I am relatively new to C and would like some feedback on a function that I have written, if it adheres to C standards or if there are some other things which I could have done better/differently.
/* Function to find DB matches and store them in a glycopeptide structure */
/* Written by Bas Jansen, 18-01-2012, Leiden University Medical Center */
databasereader (float precursor, float massaccuracy, MYSQL *connection) {
float prec_lower = precursor - massaccuracy; /* define lower border by substracting mass accuracy from given precursor */
float prec_higher = precursor + massaccuracy; /* define upper border by adding mass accuracy to given precursor */
glycopeptide* glycan; /* define a pointer to the structure glycopeptide as glycan */
char querystring[MAX_SIZE_LARGE]; /* define a variable to contain the SQL query */
sprintf(querystring,"select precursor.mzValue as 'M/z Value', glycoPeptide.description as 'Description', spectrum.spectrum as 'Data Type', binaryDataArray.arrayData as 'Data (encoded)', binaryDataArray.arrayLength as 'Array length', binaryDataArray.compLength as 'Compressed length' from glycoPeptide, spectrum, binaryDataArray, run, precursor where run.glycoPeptide = glycoPeptide.id AND spectrum.run = run.id AND precursor.run = run.id AND binaryDataArray.spectrum = spectrum.id AND precursor.mzValue between %f and %f ORDER BY glycoPeptide.description, spectrum.spectrum", prec_lower, prec_higher); /* convert the border values into strings and put them in the SQL query */
if (mysql_query (connection, querystring) != 0) { /* checks if query gives any results */
printf("Made it to the query part, but no hits\n"); /* give a message if the query gave no hits */
} else { /* if query gives hits do... */
glycan = malloc(sizeof(glycopeptide)*1000); /* allocate memory for the glycan structure */
int teller = 0; /* implements a counter to count and walk through the daughters of glycan */
MYSQL_RES *result_set; /* defines a result_set structure */
result_set = mysql_store_result (connection); /* stores result from sql query in result_set structure */
if (result_set == NULL) { /* checks if result from the query got stored */
printf("mysql_store_result() failed"); /* print error if no result was stored */
} else { /* if query was successful... */
MYSQL_ROW row; /* defines a row structure */
int i; /* defines a int to use in a for loop */
while ((row = mysql_fetch_row (result_set)) != NULL) { /* as long as there are rows in result set do... */
for (i = 0; i < mysql_num_fields (result_set); i++) { /* for each field in result row */
if (i == 0) { /* if field is 'M/z Value' do... */
float buffer = atof(row[i]); /* convert string in to the float buffer variable */
(glycan+teller)->prec = buffer; /* assign the float buffer variable to the structure */
} /* closes the if field is (M/z Value) do... */
if (i == 1) { /* if field is 'Description' do... */
(glycan+teller)->desc = malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_SIZE_SMALL); /* allocate memory for the description */
(glycan+teller)->desc = row[i]; /* assign the string in field[i] to the structure */
} /* closes the if field is 'Description' do... */
if (i == 2) { /* if field is 'Data Type' do... */
(glycan+teller)->datatype = malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_SIZE_TINY); /* allocate memory for the datatype */
(glycan+teller)->datatype = row[i]; /* assign the string in field[i] to the structure */
} /* closes the if field is 'Data Type' do... */
if (i == 3) { /* if field is 'Data (encoded)' do... */
(glycan+teller)->binary = malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_SIZE_LARGE); /* allocate memory for the binary data */
(glycan+teller)->binary = row[i]; /* assign the string in field[i] to the structure */
} /* closes the if field is 'Data (encoded) do... */
if (i == 4) { /* if field is 'Array length' do... */
int buffer = atoi(row[i]); /* convert string in to the int buffer variable */
(glycan+teller)->array_length = buffer; /* assign the int buffer variable to the structure */
} /* closes the if field is 'Array length' do... */
if (i == 5) { /* if field is 'Compressed length' do... */
int buffer = atoi(row[i]); /* convert string in to the int buffer variable */
(glycan+teller)->compressed_length = buffer; /* assign the int buffer variable to the structure */
} /* closes the if field is 'Compressed length' do... */
} /* closes for loop */
teller++; /* increments counter that counts and walks through the daughters of glycan */
} /* closes while loop */
/* Freeing memory */
return(glycan); /* returns the structure back to main */
for (i = 0; i < teller; i++) { /* for loop that walks through all daughters of glycan */
free((glycan+i)->desc); /* free the memory allocated to description of this particular daughter */
free((glycan+i)->datatype); /* free the memory allocated to datatype of this particular daughter */
free((glycan+i)->binary); /* free the memory allocated to binary of this particular daughter */
for (i = teller; i > 0; i--) { /* for loop that walks (backwards) through all daughters of glycan */
(glycan+i)->desc=NULL; /* sets the pointer to description to NULL of this particular daughter */
(glycan+i)->datatype=NULL; /* sets the pointer to datatype to NULL of this particular daughter */
(glycan+i)->binary=NULL; /* sets the pointer to binary to NULL of this particular daughter */
free(glycan); /* free the memory allocated for glycan */
glycan = NULL; /* sets the pointer to glycan to NULL */
} /* closes the else, belonging to result_set */
} /* closes the else, belonging to mysql_query */
} /* closes the function */
Here are my struct
s and #define
#define MAX_SIZE_TINY 128
#define MAX_SIZE_SMALL 512
#define MAX_SIZE_LARGE 1024
typedef struct {
float prec;
char* desc;
char* datatype;
char* binary;
int array_length;
int compressed_length;
} glycopeptide;