I've probably done some pretty horrendous things here, but I'm throwing it out for people to give me some feedback that I can start using to immediately improve my Clojure coding style.
Additional suggestions would be performance enhancements as well as areas where I could use transients if it is advisable.
So far I've been told:
- I should make use of
- Use primitives such as int and double to avoid boxing and unboxing
- Type hint string functions
I would be grateful for suggestions that I use to turn this code into more idiomatic Clojure code.
(ns tagger.core
"Running Viterbi on some text"
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.contrib.generic.functor :as functor]
[clojure.contrib.math :as math]
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.data :as data]
[clojure.data.finger-tree :as ft]))
(def ^:dynamic *epsilon* 0.01)
(defn applyAll [fs x]
(map #(% x) fs))
(defn split-evenly [coll]
(partition (quot (count coll) 10) coll))
(defn nil?-zero [fn & args]
(let [val (apply fn args)]
(if (nil? val)
;; Counts needed are:
;; word counts W
;; tag counts T
;; word-tag counts W-T
;; previous tag to current tag counts T(i+1)-Ti
;; Problem set
;; A sample set to play with
(def str-to-tags (slurp "resources/sample.txt"))
(defn str->tags [string]
(filter #(not (empty? %))
(str/split string #"[\s]")))
(defn tag->W-T [tag]
"Converts a tag such as In/IN into a W-T such as [In IN]"
(str/split tag #"[//]"))
(defn sentence->tags [sentence]
(map #(second %) sentence))
(defn strip-tags [tag]
(first tag))
(defn this-and-that [xs]
(map-indexed (fn [i x]
[x (concat (take i xs)
(drop (inc i) xs))])
(def cleaned-tag-str (filter #(= (count %) 2) (map tag->W-T (str->tags str-to-tags))))
(defn split-sentences [tag-str]
"Splits the str into sentences"
(reduce #(if (= (second (first %2)) ".")
(ft/conjr (pop %1) (ft/conjr (peek %1) (first %2)))
(ft/conjr %1 %2))
(map #(apply ft/double-list %) (partition-by #(= "." (second %)) tag-str))))
(defn split-sentences-start-end [tag-str]
"Splits the str into sentences with added start and end tags"
(reduce #(if (= (second (first %2)) ".")
(conj (vec (drop-last %1)) (conj (vec (conj (vec (conj (last %1) ["START" "START"]))
(first %2))) ["END" "END"]))
(conj (vec %1) %2))
(partition-by #(= "." (second %)) tag-str)))
(def sentences (split-sentences cleaned-tag-str))
(def testing-and-training-sentences
"A list containing 10 pairs of testing sentences and training sentences"
(map (fn [[fst rst]] (ft/double-list fst (apply concat rst))) (this-and-that (split-evenly sentences))))
(defn add-start-end [sentence-list]
(map #(ft/consl (ft/conjr % ["END" "END"]) ["START" "START"]) sentence-list))
(def testing-and-training-sentences-start-end (map #(map add-start-end %) testing-and-training-sentences))
(def training-tag-list-start-end (map (comp #(map sentence->tags %) second) testing-and-training-sentences-start-end))
(def testing-and-training-tag-list-start-end (map (fn [sample] (map #(map sentence->tags %) sample)) testing-and-training-sentences-start-end))
(defn insert [m k]
"Inserts a key k into a map m if it does not exist or increments the count if it does"
(let [val (m k)]
(assoc m k (inc (if (nil? val) 0 val)))))
(defn nested-insert [m [word tag]]
"Inserts a key k into a nested map m of tags and words if it does not exist or increments the count if it does"
(let [val (get-in m [tag word])]
(assoc-in m [tag word] (inc (if (nil? val) 0 val)))))
(defn word-count [tagged-str]
"Example of how to get word counts"
(reduce #(insert %1 (first %2)) {} tagged-str))
(defn tag-count [tagged-str]
"Example of how to get tag counts"
(reduce #(insert %1 (second %2)) {} tagged-str))
(defn nested-tag-word-count [tagged-str]
"Nested counts in the format of {tag {word count}}"
(reduce #(nested-insert %1 %2) {} tagged-str))
(def tag-count-training-list (map #(tag-count (apply concat (second %))) testing-and-training-sentences))
(def word-count-training-list (map #(word-count (apply concat (second %))) testing-and-training-sentences))
(def nested-tag-word-count-training-list (map #(nested-tag-word-count (apply concat (second %))) testing-and-training-sentences))
(defn out-of-step-list [tag-list]
"Creates a list of vector pairs where the second element is the next values first element"
(map vector (rest tag-list) tag-list))
(def training-previous-tag-tag-list-start-end (map #(map out-of-step-list %) training-tag-list-start-end))
(def training-tag-count-start-end (map (comp frequencies flatten) training-tag-list-start-end))
(defn nested-previous-tag-tag-count [previous-tag-tag-list]
"Nested counts in the format of {prior-tag {tag count}}"
(reduce #(nested-insert %1 %2) {} (apply concat previous-tag-tag-list)))
(def nested-previous-tag-tag-count-training-list (map nested-previous-tag-tag-count training-previous-tag-tag-list-start-end))
(defn unique-keys-count [m]
(count (keys m)))
(def unique-words-count-training-list (map count word-count-training-list))
;; Calculating probabilities
(defn make-prob-fn-map
[[nested-t-w-count word-count unique-wc nested-prior-t-t-count tag-count-st-end unique-tc]]
{:prob-word-given-tag ;; Construct Emission Probabilities
(fn [word tag]
(let [word-given-tag (nil?-zero get-in nested-t-w-count [tag word])
tc (nil?-zero word-count word)]
(/ (+ word-given-tag *epsilon*)
(+ tc (* *epsilon* unique-tc)))))
:prob-tag-given-previous-tag ;; Construct Transition Probabilities
(fn [tag previous-tag]
(let [tag-given-prior-tag-prob (nil?-zero get-in nested-prior-t-t-count [previous-tag tag])
tc (nil?-zero tag-count-st-end previous-tag)]
(/ (+ tag-given-prior-tag-prob *epsilon*)
(+ tc (* *epsilon* unique-tc)))))})
(defn viterbi-init [v path obs states start-p emit-p]
"Initializes viterbi for us"
#(into %1 {%2 [(* (start-p %2)
(emit-p (first obs) %2))
(conj path %2)]})
(defn extract-prob-state [v path]
"Extracts the current probability and state for a given [v path]"
[(first (v path)) path])
(defn viterbi-step [prior obs states trans-p emit-p]
"Goes through one step of viterbi for us, taking a prior state and performing one step"
(apply merge (map
(comp (fn [[path v]] {(last path) [v path]}) #(apply max-key val %) #(apply merge %))
((fn [obs]
(map #(applyAll (map (comp (fn [[v past-st]]
(fn [current-st]
{(conj (second (prior past-st)) current-st)
(* v (trans-p current-st past-st)
(emit-p obs current-st))}))
(partial extract-prob-state prior)) states) %) states))
(defn viterbi [observations states start-prob trans-prob emit-prob]
(let [init (viterbi-init [] [] observations states start-prob emit-prob)]
(reduce #(viterbi-step %1 %2 states trans-prob emit-prob) init (rest observations))))
(defn viterbi-solution [observations states start-prob trans-prob emit-prob]
(apply max-key #(first (val %)) (viterbi observations states start-prob trans-prob emit-prob)))
(defn extract-path [solution]
"Extracts the path from a viterbi solution"
(second (second solution)))
(defn extract-tag-count [seq]
(reduce insert {} (flatten (map second (second seq)))))
(defn extract-states [seq]
(into #{} (flatten (map #(map second %) (second seq)))))
(defn extract-observations [seq]
(map #(map first %) (first seq)))
(defn extract-testing-tags [seq]
(map #(map second %) (first seq)))
(defn compare-matches [compare]
"Compares vector containing a path and testing set and gives the matches"
(map (comp (fn [m] (/ (nil?-zero m true) (+ (nil?-zero m true) (nil?-zero m false)))) frequencies (fn [[a b]] (map #(= %1 %2) a b))) compare))
(defn average-accuracy [accuracy-scores]
(/ (apply + accuracy-scores) (double (count accuracy-scores))))
(defn run-viterbi []
"Runs viterbi with transition and emission calculated using the same training data via cross validation"
(let [states (map extract-states testing-and-training-sentences)
observations (map extract-observations testing-and-training-sentences)
prob-map (map make-prob-fn-map (map vector nested-tag-word-count-training-list word-count-training-list unique-words-count-training-list nested-previous-tag-tag-count-training-list training-tag-count-start-end (map count states)))
transition-prob (map :prob-tag-given-previous-tag prob-map)
emission-prob (map :prob-word-given-tag prob-map)
start-prob (map (fn [trans-p] #(trans-p % "START")) transition-prob)
testing-tags-list (map extract-testing-tags testing-and-training-sentences)]
(map #(map vector %1 %2)
(map (fn [[obs-list sts start-p trans-p emit-p]]
(map (fn [obs]
(extract-path (viterbi-solution obs sts start-p trans-p emit-p))) obs-list))
(map vector observations states start-prob transition-prob emission-prob)))))
(defn -main []
(average-accuracy (map (comp average-accuracy compare-matches) (run-viterbi))))
;; Checking functions
(defn close-to-1 [val]
(> 0.000001 (math/abs (- 1 val))))
;; Assert that Probabilities are sensible?
(defn check-probs? []
(let [states (map extract-states testing-and-training-sentences)
observations (map extract-observations testing-and-training-sentences)
prob-map (map make-prob-fn-map (map vector nested-tag-word-count-training-list word-count-training-list unique-words-count-training-list nested-previous-tag-tag-count-training-list training-tag-count-start-end (map count states)))
transition-prob (map :prob-tag-given-previous-tag prob-map)
emission-prob (map :prob-word-given-tag prob-map)
start-prob (map (fn [trans-p] #(trans-p % "START")) transition-prob)
testing-tags-list (map extract-testing-tags testing-and-training-sentences)]
(every? true? (map close-to-1 (map (fn [[start-pr st]] (apply + (map start-pr st))) (map vector start-prob states)))))
"Start Probabilities are not sensible")
(let [states (map extract-states testing-and-training-sentences)
observations (map extract-observations testing-and-training-sentences)
prob-map (map make-prob-fn-map (map vector nested-tag-word-count-training-list word-count-training-list unique-words-count-training-list nested-previous-tag-tag-count-training-list training-tag-count-start-end (map count states)))
transition-prob (map :prob-tag-given-previous-tag prob-map)
emission-prob (map :prob-word-given-tag prob-map)
start-prob (map #(partial % "START") transition-prob)
testing-tags-list (map extract-testing-tags testing-and-training-sentences)]
(every? true? (map (fn [[emit-pr st wctl]] (every? true? (map close-to-1 (map (fn [word] (apply + (map #(emit-pr word %) st))) (keys wctl))))) (map vector emission-prob states word-count-training-list))))
"Emmission probabilities are not sensible")
(every? true? (let [states (map extract-states testing-and-training-sentences)
observations (map extract-observations testing-and-training-sentences)
prob-map (map make-prob-fn-map (map vector nested-tag-word-count-training-list word-count-training-list unique-words-count-training-list nested-previous-tag-tag-count-training-list training-tag-count-start-end (map count states)))
transition-prob (map :prob-tag-given-previous-tag prob-map)
emission-prob (map :prob-word-given-tag prob-map)
start-prob (map #(partial % "START") transition-prob)
testing-tags-list (map extract-testing-tags testing-and-training-sentences)]
(map (fn [[trans-pr st]] (every? true? (map close-to-1 (map (fn [prior] (apply + (map #(trans-pr % prior) st))) (disj st "."))))) (map vector transition-prob states))))
"Transisition probabilities are not sensible"))
Here is sample.txt:
====================================== In/IN [ an/DT Oct./NNP 19/CD review/NN ] of/IN ``/`` [ The/DT Misanthrope/NN ] ''/'' at/IN [ Chicago/NNP 's/POS Goodman/NNP Theatre/NNP ] (/( [ ``/`` Revitalized/VBN Classics/NNS ] Take/VBP [ the/DT Stage/NN ] in/IN [ Windy/NNP City/NNP ] ,/, ''/'' [ Leisure/NN ] &/CC [ Arts/NNS ] )/) ,/, [ the/DT role/NN ] of/IN [ Celimene/NNP ] ,/, played/VBN by/IN [ Kim/NNP Cattrall/NNP ] ,/, was/VBD mistakenly/RB attributed/VBN to/TO [ Christina/NNP Haag/NNP ] ./. [ Ms./NNP Haag/NNP ] plays/VBZ [ Elianti/NNP ] ./. ====================================== (/( See/VB :/: ``/`` [ Revitalized/VBN Classics/NNS ] Take/VBP [ the/DT Stage/NN ] in/IN [ Windy/NNP City/NNP ] ''/'' --/: [ WSJ/NNP Oct./NNP 19/CD ] ,/, [ 1989/CD ] )/) ====================================== ====================================== [ Rolls-Royce/NNP Motor/NNP Cars/NNPS Inc./NNP ] said/VBD [ it/PRP ] expects/VBZ [ its/PRP$ U.S./NNP sales/NNS ] to/TO remain/VB [ steady/JJ ] at/IN about/IN [ 1,200/CD cars/NNS ] in/IN [ 1990/CD ] ./. [ The/DT luxury/NN auto/NN maker/NN last/JJ year/NN ] sold/VBD [ 1,214/CD cars/NNS ] in/IN [ the/DT U.S./NNP Howard/NNP Mosher/NNP ] ,/, [ president/NN ] and/CC [ chief/JJ executive/NN officer/NN ] ,/, said/VBD [ he/PRP ] anticipates/VBZ [ growth/NN ] for/IN [ the/DT luxury/NN auto/NN maker/NN ] in/IN [ Britain/NNP ] and/CC [ Europe/NNP ] ,/, and/CC in/IN [ Far/JJ Eastern/JJ markets/NNS ] ./. ====================================== [ BELL/NNP INDUSTRIES/NNP Inc./NNP ] increased/VBD [ its/PRP$ quarterly/NN ] to/TO [ 10/CD cents/NNS ] from/IN [ seven/CD cents/NNS ] [ a/DT share/NN ] ./. [ The/DT new/JJ rate/NN ] will/MD be/VB [ payable/JJ Feb./NNP 15/CD ] ./. [ A/DT record/NN date/NN has/VBZ n't/RB ] been/VBN set/VBN ./. [ Bell/NNP ] ,/, based/VBN in/IN [ Los/NNP Angeles/NNP ] ,/, makes/VBZ and/CC distributes/VBZ [ electronic/JJ ] ,/, [ computer/NN ] and/CC [ building/NN products/NNS ] ./. ====================================== [ Investors/NNS ] are/VBP appealing/VBG to/TO [ the/DT Securities/NNPS ] and/CC [ Exchange/NNP Commission/NNP ] not/RB to/TO limit/VB [ their/PRP$ access/NN ] to/TO [ information/NN ] about/IN [ stock/NN purchases/NNS ] and/CC [ sales/NNS ] by/IN [ corporate/JJ insiders/NNS ] ./. ====================================== [ A/DT SEC/NNP proposal/NN ] to/TO ease/VB reporting/NN [ requirements/NNS ] for/IN [ some/DT company/NN executives/NNS ] would/MD undermine/VB [ the/DT usefulness/NN ] of/IN [ information/NN ] on/IN [ insider/NN trades/NNS ] as/IN [ a/DT stock-picking/JJ tool/NN ] ,/, [ individual/JJ investors/NNS ] and/CC [ professional/JJ money/NN managers/NNS ] contend/VBP ./.
(deftest test-split (is (= ["a" b"] "a b")))
or something like this. \$\endgroup\$