
I've probably done some pretty horrendous things here, but I'm throwing it out for people to give me some feedback that I can start using to immediately improve my Clojure coding style.

Additional suggestions would be performance enhancements as well as areas where I could use transients if it is advisable.

So far I've been told:

  1. I should make use of vector-of
  2. Use primitives such as int and double to avoid boxing and unboxing
  3. Type hint string functions

I would be grateful for suggestions that I use to turn this code into more idiomatic Clojure code.

(ns tagger.core
  "Running Viterbi on some text"
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [clojure.contrib.generic.functor :as functor]
            [clojure.contrib.math :as math]
            [clojure.set :as set]
            [clojure.data :as data]
            [clojure.data.finger-tree :as ft]))

(def ^:dynamic *epsilon* 0.01)

(defn applyAll [fs x]
  (map #(% x) fs))

(defn split-evenly [coll]
  (partition (quot (count coll) 10) coll))

(defn nil?-zero [fn & args]
  (let [val (apply fn args)]
    (if (nil? val)

;; Counts needed are:
;; word counts W
;; tag counts T
;; word-tag counts W-T
;; previous tag to current tag counts T(i+1)-Ti

;; Problem set
;; A sample set to play with
(def str-to-tags (slurp "resources/sample.txt"))

(defn str->tags [string]
  (filter #(not (empty? %))
          (str/split string #"[\s]")))

(defn tag->W-T [tag]
  "Converts a tag such as In/IN into a W-T such as [In IN]"
  (str/split tag #"[//]"))

(defn sentence->tags [sentence]
  (map #(second %) sentence))

(defn strip-tags [tag]
  (first tag))

(defn this-and-that [xs]
  (map-indexed (fn [i x]
                [x (concat (take i xs) 
                           (drop (inc i) xs))])

(def cleaned-tag-str (filter #(= (count %) 2) (map tag->W-T (str->tags str-to-tags))))

(defn split-sentences [tag-str]
  "Splits the str into sentences"
  (reduce #(if (= (second (first %2)) ".")
             (ft/conjr (pop %1) (ft/conjr (peek %1) (first %2)))
             (ft/conjr %1 %2))
          (map #(apply ft/double-list %) (partition-by #(= "." (second %)) tag-str))))

(defn split-sentences-start-end [tag-str]
  "Splits the str into sentences with added start and end tags"
  (reduce #(if (= (second (first %2)) ".")
             (conj (vec (drop-last %1)) (conj (vec (conj (vec (conj (last %1) ["START" "START"]))
                                                         (first %2))) ["END" "END"]))
             (conj (vec %1) %2))
          (partition-by #(= "." (second %)) tag-str)))

(def sentences (split-sentences cleaned-tag-str))

(def testing-and-training-sentences
  "A list containing 10 pairs of testing sentences and training sentences"
  (map (fn [[fst rst]] (ft/double-list fst (apply concat rst))) (this-and-that (split-evenly sentences))))

(defn add-start-end [sentence-list]
  (map #(ft/consl (ft/conjr % ["END" "END"]) ["START" "START"]) sentence-list))

(def testing-and-training-sentences-start-end (map #(map add-start-end %) testing-and-training-sentences))

(def training-tag-list-start-end (map (comp #(map sentence->tags %) second) testing-and-training-sentences-start-end))

(def testing-and-training-tag-list-start-end (map (fn [sample] (map #(map sentence->tags %) sample)) testing-and-training-sentences-start-end))

(defn insert [m k]
  "Inserts a key k into a map m if it does not exist or increments the count if it does"
  (let [val (m k)]
    (assoc m k (inc (if (nil? val) 0 val)))))

(defn nested-insert [m [word tag]]
  "Inserts a key k into a nested map m of tags and words if it does not exist or increments the count if it does"
  (let [val (get-in m [tag word])]
    (assoc-in m [tag word] (inc (if (nil? val) 0 val)))))

(defn word-count [tagged-str]
  "Example of how to get word counts"
  (reduce #(insert %1 (first %2)) {} tagged-str))

(defn tag-count [tagged-str]
  "Example of how to get tag counts"
  (reduce #(insert %1 (second %2)) {} tagged-str))

(defn nested-tag-word-count [tagged-str]
  "Nested counts in the format of {tag {word count}}"
  (reduce #(nested-insert %1 %2) {} tagged-str))

(def tag-count-training-list (map #(tag-count (apply concat (second %))) testing-and-training-sentences))

(def word-count-training-list (map #(word-count (apply concat (second %))) testing-and-training-sentences))

(def nested-tag-word-count-training-list (map #(nested-tag-word-count (apply concat (second %))) testing-and-training-sentences))

(defn out-of-step-list [tag-list]
  "Creates a list of vector pairs where the second element is the next values first element"
  (map vector (rest tag-list) tag-list))

(def training-previous-tag-tag-list-start-end (map #(map out-of-step-list %) training-tag-list-start-end))

(def training-tag-count-start-end (map (comp frequencies flatten) training-tag-list-start-end))

(defn nested-previous-tag-tag-count [previous-tag-tag-list]
   "Nested counts in the format of {prior-tag {tag count}}"
   (reduce #(nested-insert %1 %2) {} (apply concat previous-tag-tag-list)))

(def nested-previous-tag-tag-count-training-list (map nested-previous-tag-tag-count training-previous-tag-tag-list-start-end))

(defn unique-keys-count [m]
  (count (keys m)))

(def unique-words-count-training-list (map count word-count-training-list))

;; Calculating probabilities

(defn make-prob-fn-map
  [[nested-t-w-count word-count unique-wc nested-prior-t-t-count tag-count-st-end unique-tc]]
  {:prob-word-given-tag ;; Construct Emission Probabilities
   (fn [word tag]
     (let [word-given-tag (nil?-zero get-in nested-t-w-count [tag word])
           tc (nil?-zero word-count word)]
       (/ (+ word-given-tag *epsilon*)
          (+ tc (* *epsilon* unique-tc)))))
   :prob-tag-given-previous-tag ;; Construct Transition Probabilities
   (fn [tag previous-tag]
     (let [tag-given-prior-tag-prob (nil?-zero get-in nested-prior-t-t-count [previous-tag tag])
           tc (nil?-zero tag-count-st-end previous-tag)]
       (/ (+ tag-given-prior-tag-prob *epsilon*)
          (+ tc (* *epsilon* unique-tc)))))})

(defn viterbi-init [v path obs states start-p emit-p]
  "Initializes viterbi for us"
   #(into %1 {%2 [(* (start-p %2)
                     (emit-p (first obs) %2))
                  (conj path %2)]})

(defn extract-prob-state [v path]
  "Extracts the current probability and state for a given [v path]"
  [(first (v path)) path])

(defn viterbi-step [prior obs states trans-p emit-p]
  "Goes through one step of viterbi for us, taking a prior state and performing one step"
  (apply merge (map
                (comp (fn [[path v]] {(last path) [v path]}) #(apply max-key val %) #(apply merge %))
                ((fn [obs]
                   (map #(applyAll (map (comp (fn [[v past-st]]
                                                (fn [current-st]
                                                  {(conj (second (prior past-st)) current-st)
                                                   (* v (trans-p current-st past-st)
                                                      (emit-p obs current-st))}))
                                              (partial extract-prob-state prior)) states) %) states))

(defn viterbi [observations states start-prob trans-prob emit-prob]
  (let [init (viterbi-init [] [] observations states start-prob emit-prob)]
        (reduce #(viterbi-step %1 %2 states trans-prob emit-prob) init (rest observations))))

(defn viterbi-solution [observations states start-prob trans-prob emit-prob]
  (apply max-key #(first (val %)) (viterbi observations states start-prob trans-prob emit-prob)))

(defn extract-path [solution]
  "Extracts the path from a viterbi solution"
  (second (second solution)))

(defn extract-tag-count [seq]
  (reduce insert {} (flatten (map second (second seq)))))

(defn extract-states [seq]
  (into #{} (flatten (map #(map second %) (second seq)))))

(defn extract-observations [seq]
  (map #(map first %) (first seq)))

(defn extract-testing-tags [seq]
  (map #(map second %) (first seq)))

(defn compare-matches [compare]
  "Compares vector containing a path and testing set and gives the matches"
  (map (comp (fn [m] (/ (nil?-zero m true) (+ (nil?-zero m true) (nil?-zero m false)))) frequencies (fn [[a b]] (map #(= %1 %2) a b))) compare))

(defn average-accuracy [accuracy-scores]
  (/ (apply + accuracy-scores) (double (count accuracy-scores))))

(defn run-viterbi []
  "Runs viterbi with transition and emission calculated using the same training data via cross validation"
  (let [states (map extract-states testing-and-training-sentences)
        observations (map extract-observations testing-and-training-sentences)
        prob-map (map make-prob-fn-map (map vector nested-tag-word-count-training-list word-count-training-list unique-words-count-training-list nested-previous-tag-tag-count-training-list training-tag-count-start-end (map count states)))
        transition-prob (map :prob-tag-given-previous-tag prob-map)
        emission-prob (map :prob-word-given-tag prob-map)
        start-prob (map (fn [trans-p] #(trans-p % "START")) transition-prob)
        testing-tags-list (map extract-testing-tags testing-and-training-sentences)]
    (map #(map vector %1 %2)
         (map (fn [[obs-list sts start-p trans-p emit-p]]
                (map (fn [obs]
                       (extract-path (viterbi-solution obs sts start-p trans-p emit-p))) obs-list))
              (map vector observations states start-prob transition-prob emission-prob)))))

(defn -main []
  (average-accuracy (map (comp average-accuracy compare-matches) (run-viterbi))))

;; Checking functions

(defn close-to-1 [val]
  (> 0.000001 (math/abs (- 1 val))))

;; Assert that Probabilities are sensible?

(defn check-probs? []
   (let [states (map extract-states testing-and-training-sentences)
         observations (map extract-observations testing-and-training-sentences)
         prob-map (map make-prob-fn-map (map vector nested-tag-word-count-training-list word-count-training-list unique-words-count-training-list nested-previous-tag-tag-count-training-list training-tag-count-start-end (map count states)))
         transition-prob (map :prob-tag-given-previous-tag prob-map)
         emission-prob (map :prob-word-given-tag prob-map)
         start-prob (map (fn [trans-p] #(trans-p % "START")) transition-prob)
         testing-tags-list (map extract-testing-tags testing-and-training-sentences)]
     (every? true? (map close-to-1 (map (fn [[start-pr st]] (apply + (map start-pr st))) (map vector start-prob states)))))
   "Start Probabilities are not sensible")
   (let [states (map extract-states testing-and-training-sentences)
         observations (map extract-observations testing-and-training-sentences)
         prob-map (map make-prob-fn-map (map vector nested-tag-word-count-training-list word-count-training-list unique-words-count-training-list nested-previous-tag-tag-count-training-list training-tag-count-start-end (map count states)))
         transition-prob (map :prob-tag-given-previous-tag prob-map)
         emission-prob (map :prob-word-given-tag prob-map)
         start-prob (map #(partial % "START") transition-prob)
         testing-tags-list (map extract-testing-tags testing-and-training-sentences)]
     (every? true? (map (fn [[emit-pr st wctl]] (every? true? (map close-to-1 (map (fn [word] (apply + (map #(emit-pr word %) st))) (keys wctl))))) (map vector emission-prob states word-count-training-list))))
   "Emmission probabilities are not sensible")
   (every? true? (let [states (map extract-states testing-and-training-sentences)
                       observations (map extract-observations testing-and-training-sentences)
                       prob-map (map make-prob-fn-map (map vector nested-tag-word-count-training-list word-count-training-list unique-words-count-training-list nested-previous-tag-tag-count-training-list training-tag-count-start-end (map count states)))
                       transition-prob (map :prob-tag-given-previous-tag prob-map)
                       emission-prob (map :prob-word-given-tag prob-map)
                       start-prob (map #(partial % "START") transition-prob)
                       testing-tags-list (map extract-testing-tags testing-and-training-sentences)]
                   (map (fn [[trans-pr st]] (every? true? (map close-to-1 (map (fn [prior] (apply + (map #(trans-pr % prior) st))) (disj st "."))))) (map vector transition-prob states))))
   "Transisition probabilities are not sensible"))

Here is sample.txt:


[ an/DT Oct./NNP 19/CD review/NN ]
of/IN ``/`` 
[ The/DT Misanthrope/NN ]
''/'' at/IN 
[ Chicago/NNP 's/POS Goodman/NNP Theatre/NNP ]
[ ``/`` Revitalized/VBN Classics/NNS ]
[ the/DT Stage/NN ]
[ Windy/NNP City/NNP ]
,/, ''/'' 
[ Leisure/NN ]
[ Arts/NNS ]
 )/) ,/, 
[ the/DT role/NN ]
[ Celimene/NNP ]
,/, played/VBN by/IN 
[ Kim/NNP Cattrall/NNP ]
,/, was/VBD mistakenly/RB attributed/VBN to/TO 
[ Christina/NNP Haag/NNP ]

[ Ms./NNP Haag/NNP ]
[ Elianti/NNP ]


 (/( See/VB :/: ``/`` 
[ Revitalized/VBN Classics/NNS ]
[ the/DT Stage/NN ]
[ Windy/NNP City/NNP ]
''/'' --/: 
[ WSJ/NNP Oct./NNP 19/CD ]
[ 1989/CD ]



[ Rolls-Royce/NNP Motor/NNP Cars/NNPS Inc./NNP ]
[ it/PRP ]
[ its/PRP$ U.S./NNP sales/NNS ]
to/TO remain/VB 
[ steady/JJ ]
at/IN about/IN 
[ 1,200/CD cars/NNS ]
[ 1990/CD ]

[ The/DT luxury/NN auto/NN maker/NN last/JJ year/NN ]
[ 1,214/CD cars/NNS ]
[ the/DT U.S./NNP Howard/NNP Mosher/NNP ]
[ president/NN ]
[ chief/JJ executive/NN officer/NN ]
,/, said/VBD 
[ he/PRP ]
[ growth/NN ]
[ the/DT luxury/NN auto/NN maker/NN ]
[ Britain/NNP ]
[ Europe/NNP ]
,/, and/CC in/IN 
[ Far/JJ Eastern/JJ markets/NNS ]


[ its/PRP$ quarterly/NN ]
[ 10/CD cents/NNS ]
[ seven/CD cents/NNS ]

[ a/DT share/NN ]

[ The/DT new/JJ rate/NN ]
will/MD be/VB 
[ payable/JJ Feb./NNP 15/CD ]

[ A/DT record/NN date/NN has/VBZ n't/RB ]
been/VBN set/VBN ./. 

[ Bell/NNP ]
,/, based/VBN in/IN 
[ Los/NNP Angeles/NNP ]
,/, makes/VBZ and/CC distributes/VBZ 
[ electronic/JJ ]
[ computer/NN ]
[ building/NN products/NNS ]


[ Investors/NNS ]
are/VBP appealing/VBG to/TO 
[ the/DT Securities/NNPS ]
[ Exchange/NNP Commission/NNP ]
not/RB to/TO limit/VB 
[ their/PRP$ access/NN ]
[ information/NN ]
[ stock/NN purchases/NNS ]
[ sales/NNS ]
[ corporate/JJ insiders/NNS ]


[ A/DT SEC/NNP proposal/NN ]
to/TO ease/VB reporting/NN 
[ requirements/NNS ]
[ some/DT company/NN executives/NNS ]
would/MD undermine/VB 
[ the/DT usefulness/NN ]
[ information/NN ]
[ insider/NN trades/NNS ]
[ a/DT stock-picking/JJ tool/NN ]
[ individual/JJ investors/NNS ]
[ professional/JJ money/NN managers/NNS ]
contend/VBP ./.
  • \$\begingroup\$ This is not "Viterbi", but "applying Viterbi to part-of-speech tagging". The Viterbi is very useful in other areas, not only NLP. I would have liked to comment on the actual algorithm, but you don't have enough comments here. Oh, and since you're have nice pure function, you could test them, eg. (deftest test-split (is (= ["a" b"] "a b"))) or something like this. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 20, 2012 at 10:07
  • \$\begingroup\$ Hi @Cygal, what do you mean that I don't "have enough comments here". Good point, I'll add the test cases :)... \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 20, 2012 at 17:54
  • \$\begingroup\$ Oops, the comments are in docstrings. I guess it takes just too much effort to comment on the algorithm, and I can't comment on the Clojure since, well, I don't know Clojure. :) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 6:56
  • \$\begingroup\$ Nobody in for a Clojure review? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 27, 2012 at 7:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ Looks like it doesn't it :(, thanks for putting up the bounty though @Cygal! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 27, 2012 at 14:40

2 Answers 2


First of all, good job! This is obviously a complex algorithm and it looks like it's working.

I'm going to do this incrementally. So I'll save this and keep editing as I go. And since it's so long, I won't get to everything. Plus I don't understand the algorithm too well.

First of all, doc strings in Clojure go before the arguments. I used to make this mistake all the time. The reason is that you can have multi-variate functions.


(defn insert [m k]
  "Inserts a key k into a map m if it does not exist or increments the count if it does"
  (let [val (m k)]
    (assoc m k (inc (if (nil? val) 0 val)))))

My version:

(defn insert 
  "Inserts a key k into a map m if it does not exist or increments the count if it does"
  [m k]
  (update-in m [k] (fnil inc 0)))

See update-in and fnil.


#() construction is unnecessary here:

(defn sentence->tags [sentence]
  (map #(second %) sentence))

My version:

(defn sentence->tags [sentence]
  (map second sentence))


(defn word-count [tagged-str]
  "Example of how to get word counts"
  (reduce #(insert %1 (first %2)) {} tagged-str))

Could this be replaced by using frequencies?


Now it's starting to get hairy. I may make some mistakes here, because the code is not factored.

(defn viterbi-init [v path obs states start-p emit-p]
  "Initializes viterbi for us"
    #(into %1 {%2 [(* (start-p %2)
                 (emit-p (first obs) %2))
              (conj path %2)]})

This definitely has too many levels of into/reduce. You could do a (reduce #(assoc %1 %s ...) {} states) pattern. Do we need v? And why are we passing in a list obs when we only need the first? And it's often a good idea to put the driving sequence in the first or last position, so you can do threading. Let's try it this way:

(defn viterbi-init 
  "Initializes viterbi for us"
  [states path ob start-p emit-p]
  (into {}
    (for [state states]
       [(* (start-p state) (emit-p ob state))
        (conj path state)]])))


This one is very hairy. I don't quite understand it, but I will try.

(defn viterbi-step [prior obs states trans-p emit-p]
  "Goes through one step of viterbi for us, taking a prior state and performing one step"
  (apply merge (map
                (comp (fn [[path v]] {(last path) [v path]}) #(apply max-key val %) #(apply merge %))
                ((fn [obs]
                   (map #(applyAll (map (comp (fn [[v past-st]]
                                                (fn [current-st]
                                                  {(conj (second (prior past-st)) current-st)
                                                   (* v (trans-p current-st past-st)
                                                      (emit-p obs current-st))}))
                                              (partial extract-prob-state prior)) states) %) states))

So, I tried and failed to refactor this myself. But I will give my general feedback. What this function, which is a map of a map of a map of a map, tells me is that there is a failure of abstraction. viterbi-step should be should be a high-level function which should read somewhat like the inner loop of a pseudo-code implementation of Viterbi. This function relies too much on the structure of the data structures involved. Deeply nested structures are common, but a single function that accesses them so deeply is not. A good rule of thumb is at most 1 nested map/reduce within a function.

There need to be functions which act as your primitive operations here. I can see that you began writing some near the top. You should continue that trend here. Then your functions would be operating at a certain level and calling functions from the level below.

An alternative approach would be to turn the algorithm into a sequential series of steps. This may or may not apply here, but it is hard for me to tell. As an example (not real code!):

(defn viterbi-step [prior obs states trans-p emit-p]
  (-> obs
    (extract-prob-states states)

Again, it's just an example. But the idea is that each function takes the data it needs and creates a new data structure that is the result of that calculation. I don't know if this is possible with this algorithm. But it could be. One hint I can give is that you know you are on the right track when your functions are returning "appropriate" data structures. That is, when the data is a mapping, you return a map. When it's a set, you return a set. Also, the functions don't take much more data than they need to calculate the answer. I suggest you take the iterative algorithm description and work backwards from the final output.

Again, nice going. It was a pleasure to go through it.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Hi @Eric, thanks for the feedback, I'm a bit busy right now (as it's been a while since I coded this, but I'll have a bash later, likely next weekend at going through the code in my question, cleaning it up and incorporating your suggestions.) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Sep 29, 2012 at 16:56

Another suggestion would be to use maps as method arguments.

instead of :

(defn viterbi-step [prior obs states trans-p emit-p] 

using maps:

(defn viterbi-step [{:keys [prior obs states trans-p emit-p] :as m}]

So when viterbi-step is called, you can avoid passing all the arguments, instead you can assoc the new arguments onto the map passed to the existing method:

(defn viterbi [observations states start-prob trans-prob emit-prob]
  (let [init (viterbi-init [] [] observations states start-prob emit-prob)]
        (reduce #(viterbi-step (assoc m :prior %1 :obs %2))  init (rest observations))))

We can avoid having to type out all the arguments again just to pass it to another function. Rewriting the viterbi-solution method thus:

(defn viterbi-solution [{:keys [observations states start-prob trans-prob emit-prob] :as m}]
  (apply max-key #(first (val %)) (viterbi m)))

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