I have just written a function copy_lowbits_off
to copy any number of bits (not bytes) from a source buffer to a destination buffer. The function also supports arbitrary offset (expressed in bits) in the source and the destination buffer.
Could you have a look at it and let me know if anything can be improved in style, design or best practices? Specifically, I find my code too complicated for what it does and I am rather unhappy by the naming of functions and variables.
I compile in C++11 but I don't use much of the C++ features here.
#define BITMASKU8(x) ((1U << (x)) - 1)
* Select low_sel bits from src starting from the lower bit and
* copy the selected bits to dst at offset msb_off, starting from the most
* significant bit.
* The caller must ensure that low_sel + msb_off <= 8
* @param dst: Destination byte
* @param src: Source byte
* @param low_sel: Number of low bits to select from src
* @param msb_off: Offset from msb in dst
void offset_bitcpy(std::uint8_t& dst, const std::uint8_t src,
std::uint8_t low_sel, std::uint8_t msb_off) {
const std::uint8_t sel_src = src & BITMASKU8(low_sel);
std::uint8_t shift = 8 - (msb_off + low_sel);
const std::uint8_t shift_src = sel_src << shift;
dst |= shift_src;
* Copy an arbitrary number of *bits* from an arbitrary position (expressed
* in bits) in the src buffer, to an abitrary position (expressed in *bits*) in
* the dst buffer.
* The caller must ensure that dst_offbits < 8 && src_offbits < 8. If you need
* to have a bit offset > 8, set dst += bit offset / 8 and
* dst_offbits = bit offset % 8 (respectively for src). low_sel may be >= 8.
* @param dst: Destination buffer
* @param src: Source buffer
* @param low_sel: Number of bits to copy from src to dst
* @params src_offbits: [0,7] Offset in the first byte of the source buffer
* @params dst_offbits: [0,7] Offset in the second byte of the destination
* buffer
void copy_lowbits_off(std::uint8_t* dst, const std::uint8_t* src,
unsigned low_sel, std::uint8_t dst_offbits, std::uint8_t src_offbits) {
while(low_sel != 0) {
// Number of bits to select from the first byte of src, and write
// to the first byte of dst
const std::uint8_t sel_byte = std::min(low_sel, 8U - dst_offbits);
const std::uint8_t off_src = *src >> src_offbits;
offset_bitcpy(*dst, off_src, sel_byte, dst_offbits);
// Update dst offsets
const std::uint8_t add_dst_off = sel_byte + dst_offbits;
dst += add_dst_off / 8;
dst_offbits = add_dst_off % 8;
// Update src offsets
src_offbits += sel_byte;
src += src_offbits / 8;
src_offbits = src_offbits % 8;
low_sel -= sel_byte;