I'm getting ready to dive back into a "more proper" project, so I wanted to take a moment to get my TDD hat on before doing so. I decided to tackle this Roman Numeral Kata for practice. The purpose of the function is simply to take in a Long
and output a string containing the equivalent Roman Numeral.
I'm confident that it's accurate out to 3999. Beyond that a standard keyboard doesn't quite have the proper characters, so 4000 comes out as MMMM
and 14841 comes out as MMMMMMMMMMMMMMDCCCXLI
. Unit Tests can be found in this Gist if you're interested.
I didn't plan on doing this recursively. It just kind of came out naturally after a few refactorings. I did at one point extract a few functions to reduce the redundancy in the code below, but it really felt like it obfuscated the algorithm and hurt the clarity.
Was the recursive solution a good way to go? I feel like it's clear, but I have this nagging feeling there might be a better algorithm. (One that may involve determining decimal places perhaps?)
Is it dry enough as it is, or should I have extracted a few functions like this.
Private Function UpFrom(ByVal number As Long, ByVal from As Long) As String UpFrom = ConvertToRomanNumeral(from) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - from) End Function
Should I have raised an error after reaching 4000, instead of returning "numeral like" strings?
Did I do anything else stupid or dirty? Anything you'd do differently?
Public Function ConvertToRomanNumeral(ByVal number As Long) As String
Dim result As String
Select Case number
Case 1
result = "I"
Case 2 To 3
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 1) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(1)
Case 4
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(1) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(5)
Case 5
result = "V"
Case 6 To 8
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(5) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 5)
Case 9
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(1) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(10)
Case 10
result = "X"
Case 11 To 39
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(10) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 10)
Case 40
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(10) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(50)
Case 41 To 49
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(40) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 40)
Case 50
result = "L"
Case 51 To 89
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(50) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 50)
Case 90
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(10) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(100)
Case 91 To 99
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(90) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 90)
Case 100
result = "C"
Case 101 To 399
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(100) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 100)
Case 400
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(100) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(500)
Case 401 To 499
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(400) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 400)
Case 500
result = "D"
Case 501 To 899
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(500) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 500)
Case 900
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(100) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(1000)
Case 901 To 999
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(900) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 900)
Case 1000
result = "M"
Case Else
result = ConvertToRomanNumeral(1000) & ConvertToRomanNumeral(number - 1000)
End Select
ConvertToRomanNumeral = result
End Function