The problem is adding two lists as numbers L1 = [1,9,9]
and L2 = [0,9,9]
?- sum([1,9,9],[0,9,9], Lo).
Lo = [2,9,8]
But I also wanted to add this:
?- sum([8,1,9],[1,8,2],Lo).
Lo = [1, 0, 0, 1].
I used the backtracking method I've learned:
link([Head|Tale],L2,L3):- link(Tale,L2,L), L3=[Head|L].
inve([X|Xs],L):- inve(Xs,L2), link(L2,[X],L).
sum(L1,L2,L3):- inve(L1,LI1),inve(L2,LI2), sumID(LI1,LI2,L), inve(L,[Li|LIs]),
Li > 9, Li2 is Li-10 , L3 = [1,Li2|LIs] ,!.
sum(L1,L2,L3):- inve(L1,LI1),inve(L2,LI2), sumID(LI1,LI2,L), inve(L,L3),!.
sumID([],[],[]):- !.
sumID([X|[Xs|Xss]],[Y|Ys],[L|Ls] ):- XY is X+Y , XY > 9 , Head is XY - 10,
L = Head, Xs1 is Xs + 1,
sumID([Xs1|Xss], Ys, LTail) ,Ls = LTail,!.
sumID([X|Xs],[Y|Ys],[L|Ls]):- L is X+Y, sumID(Xs,Ys,LTail),
Ls = LTail.
A friend told me to invest list and add from *Left
to Right*
, and later invest the final list. How can I improve this solution in order not to be so long? I'd appreciate a better idea to solve this problem, too. I made it in more than 2 hours and in the exam this is supposed to be in 20min.