Is there a way to do this using parameters so the value is automatically converted to whatever datatype the keyfield has in the datatable?
This code should be reusable for future bulk update applications hence the constant and the check on multiple datatypes.
private const string DBKEYFIELDNAME = "CustomerNr";
for (int i = 1; i <= csvLines.Length - 1; i++) // i=1 => skip header line
string[] csvFieldsArray = csvLines[i].Split(';');
int indexKeyField = csvHeaders.IndexOf(CSVKEYFIELDNAME.ToLower());
object csvKeyValue = csvFieldsArray[indexKeyField];
// ... some more code here that is not relevant
// Find the matching row for our csv keyfield value
Type keyType = parameters.DataTableOriginal.Columns[DBKEYFIELDNAME].DataType;
DataRow[] rowsOriginal = null;
if (keyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(string)))
rowsOriginal = parameters.DataTableOriginal.Select(DBKEYFIELDNAME + "='" + csvKeyValue.ToString() + "'");
else if (keyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Int16)) || keyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Int32)) || keyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Int64)) || keyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(bool)))
rowsOriginal = parameters.DataTableOriginal.Select(DBKEYFIELDNAME + "=" + csvKeyValue);
if (rowsOriginal != null && rowsOriginal.Length == 1)
// Do some processing of the row here
? \$\endgroup\$i <= csvLines.Length - 1
idiomatic in this codebase? I think most people would consideri < csvLines.Length
more idiomatic, and the fewer surprises the better. \$\endgroup\$