I'm really a newbie with code, and I wish to prepare all my statements to avoid SQL injection. I have searched a lot on the internet, but this wrapper/API doesn't look anything like the examples given. And I'm not yet skilled enough to fully understand how I should rework it to fit mine:)
This is my code
* parse_tweets.php
* Populate the database with new tweet data from the json_cache table
* Latest copy of this code: http://140dev.com/free-twitter-api-source-code-library/
* @author Adam Green <[email protected]>
* @license GNU Public License
* @version BETA 0.30
$oDB = new db;
// This should run continuously as a background process
while (true) {
// Process all new tweets
$query = 'SELECT cache_id, raw_tweet ' .
'FROM json_cache';
$result = $oDB->select($query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$cache_id = $row['cache_id'];
// Each JSON payload for a tweet from the API was stored in the database
// by serializing it as text and saving it as base64 raw data
$tweet_object = unserialize(base64_decode($row['raw_tweet']));
// Delete cached copy of tweet
$oDB->select("DELETE FROM json_cache WHERE cache_id = $cache_id");
// Limit tweets tgo a single language,
// such as 'en' for English
if ($tweet_object->lang <> 'en') {continue;}
// The streaming API sometimes sends duplicates,
// Test the msg_id before inserting
$msg_id = $tweet_object->id_str;
if ($oDB->in_table('tweets','msg_id=' . $msg_id )) {continue;}
// Gather tweet data from the JSON object
// $oDB->escape() escapes ' and " characters, and blocks characters that
// could be used in a SQL injection attempt
if (isset($tweet_object->retweeted_status)) {
// This is a retweet
// Use the original tweet's entities, they are more complete
$entities = $tweet_object->retweeted_status->entities;
$is_rt = 1;
} else {
$entities = $tweet_object->entities;
$is_rt = 0;
$content = $oDB->escape($tweet_object->text);
$created_at = $oDB->date($tweet_object->created_at);
if (isset($tweet_object->geo)) {
$lat = $tweet_object->geo->coordinates[0];
$long = $tweet_object->geo->coordinates[1];
} else {
$lat = $long = 0;
$user_object = $tweet_object->user;
$user_id = $user_object->id_str;
$user_name = $oDB->escape($user_object->screen_name);
$realname = $oDB->escape($user_object->name);
$profile_image_url = $user_object->profile_image_url;
// Add a new user row or update an existing one
$field_values = 'user_name = "' . $user_name . '", ' .
'profile_image_url = "' . $profile_image_url . '", ' .
'user_id = ' . $user_id . ', ' .
'realname = "' . $realname . '", ' .
'location = "' . $oDB->escape($user_object->location) . '", ' .
'url = "' . $user_object->url . '", ' .
'description = "' . $oDB->escape($user_object->description) . '", ' .
'created_at = "' . $oDB->date($user_object->created_at) . '", ' .
'followers_count = ' . $user_object->followers_count . ', ' .
'friends_count = ' . $user_object->friends_count . ', ' .
'statuses_count = ' . $user_object->statuses_count . ', ' .
'time_zone = "' . $user_object->time_zone . '", ' .
'last_update = "' . $oDB->date($tweet_object->created_at) . '"' ;
'type = "' . "twitter" . '"' ;
if ($oDB->in_table('users','user_id="' . $user_id . '"')) {
$oDB->update('users',$field_values,'user_id = "' .$user_id . '"');
} else {
// Add the new tweet
$field_values = 'msg_id = ' . $msg_id . ', ' .
'content = "' . $content . '", ' .
'created_at = "' . $created_at . '", ' .
'lat = ' . $lat . ', ' .
'`long` = ' . $long . ', ' .
'user_id = ' . $user_id . ', ' .
'user_name = "' . $user_name . '", ' .
'realname = "' . $realname . '", ' .
'profile_image_url = "' . $profile_image_url . '", ' .
'is_rt = ' . $is_rt;
// The mentions, tags, and URLs from the entities object are also
// parsed into separate tables so they can be data mined later
foreach ($entities->user_mentions as $user_mention) {
$where = 'msg_id=' . $msg_id . ' ' .
'AND source_user_id=' . $user_id . ' ' .
'AND target_user_id=' . $user_mention->id;
if(! $oDB->in_table('tweet_mentions',$where)) {
$field_values = 'msg_id=' . $msg_id . ', ' .
'source_user_id=' . $user_id . ', ' .
'target_user_id=' . $user_mention->id;
foreach ($entities->hashtags as $hashtag) {
$where = 'msg_id=' . $msg_id . ' ' .
'AND tag="' . $hashtag->text . '"';
if(! $oDB->in_table('tweet_tags',$where)) {
$field_values = 'msg_id=' . $msg_id . ', ' .
'tag="' . $hashtag->text . '"';
foreach ($entities->urls as $url) {
if (empty($url->expanded_url)) {
$url = $url->url;
} else {
$url = $url->expanded_url;
$where = 'msg_id=' . $msg_id . ' ' .
'AND url="' . $url . '"';
if(! $oDB->in_table('tweet_urls',$where)) {
$field_values = 'msg_id=' . $msg_id . ', ' .
'url="' . $url . '"';
// You can adjust the sleep interval to handle the tweet flow and
// server load you experience