I'm trying to build a JavaScript library that does basic financial calculations, such as NPV, IRR, PV, FV, etc. So far I've added the NPV functionality only, and it's passed my test cases. But I want to know if the code overall can be written better.
(function () {
This library depends on underscore.js
'use strict';
var root = this, previousFin = root.Fin, Fin = root.Fin = {}, _ = root._;
Fin.VERSION = '0.0.1';
Fin.PRECISION = 4; // floating point precision
Runs Fin.js in noConflict mode and
returns reference to this Fin object
Fin.noConflict = function () {
root.Fin = previousFin;
return this;
NPV - Net Present Value
rate = the periodic discount rate
example: If the discount rate is 10% enter 0.1, not 10.
payments = an array or object (keys are the year numbers) of payments
example: [-100, 50, 60] means an initial cash outflow of 100 at time 0,
then cash inflows of 50 at the end of the period one, and 60 at
the end of the period two.
If you pass {0: -100, 2:50}, then the payment at the end of the
year one is assumed to be 0.
Fin.npv = function (rate, payments, precision) {
if (isNaN(rate)) {
/* rate needs to be a number */
return null;
if (_.isArray(payments)) {
/* all elements of the array need to be numbers */
if (!_.all(payments, function (elem) { return !isNaN(elem); })) {
return null;
} else if (_.isObject(payments)) {
/* all key, value pairs of the object need to be numbers */
if (!_.all(payments, function (key, value) { return !isNaN(key) && !isNaN(value); })) {
return null;
} else {
/* payment needs to be either an array or an object */
return null;
if (typeof (precision) === 'undefined' || isNaN(precision)) {
precision = this.PRECISION;
var i, npv = 0;
for (i in payments) {
if (payments.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
npv += payments[i] / Math.pow((1 + rate), i);
return npv.toFixed(precision);