I noticed there were already countless implementations of graphsearch procedures on here, but there were a couple of features of my approach that I haven't seen in the others, plus I would greatly appreciate some experienced eyes on my code (my university is pretty miserly with constructive criticism).
I wrote this as an assignment (already submitted for marking) so I had a few constraints. The most interesting (?) was that we were told to create a single method which could do DFS, BFS, A/A* and Uniform Cost Search - in other words, they wanted us to see that the difference lay in the ordering of the open set, not in the program logic.
* Constructor for objects of class Search
* @param strat strategy to use
* @param iterations diagnostic iterations
* @param newGraph the graph we're going to search.
public Search(String strat, int iterations, Graph newGraph) {
// initialise instance variables
strategy = strat;
diagIterations = iterations; // how many 'turns' to give full diag for.
currentIterations = 0;
graph = newGraph;
open = new LinkedList<>();
closed = new LinkedHashSet<>();
output = new OutputBlock(strategy, diagIterations, graph.getGridSize());
diagQueue = new LinkedList<>();
position = graph.findStart().getCoords();
// path = new StringBuilder("S");
// We can add the starting node to the open set now.
* When this method is called, we start the search for a path. DiagBlocks are generated and kept
* in an OutputBlock, which is returned by the method at the end.
* @return an outputblock containing the output of the search
public OutputBlock run() {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean diag = false; // We'll flip this back if we need to.
switch (strategy) {
case "D":
System.out.println("Initiating Depth-First search...");
case "B":
System.out.println("Initiating Breadth-First search...");
case "U":
System.out.println("Initiating Uniform Cost search...");
case "A":
System.out.println("Initiating A/A* search...");
System.out.println("Search strategy not available, something broke.");
boolean finished = false;
// We want to run until we're done
while (!finished) {
// Time to expand the node we've chosen (or started at)
currentIterations++; // Increment iterations
// Checking if we need diagnostics
if (currentIterations <= diagIterations) {
diag = true;
} else {
diag = false;
Node currentNode = graph.getNode(position);
// Adding this node to the closed set
if (Driver.verbose()) {
System.out.println("# Looking at node (" + currentNode.getCoords() + ") #");
.println("Type: " + currentNode.getNodeType() + " | g: " + currentNode.getCost()
+ " | h: " + currentNode.getHeuristic() + " | f: " + currentNode.getFn()
+ " | Parent: (" + currentNode.getCameFrom() + ")\n" + "Path: "
+ currentNode.getPath());
// Grabbing neighbours
LinkedHashMap<String, Edge> neighbours = currentNode.getEdges();
if (currentNode.getNodeType() == 'G') {
// If we're on the goal node, we finish and start packing up our
// output
// If we were using BFS or DFS we won't get here, because those
// strategies finish when they
// see the goal, not when they select it for expansion.
System.out.println("Found the goal node at position (" + currentNode.getCoords() + ")");
finished = true;
path = currentNode.getPath() + "-G " + currentNode.getRealCost();
if (Driver.verbose()) {
System.out.println("Final path: " + path);
// put the path into the output block
} else {
// Now adding children of this node to the open set
for (Edge neighbour : neighbours.values()) {
// Checking if this neighbour is already in the closed set.
if (!(closed.contains(neighbour.getDest()) || open.contains(neighbour.getDest()))) {
// It's not in the closed set.
if (Driver.verbose()) {
System.out.println("--> Looking at neighbour (" + neighbour.getDest().getCoords()
+ ")");
neighbour.getDest().setPath(currentNode.getPath() + "-" + neighbour.getDirection());
neighbour.getDest().setRealCost(currentNode.getRealCost() + neighbour.getEdgeCost());
switch (strategy) {
case "B":
case "D":
neighbour.getDest().setCost(currentNode.getCost() + 1);
case "U":
case "A":
neighbour.getDest().setCost(currentNode.getCost() + neighbour.getEdgeCost());
System.err.println("Something has gone terribly wrong with the strategy again.");
// We've given it a cost based on the strategy we're, now we add it to the open set.
if (strategy != "D") {
} else {
// Maybe we found the goal, we can do this in BFS and DFS
if (((strategy == "B") || (strategy == "D"))
&& (neighbour.getDest().getNodeType() == 'G')) {
// If we see the goal while doing BFS or DFS, we end
// here
System.out.println("Found the goal node while looking at neighbour ("
+ currentNode.getCoords() + ")");
finished = true;
path = neighbour.getDest().getPath() + "-G " + currentNode.getRealCost();
if (Driver.verbose()) {
System.out.println("Final path: " + path);
// Putting the path into the output block
// Done adding neighbours to the open set
// If we need diagnostics we can prepare a block now
if (diag) {
DiagBlock thisDiag = new DiagBlock();
thisDiag.addLine(currentNode.getPath() + " " + currentNode.getCost() + " "
+ currentNode.getHeuristic() + " " + currentNode.getFn());
StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder();
for (Node diagOpenNode : open) {
sb1.append(" " + diagOpenNode.getPath());
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
for (Node diagClosedNode : closed) {
sb2.append(" " + diagClosedNode.getPath());
// Done with this node
if (!finished) {
if (!selectNextNode()) {
System.out.println("Nothing left in the open set.");
finished = true;
// And we're done, returning the output block now.
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long processTime = (endTime - startTime);
System.out.println("Took " + processTime + "ms");
for (DiagBlock db : diagQueue) {
return output;
* Gets the coordinates of the node to be expanded
public boolean selectNextNode() {
// Which node we pick from the queue depends on the strategy we're using
Node nextNode;
if (open.peekLast() == null) {
// System.out.println("Didn't get a node from the open set - it's probably empty.");
return false;
switch (strategy) {
case "B":
// This case can fall through to the next, because they do the same thing.
case "D":
nextNode = open.removeFirst();
case "A":
nextNode = open.removeFirst();
case "U":
nextNode = open.removeFirst();
System.out.println("Search strategy not available, something broke.");
nextNode = null; // this is bad and doesn't really solve any problems, but it won't create
// any new ones...
return false;
position = nextNode.getCoords();
// We actually got a node, so we're returning true.
return true;
* When this is called, the pathfinding loop will be about to repeat with a new position.
* Sorts the open set by g(n) - for a Uniform Cost Search
public void sortUcs() {
Collections.sort(open, Node.GComparator);
* Sorts the open set by f(n), used for A/A*
public void sortA() {
// put your code here
Collections.sort(open, Node.FComparator);
At this stage in my learning, I'm not knowledgeable enough to really benefit from any advice relating to how the code compiles, but any advice anyone could offer as to how I can improve this and/or develop as a programmer would be amazing.
A couple of things that stand out to me:
I know LinkedList
s are universally despised, but I used one because I couldn't find another collection that intuitively allowed me to treat it as a FIFO queue, a FILO queue, AND could be easily sorted with a Comparator
. What collection would a more competent java programmer have chosen? Since the closed set didn't need to be sorted, I was free to just use a LinkedHashSet
... but in retrospect I'm not sure I even ended up iterating over the closed set at any point, so I should probably have just used a HashSet
Speaking of Comparator
s, I didn't bother to include them, as they're just one line operations comparing the path cost ('g') and path cost + heuristic ('f').