
I'm building a small MPL module in one of my utility libraries for fun and learning experience.

One of the problems I'm trying to solve is getting a list of all indices where a sequence of types appears inside another sequence of types.


    List<int, char, int, int, char, int, double, int, char>
        ::IdxsOfSeq<int, char>,
    ListInt<0, 3, 7>

The above code is valid and works as intended. However, finding out the indices of a subsequence in a long type sequence becomes very slow very fast.

Searching in a list with 20 or 30 elements can take up to 30 seconds of compilation time.

That would rarely be useful, but I'm also experimenting with compile-time strings implemented as character lists.

The current implementation of IdxsOfSeq basically uses std::index_sequence to perform a naive string matching algorithm over the type sequence.

The naive algorithm requires no preprocessing time, but the execution of the type matching requires a lot of computation time.

This is my current implementation of the string matching algorithm.

// Matches<bool, int> returns a ListInt<TStart> is the boolean
// is true, otherwise an empty ListInt<>
template<bool TAllTrue, int TStart> 
struct Matches;

template<int TStart> 
struct Matches<true, TStart> 
    using Type = ListInt<TStart>; 

template<int TStart> 
struct Matches<false, TStart>  
    using Type = ListInt<>; 

// GetMatch<TS, TM, TStart, TMIdxs>::Type checks if every type
// of TS (the source type sequence) starting from the index TStart
// matches every type in TM (the subsequence to find)
template<typename TS, typename TM, int TStart, typename TMIdxs> 
struct GetMatch;

template<typename TS, typename TM, int TStart, SizeT... TMIdxs> 
struct GetMatch<TS, TM, TStart, IdxSeq<TMIdxs...>>
    using Type = typename Matches
        // True if all the types inside AreAllTrue are std::true_type
            // Type checking with index sequence expansion
                typename TS::template At<TStart + TMIdxs>,
                typename TM::template At<TMIdxs>

// Main helper template
// Finds every occurrence of the list TM inside TS and returns its index
template<typename TS, typename TM, typename TSIdxs, typename TMIdxs>
struct IdxsOfSeqHlpr;

template<typename TS, typename TM, SizeT... TSIdxs, typename TMIdxs> 
struct IdxsOfSeqHlpr<TS, TM, IdxSeq<TSIdxs...>, TMIdxs>
    // ConcatLists (obviously) concatenates the contents of the
    // lists passed as template parameters in a single list
    using Type = typename ConcatLists
        typename GetMatch<TS, TM, TSIdxs, TMIdxs>::Type...

// If the subsequence to match is empty, return an empty ListInt<>
template<typename TS, SizeT... TSIdxs, typename TMIdxs> 
struct IdxsOfSeqHlpr<TS, List<>, IdxSeq<TSIdxs...>, TMIdxs>
    using Type = ListInt<>;

// Main typedef
template<typename TS, typename TM> 
using IdxsOfSeq = typename IdxsOfSeqHlpr
    // Source list

    // Subsequence to match

    // Index sequence of the source list
    // Starts from 0, ends at (source_list_size - matching_list_size + 1)
        getClampedMin(int(TS::size - TM::size + 1), 0)

    // Index sequence of the subsequence to match

Is there any part of the algorithm that can easily be optimized?

Or is it better to rewrite the solution from scratch, using another algorithm?

  • \$\begingroup\$ Could you post a complete, compilable source file? I managed to get your code compiling, but the static-assert doesn't pass. Notice that a lot of your entities are just renamed versions of standard (C++14) entities, such as std::index_sequence (your IdxSeq) and even size_t (your SizeT). It would help me to understand the code if you would just use the standard entities directly, without renaming them. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 15, 2015 at 8:14
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Here's a Wandbox link to a working version, which I wrote from scratch without particularly consulting the details of your version. I don't know any good way to "benchmark" the different versions with all kinds of big inputs, though; we need Louis Dionne in here! :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 15, 2015 at 22:53
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Here's an alternative approach, almost certainly worse: we could encode the list of all possible substrings into the representation of the list, so that the sentence X is a substring of Y translates into simply X is a member of Y::substrings. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 15, 2015 at 23:51

1 Answer 1


I'm going to throw out a fairly complicated solution here by breaking the problem into lots of smaller parts. The end result is that the compilation of the following:

using T = typelist<int, char, int, int, char, int, double, int, char,
                   int, char, int, int, char, int, double, int, char,
                   int, char, int, int, char, int, double, int, char,
                   int, char, int, int, char, int, double, int, char>;

    matches<T, typelist<int, char>>,
    intlist<0, 3, 7, 9, 12, 16, 18, 21, 25, 27, 30, 34>
    >::value, "!");

is still almost instantaneous.

The algorithm is actually going to come from an idea in Python's itertools. What we want to do is walk our typelist N at a time (where N is the match length), and just use std::is_same to compare. That is, taking the original problem's list:

using SRC = typelist<int, char, int, int, char, int, double, int, char>;

we want to turn it into something that looks like:

using X = typelist<typelist<int, char>,
                   typelist<char, int>,
                   typelist<int, int>,

And then pass that into a metafunction taking an appropriate typelist<Ts...> and std::index_sequence<Is...> do:

using type = concat<
    std::conditional_t<std::is_same<T, SUB>::value,
        typelist<std::integral_constant<std::size_t, Idx>>,

That's the basic idea anyway. Plus, the smaller pieces are probably going to be useful in other contexts.

The Small Algorithms

These are very straightforward and I will omit them here for brevity: head, tail, size, concat (variadic!), any_of, and is_empty.


To generate the X typelist above, we need something like:

template <typename TL, int I>
using take_by = ???

The implementation of this is to make a typelist that is I copies of TL, each one dropping a steadily larger prefix off the top. Once we have that, we need to zip all the iterators together. So really, I need to start with the smaller pieces...


Given a typelist, basically just call tail n times:

template <typename TL, int I>
struct skip_n_impl : skip_n_impl<tail<TL>, I-1> { };

template <typename TL>
struct skip_n_impl<TL, 0> {
    using type = TL;

template <typename TL, int I>
using skip_n = typename skip_n_impl<TL, I>::type;

There may be a better way to do this, but I'm not sure. So, skip_n<typelist<int, char, double>, 2> is typelist<double>.


This is the tricky part. Basically, we have a list of lists of types. If any of those typelists is empty, we're done. Otherwise, we concat all the heads with a recursive call against all the tails. We can't use std::conditional_t here due to eager evaluation of both parts, so I'm introducing two different impl types:

template <typename TL>
struct zip_impl;

template <typename TL, bool done>
struct zip_impl2;

template <typename TL>
struct zip_impl2<TL, true> {
    using type = typelist<>;

template <typename... Ts>
struct zip_impl2<typelist<Ts...>, false> {
    using type = concat<typelist<typelist<head<Ts>...>>,
                        typename zip_impl<typelist<tail<Ts>...>>::type

template <typename... Ts>
struct zip_impl<typelist<Ts...>>
    : zip_impl2<typelist<Ts...>, any_of<is_empty<Ts>::value...>::value>
{ };

template <typename T>
using zip = typename zip_impl<T>::type;

This gives us the pieces to get back to take_by:

template <typename TL, int I, typename = std::make_index_sequence<I>>
struct take_by_impl;

template <typename TL, int I, std::size_t... Idx>
struct take_by_impl<TL, I, std::index_sequence<Idx...>>
    using iters = typelist<skip_n<TL, Idx>...>;
    using type = zip<iters>;

template <typename TL, int I>
using take_by = typename take_by_impl<TL, I>::type;

Hopefully that makes sense. First, we built up our "iterators" - which are all offset by one from each other. Then we just zip them up. Now we have the X, and all we need is:


template <typename SRC, typename SUB>
struct matches_impl
    template <typename TL, typename = std::make_index_sequence<size<TL>::value>>
    struct impl;

    template <typename... T, std::size_t... Idx>
    struct impl<typelist<T...>, std::index_sequence<Idx...>>
        using type = concat<
            std::conditional_t<std::is_same<T, SUB>::value,
                typelist<std::integral_constant<std::size_t, Idx>>,

    using type = typename impl<take_by<SRC, size<SUB>::value>>::type;

template <typename SRC, typename SUB>
using matches = typename matches_impl<SRC, SUB>::type;

Basically, we end up creating a meta-list internally that would look like:


But concat will drop the empties, so when that gets combined, we get what we wanted - intlist<0, 3, 7>.


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