is a convention to make it easy to read on whatever resolution/font size you are using - I find horizontal scrolling code to be a horrible reading experience) - lining up the parameters like that is so you can see which method they are gonig into.