This is what I coded to realize a command line program to make it easier to manage emails on ovh shared hostings. It's working ok but it seems ugly.
I'm a beginner with Python and docopt
. What would you suggest?
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
''' OVH Email Manager (ovhEmailMan)
A small script that helps to add and remove one or more email addresses on the OVH shared domains
Usage: list [--ugly] add (<address> [--pswd=<password>][--description=<description>] | --file <filename> [--notify]) remove (<address> | --file <filename>) (-h | --help)
<password> Password to access the mailbox (if not provided it's random generated)
<filename> Name of the files to process (csv). Check README to see how to format it
-h, --help Show this help message
-u, --ugly Print without nice tables
-p, --pswd=<password> Set the password to the one provided
-n, --notify If set, notification mail is sent using smtp credentials in ovh.conf
list list all the email addresses currently configured
add add one or more (configured in <filename>) email addresses
remove remove one ore more (configured in <filename>) email addresses
import ovh
from docopt import docopt
from ovhem import EmailManager
from ovhem import fileprocesser as fp
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__)
#Validate args ---- TODO
eman = EmailManager()
# 'List' command parsing
if args['list']:
if args['--ugly']:
eman.niceoutput = False
# 'Add' command parsing
elif args['add']:
if args['<address>']:
emails = (
'address': args['<address>'],
'password': None,
'description': None,
if args['--description']:
emails[0]['description'] = args['<description>']
if args['--pswd']:
emails[0]['password'] = args['<password>']
if args['--file']:
emails = fp.process_file(args['<filename>'])
# Getting back the emails dict
if args['--notify']:
# 'remove' command parsing
elif args['remove']:
if args['<address>']:
emails = (
'address': args['<address>'],
if args['--file']:
emails = fp.process_file(args['<filename>'])