I am trying to format supplied phone numbers for a web application. Users in general will be supplying US-based phone numbers, but it is possible for some users to input a phone number from another country.
Here are my assumptions:
- Default to US if the number of digits is 7 or 10 after stripping non-digits. If not, just return the String
- Use tested external libraries where possible since speed isn't an utmost concern (the service can be run in the background if it is really that slow).
- Prefer an external library over a custom regex.
For the first assumption, I am thinking that if there is another country that has phone numbers with 7 or 10 digits, it's not the end of the world to have it formatted in US format.
Here's my code anyway, using Google's libphonenumber:
public static String formatPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber, Locale locale) throws NumberParseException {
PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
Phonenumber.PhoneNumber usNumber = phoneUtil.parse(phoneNumber, locale.getCountry());
return phoneUtil.format(usNumber, PhoneNumberUtil.PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL);
public static String formatUSPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) throws NumberParseException {
//First strip out any non-digits
phoneNumber = stripNonDigits(phoneNumber);
phoneNumber = (phoneNumber == null) ? BaseConstants.EMPTY_STRING : phoneNumber;
if ((phoneNumber.length() != 7) && (phoneNumber.length() != 10)) {
return phoneNumber;
return formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, Locale.US);
I am adding this method to be comprehensive, but it's not directly needed for review (credit to SO):
public static String stripNonDigits(final CharSequence input){
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input.length());
for(int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++){
final char c = input.charAt(i);
if(c > 47 && c < 58){
return sb.toString();
The associated JUnit
public void testFormatPhoneNumber() throws NumberParseException {
assertEquals(FormUtils.formatPhoneNumber("2122222222", Locale.US), "(212) 222-2222");
assertEquals(FormUtils.formatPhoneNumber("2122222222", Locale.CANADA), "(212) 222-2222");
assertEquals(FormUtils.formatPhoneNumber("(021)11111111", Locale.GERMANY), "0211 1111111");
public void testFormatUSPhoneNumber() throws NumberParseException {
assertEquals(FormUtils.formatUSPhoneNumber("2122222222"), "(212) 222-2222");
assertEquals(FormUtils.formatUSPhoneNumber("92122222222"), "92122222222");
assertEquals(FormUtils.formatUSPhoneNumber("(212)2222222"), "(212) 222-2222");
assertEquals(FormUtils.formatUSPhoneNumber("(212)222-2222"), "(212) 222-2222");
assertEquals(FormUtils.formatUSPhoneNumber("(212) 222-2222"), "(212) 222-2222");
Is there a better way to do this? Are there tests I should add?