This is my first open source release and I'd like to get some feedback on my code styling/organization. Implementation tips are appreciated as well.
The code is for an AngularJS select box that allows you to select from a list of values, or enter in free text.
The control can be configured to:
- compare against an attribute of the source items.
- return a specific attribute (EG for searching names, but returning an id).
- return the source object or the value (generating a object in the case of free text input.
Example usage:
<body ng-app="test">
<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module("test", ['fzSelect'])
.controller("test", function($scope){
$scope.myItems = [{name: 'one', value: 1}, {name: 'two', value: 2}, {name: 'three', value: 3}];
$scope.myValue = { value: "something" };
<div style="width: 600px;" ng-controller="test">
<h1> {{myValue.value}} </h1>
<div fz-select fz-select-items="myItems"
ng-model="myValue.value" />
Angular Code
angular.module( "fzSelect", [] )
.directive( "fzSelect", ['$filter', '$timeout', '$parse',
function($filter, $timeout, $parse){
return {
restrict: 'EA',
// require: ['ngModel', 'fzSelectItems'],
'<div class="input-group" >'+
'<input class="form-control" ng-model="searchString"></input>'+
'<span class="input-group-btn">'+
'<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="showAll()" >▼</button>'+
'<div class="fz-select-results-container" ng-if="resultsVisible.value"> '+
'<div class="fz-select-results-row" '+
'ng-repeat="item in filteredItems" '+
link: function($scope, element, attrs){
var itemsGetter = $parse(attrs.fzSelectItems);
var valueGetter = $parse(attrs.ngModel);
var valueSetter = valueGetter.assign;
var itemAttributeName = null;
var itemAttributeGetter = null;
if( attrs.hasOwnProperty('fzMatchAttribute') ){
itemAttributeGetter = $parse(attrs.fzMatchAttribute);
itemAttributeName = attrs.fzMatchAttribute;
var itemReturnAttributeName = "value";
var itemReturnAttributeGetter = null;
if( attrs.hasOwnProperty('fzReturnAttribute') ){
itemReturnAttributeGetter = $parse(attrs.fzReturnAttribute);
itemReturnAttributeName = attrs.fzReturnAttribute;
} else if( attrs.hasOwnProperty('fzMatchAttribute') ){
itemReturnAttributeGetter = $parse(attrs.fzMatchAttribute);
itemReturnAttributeName = attrs.fzMatchAttribute;
var returnObjects = false;
if( attrs.hasOwnProperty("fzReturnObjects") ){
returnObjects = attrs.fzReturnObjects == "true";
$scope.items = itemsGetter($scope);
$scope.searchString = valueGetter($scope);
$scope.filteredItems = [];
$scope.resultsVisible = {value: false};
$scope.selectedValue = null;
var valueWasSelected = false;
$scope.showResults = function(show){
$scope.resultsVisible.value = show;
$scope.getItemDisplayString = function(item){
if( itemAttributeGetter != null ){
return itemAttributeGetter(item);
return item;
$scope.showAll = function(){
$scope.filteredItems = $scope.items;
$scope.updateSourceValue = function(){
if($scope.selectedValue != null){
if( itemReturnAttributeGetter != null && !returnObjects){
valueSetter($scope, itemReturnAttributeGetter($scope.selectedValue));
} else {
valueSetter($scope, $scope.selectedValue);
} else {
var returnObject = {}
returnObject[itemReturnAttributeName] = $scope.searchString;
valueSetter($scope, returnObject);
} else {
valueSetter($scope, $scope.searchString);
$scope.resultItemClicked = function(item){
$scope.selectedValue = item;
$scope.searchString = $scope.getItemDisplayString(item);
valueWasSelected = true;
$scope.filterItems = function(){
var searchObject = {};
if( itemAttributeName != null ){
searchObject[itemAttributeName] = $scope.searchString;
} else {
searchObject = $scope.searchString;
var tempList = $filter('filter')($scope.items, $scope.searchString);
$scope.filteredItems = tempList;
if( $scope.searchString.length > 0 && !$scope.resultsVisible.value )
if( $scope.searchString.length == 0 && $scope.resultsVisible.value )
$scope.$watch('searchString', function(){
if( !valueWasSelected )
$scope.selectedValue = null;
valueWasSelected = false;
}, true);