Is the following functions implemented correctly for the set class? Please let me know if any changes need to be made.
# Implementation of the Set ADT using a Python list.
class Set :
# Creates an empty set instance.
def __init__( self, *initElements ):
self._theElements = list()
for i in range(len(initElements)) :
self._theElements.add( initElements )
# Returns the number of items in the set.
def __len__( self ):
return len( self._theElements )
# Determines if an element is in the set.
def __contains__( self, element ):
return element in self._theElements
# Determines if the set is empty.
def isEmpty( self ):
return len(self._theElements) == 0
# Adds a new unique element to the set.
def add( self, element ):
if element not in self :
self._theElements.append( element )
# Removes an element from the set.
def remove( self, element ):
assert element in self, "The element must be in the set."
self._theElements.remove( element )
# Determines if this set is equal to setB.
def __eq__( self, setB ):
if len( self ) != len( setB ) :
return False
else :
return self.isSubsetOf( setB )
# Determines if this set is a subset of setB.
def isSubsetOf( self, setB ):
for element in self :
if element not in setB :
return False
return True
# Determines if this set is a proper subset of setB.
def isProperSubset( self, setB ):
for element in self :
if self != setB :
return True
return False
# Creates a new set from the union of this set and setB.
def union( self, setB ):
newSet = Set()
newSet._theElements.extend( self._theElements )
for element in setB :
if element not in self :
newSet._theElements.append( element )
return newSet
# Creates a new set from the intersection: self set and setB.
def intersect( self, setB ):
newSet = Set()
for i in range(self._theElements) :
for j in range(setB._theElements) :
if self._theElements[i] == setB._theElements[j] :
return newSet
# Creates a new set from the difference: self set and setB.
def difference( self, setB ):
newSet = Set()
newSet._theElements.extend( self._theElements )
for element in setB :
if element in self :
newSet._theElements.remove( element )
return newSet
# Creates the iterator for the self
def __iter__( self ):
return iter(self._theElements)