I had to create a program that had a struct that held data inside of it. I had to read an input file and take the contents and read it into an array of structs. Then, I had to solve for some particular statistical data such as finding the lowest and highest scores from the data. I completed my source code and it runs and gives me the correct output, but I would like second opinions. Please note that the comments are for my own personal benefit. Even though the source code easily allows readers to understand what is going on, I have included them to help myself stay organized.
The instructions for the assignment are down below:
Using functional decomposition, write a program to keep records and perform statistical analysis for a class of 9 students. There are 3 exams, each worth 100 points, during the semester. Each student is identified by a 4-digit student ID with a first name and a last name and followed by three exam scores.
You will read the input data from an input file scores.txt (will be posted in Etudes); and data is in the format (studentID, first name, last name, exam1, exam2 and exam3).
Each line of data for one student will be read from file and then assigned to a struct variable. Consequently, you will need an array of structs to store all the data read from the input file. This will be a 1-dimensional array.
Once you read data from the file to your array, you are required to calculate and display the following statistics for each exam. The statistics to be shown will be the:
lowest score.
highest score.
average score rounded to 2 decimal place.
standard deviation rounded to 2 decimal place.
It will be better to have an array for each statistic of size 3, that is an array for lowest values, and so on.
The ‘xx’ values above needs to be calculated using data provided. You may assume the scores from the file had been validated and they are all valid.
Also display the count of students as indicated above on the left side of each row.
The grade will be based on the total of all the 3 exams which will be out of 300, and grade will be as follows:
Total Score Grade 270 or more A 240 to 269 B 210 to 239 C 180 to 209 D 179 or less F
You should also have a function to sort the result in ascending order of last name.
Input File:
1234 David Dalton 82 86 80 9138 Shirley Gross 90 98 94 3124 Cynthia Morley 87 84 82 4532 Albert Roberts 56 89 78 5678 Amelia Pauls 90 87 65 6134 Samson Smith 29 65 33 7874 Michael Garett 91 92 92 8026 Melissa Downey 74 75 89 9893 Gabe Yu 69 66 68
Expected output (or something similar to it):
My output:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
struct StudentData
int studentID;
string first_name;
string last_name;
int exam1;
int exam2;
int exam3;
int total;
char ch;
const int SIZE = 9;
const int INFO = 4;
// Function prototypes
void openInputFile(ifstream &, string);
void getTotal(StudentData[]);
void getGrade(StudentData[]);
void calcLowest(StudentData[], int &, int &, int &, int &, int[]);
void calcHighest(StudentData[], int &, int &, int &, int &, int[]);
void getAverage(StudentData[], int, double &, double &, double &, double &, double[]);
void getStd(StudentData[], double &, double &, double &, double &, double &, double &, double &, double &, double[]);
void print(StudentData[], int[], int[], double[], double[]);
void sort(StudentData[]);
int main()
// Variables
StudentData arr[SIZE];
int lowest1, lowest2, lowest3, lowest4; // Stores lowest exam scores
int highest1, highest2, highest3, highest4; // Holds highest exam scores
double average1 = 0, average2 = 0, average3 = 0, average4 = 0; // Represents average of each exam
double std1 = 0, std2 = 0, std3 = 0, std4 = 0; // Holds standard deviation for Exams 1-3 and Total
int lowest[INFO] = {};
int highest[INFO] = {};
double average[INFO] = {};
double standardDeviation[INFO] = {};
ifstream inFile;
string inFileName = "C:\\Users\\Lisa\\Desktop\\scores.txt";
// Call function to read data in file
openInputFile(inFile, inFileName);
// Read data into an array of structs
for(int count = 0; count < SIZE; count++)
inFile >> arr[count].studentID >> arr[count].first_name >> arr[count].last_name >> arr[count].exam1 >> arr[count].exam2 >> arr[count].exam3;
// Close input file
// Get score total for each student
// Determine grade for each student
// Calculate lowest scores in each exam and total scores
calcLowest(arr, lowest1, lowest2, lowest3, lowest4, lowest);
// Calculate highest scores in each exam and total scores
calcHighest(arr, highest1, highest2, highest3, highest4, highest);
// Calculate average of each exam and the average of the total scores
getAverage(arr, SIZE, average1, average2, average3, average4, average);
// Calculate standard deviation of each category
getStd(arr, std1, std2, std3, std4, average1, average2, average3, average4, standardDeviation);
cout << "\n";
// Print unsorted data
print(arr, lowest, highest, average, standardDeviation);
cout << "\n";
// Sort data
// Print sorted data
print(arr, lowest, highest, average, standardDeviation);
return 0;
* Pre-condition:
* Post-condition:
void openInputFile(ifstream &inFile, string inFileName)
//Open the file
//Input validation
if (!inFile)
cout << "Error to open file." << endl;
cout << endl;
* Pre-condition:
* Post-condition:
void getTotal(StudentData arr[])
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
arr[i].total = arr[i].exam1 + arr[i].exam2 + arr[i].exam3;
* Pre-condition:
* Post-condition:
void getGrade(StudentData arr[])
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
if(arr[i].total >= 270)
arr[i].ch = 'A';
else if(arr[i].total >= 240)
arr[i].ch = 'B';
else if(arr[i].total >= 210)
arr[i].ch = 'C';
else if(arr[i].total >= 180)
arr[i].ch = 'D';
arr[i].ch = 'F';
* Pre-condition:
* Post-condition:
void calcLowest(StudentData arr[], int &lowest1, int &lowest2, int &lowest3, int &lowest4, int lowest[])
int smallest = 0;
lowest1 = arr[0].exam1;
lowest2 = arr[0].exam2;
lowest3 = arr[0].exam3;
lowest4 = arr[0].total;
// Loop to determine lowest score from Exam1, 2, 3, and Total
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
if (lowest1 > arr[i].exam1)
lowest1 = arr[i].exam1;
smallest = i;
if (lowest2 > arr[i].exam2)
lowest2 = arr[i].exam2;
smallest = i;
if (lowest3 > arr[i].exam3)
lowest3 = arr[i].exam3;
smallest = i;
if (lowest4 > arr[i].total)
lowest4 = arr[i].total;
smallest = i;
// Loop lowest values into an array of size 4
for(int index = 0; index < INFO; index++)
if(index == 0)
lowest[0] = lowest1;
else if(index == 1)
lowest[1] = lowest2;
else if(index == 2)
lowest[2] = lowest3;
else if(index == 3)
lowest[3] = lowest4;
cout << "Fail!" << endl;
* Pre-condition:
* Post-condition:
void calcHighest(StudentData arr[], int &highest1, int &highest2, int &highest3, int &highest4, int highest[])
int biggest = 0;
highest1 = arr[0].exam1;
highest2 = arr[0].exam2;
highest3 = arr[0].exam3;
highest4 = arr[0].total;
// Loop to determine highest score from Exam1, 2, 3, and Total
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
if (highest1 < arr[i].exam1)
highest1 = arr[i].exam1;
biggest = i;
if (highest2 < arr[i].exam2)
highest2 = arr[i].exam2;
biggest = i;
if (highest3 < arr[i].exam3)
highest3 = arr[i].exam3;
biggest = i;
if (highest4 < arr[i].total)
highest4 = arr[i].total;
biggest = i;
// Loop highest values into an array of size 4
for(int index = 0; index < INFO; index++)
if(index == 0)
highest[0] = highest1;
else if(index == 1)
highest[1] = highest2;
else if(index == 2)
highest[2] = highest3;
else if(index == 3)
highest[3] = highest4;
cout << "Fail!" << endl;
* Pre-condition:
* Post-condition:
void getAverage(StudentData arr[], int size, double &average1, double &average2, double &average3, double &average4, double average[])
int sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0, sum3 = 0, sum4 = 0;
// Get sum of each category (Exam1, 2, 3, and Total)
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
sum1 += arr[i].exam1;
sum2 += arr[i].exam2;
sum3 += arr[i].exam3;
sum4 += arr[i].total;
// Calculate average for each category
average1 += static_cast<double>(sum1)/size;
average2 += static_cast<double>(sum2)/size;
average3 += static_cast<double>(sum3)/size;
average4 += static_cast<double>(sum4)/size;
// Loop average values into an array of size 4
for(int index = 0; index < INFO; index++)
if(index == 0)
average[0] = average1;
else if(index == 1)
average[1] = average2;
else if(index == 2)
average[2] = average3;
else if(index == 3)
average[3] = average4;
cout << "Fail!" << endl;
* Pre-condition:
* Post-condition:
void getStd(StudentData arr[], double &std1, double &std2, double &std3, double &std4, double &average1, double &average2, double &average3, double &average4, double standardDeviation[])
double deviationSum1 = 0, deviationSum2 = 0, deviationSum3 = 0, deviationSum4 = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
deviationSum1 += pow((arr[i].exam1 - average1), 2);
deviationSum2 += pow((arr[i].exam2 - average2), 2);
deviationSum3 += pow((arr[i].exam3 - average3), 2);
deviationSum4 += pow((arr[i].total - average4), 2);
std1 = sqrt(deviationSum1 / ((SIZE) - 1));
std2 = sqrt(deviationSum2 / ((SIZE) - 1));
std3 = sqrt(deviationSum3 / ((SIZE) - 1));
std4 = sqrt(deviationSum4 / ((SIZE) - 1));
// Loop average values into an array of size
for(int index = 0; index < INFO; index++)
if(index == 0)
standardDeviation[0] = std1;
else if(index == 1)
standardDeviation[1] = std2;
else if(index == 2)
standardDeviation[2] = std3;
else if(index == 3)
standardDeviation[3] = std4;
cout << "Fail!" << endl;
cout << "\n";
* Pre-condition:
* Post-condition:
void sort(StudentData arr[])
StudentData temp;
for (int i = 0; i < (SIZE - 1); i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < SIZE; j++)
if (arr[i].last_name > arr[j].last_name)
temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;