
I have a function that returns some preferences, but first I have to do some checks to see whether the user is authorised to read them. I'm still not happy with the result (the match is a bit ugly).

Note: Result is a framework class, it just means some kind of response.

// implementations are not relevant.
def canAccessPreferences(id: Long): Future[Boolean] = ???
def doGetPreferences(id: Long): Future[Result] = ???

def getPreferences(id: Long) = Future[Result] {

  canAccessPreferences(id).flatMap {
     case false =>
     case true =>
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Curious that you are going to some effort of abstraction with futures and framework classes but have hard coded your id everywhere as Long. Such an important type should have a type alias. \$\endgroup\$
    – itsbruce
    Mar 6, 2015 at 15:23

1 Answer 1


The only alternative is using a for comprehension:

for {
  hasAccess <- canAccessPreferences(id)
  result <- if (hasAccess)

} yield result

Unfortunately you cannot use the if guard of the for because then you would get an exception if hasAccess is false. And since you're composing Future monads there's no way around the Future.successful either.


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