I want to sort "movie search results" to get most probable movie that match "search".
Input example:
I have a NameMatcher
class which extract "title" and "year" from file name.
Search string: cars 2
Search year : 2011
Results come from many websites like TMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, ... and much more. Only one website (API) is used for search, so the sort is only on what API return.
- "search year" can be null (0)
- "search string" can have some words that it's not a part of movie title (it's rare,
works really well) - "result year" can be null (0)
- "result string" can be totally different from search, for example if there is only original title and your search is in your language. In this case we need to keep website order
- A movie with an image have more chance to be what the user looking for.
- Year can be different, movies release year are not the same in all countries, I think "year + 1" and "year - 1" is sufficient. There are some movies that have like "10 years" apart but I guess it's difficult to take this into account.
- This sort is used for other media (tvshow, ..) but it doesn't matter, for the moment I'm only focusing on movies.
Current sort:
I use Levenshtein
(I think Damerau-Levenshtein is not better for this case) and Jaro Winkler algorithm to get similarity between "search string" and "result string".
I added a "bonus" with arbitrary values if year is almost the same (year +- 1) and if "result" has an image (A film with an image is more likely to be what we are looking), then I get an Integer
called "sim" to perform sort.
Similarity: [0-200] (100 for Levenshtein + 100 for Jaro Winkler)
Bonus: [0-60] (0,10,50,60)
For perfect match: 260 -> similarity (200) + year bonus (50) + image bonus (10)
Next I get the best "sim" and if "sim" is greater than a threshold I sort the list. The last part are here because I do not have any database,... so my sort can be worst than current order in some case (E.g: "search string" with bad words, or "result string" in another language).
UI sort result example: (tmdb sort to compare)
Current code:
public static <T extends ISort> void sortAccurate(List<T> list, String str, int year, int threshold) {
final String toCompare = StringUtils.normaliseClean(str);
Map<Integer, List<T>> values = new TreeMap<Integer, List<T>>(new IntegerDescending());
for (T object : list) {
// If year is (almost) the same, we add a "bonus"
int bonus = 0;
if (year >= 1900 && year <= Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)) {
final int oYear = object.getYear();
if (year == oYear) {
bonus = 50;
} else if (oYear == (year - 1) || oYear == (year + 1)) {
bonus = 25;
// if there is an image we add a "bonus"
if (object.hasImage()) {
bonus += 10;
// Get best similarity between title and orig title
int sim = getSimilarity(toCompare, object.getName(), bonus);
if (object.getOriginalName() != null && object.getName().equals(object.getOriginalName()) {
sim = Math.max(sim, getSimilarity(toCompare, object.getOriginalName(), bonus));
sim += bonus;
// We use a list cause 2 (or more) can have the same "sim" number
List<T> listObj = values.get(sim);
if (listObj == null) {
listObj = new ArrayList<T>();
values.put(sim, listObj);
// Get the higher "sim number"
int maxSim = 0;
for (Integer sim : values.keySet()) {
maxSim = sim;
// If "sim number" is greater than threshold we sort the list
if (maxSim >= threshold) {
for (List<T> olist : values.values()) {
private static int getSimilarity(String search, String str) {
String toCompare = StringUtils.normaliseClean(str);// Clean the string to get best result (search is already cleaned)
AbstractStringMetric algorithm;
Float res = 0.0F;
algorithm = new JaroWinkler();
res += algorithm.getSimilarity(search, toCompare);// Return a float ([0 - 1] , 1 => exact match)
algorithm = new Levenshtein();
res += algorithm.getSimilarity(search, toCompare);// Return a float ([0 - 1] , 1 => exact match)
return Math.round((res) * 100);
This "algorithm" get correct result even if it was written quickly.
How can I improve this sort? I mean, maybe there is an algorithm that can help me to improve this "dirty sort", or someone have an idea for a better sort. Any suggestion to improve sort results are welcome.
This "dirty sort" works well but I think it can be more "smart" but I have no idea how to make it better.
Note: Results list List<T> list
is small (never more than 50), so if the sort algorithm is heavy it's not a problem, and there is already a cache on it.
If you've got only "little" improvement, this is fine for me.
For example, if two results (or more) have the same "sim" number, maybe a small algorithm can be added here to define which is the best. Or maybe improve "bonus" part with something more stronger than "random values".
The code above is just to understand, mistakes, ... doesn't matter. The main goal of this question is about similarity algorithms which exist and can be useful in a case like that or either a different/better "scoring system". Answer can be generic and not specific for this case (I will adapt it), it can be math, pseudo-code (or code), algorithm or either a suggestion (e.g: don't use levenshtein distance but instead this because ...).
I'm sure this can be really improved, current algorithm is more a "random stuff" than an algorithm thought/thoughtful.