
I'm new to Angular and I would like some advice on how I can improve my code. The main things that I want to focus on are decoupling and code correctness.


<body ng-controller="myController as myCtrl">

    Select movie to display:
    <button ng-click="myCtrl.change('mortalkombat')">Mortal Kombat</button>
    <button ng-click="myCtrl.change('princessbride')">Princess Bride</button>
    <button ng-click="myCtrl.change('sherlockholmes')">Sherlock Holmes</button>
    <button ng-click="myCtrl.change('tmnt')">TMNT</button>
    <button ng-click="myCtrl.change('tmnt2')">TMNT2</button>

<div ng-show="myCtrl.movie !== ''">

    <h1>{{myCtrl.info[0] + " (" + myCtrl.info[1] + ")"}}</h1>

    <div id=outerbox>
        <div id=overview>
                <img ng-src="{{myCtrl.movie}}/overview.png" alt="general overview" />

            <dl ng-repeat="over in myCtrl.overview">
        <div id=reviews>
            <div id=banner>
                <img ng-src="{{myCtrl.pic}}" alt="{{myCtrl.alt}}"/>
                {{myCtrl.info[2] + "%"}}
            <div class=revcol>
                <span ng-repeat="rev in myCtrl.reviews | limitTo : (myCtrl.reviews.length / 2 |number:0)">
                        <img ng-src="{{myCtrl.image(rev['type'])}}" alt="{{rev['type']}}"/>
                        <img src="/critic.gif" alt="Critic"/>
                        {{rev['name']}} <br/>
            <div class=revcol>
                <span ng-repeat="rev in myCtrl.reviews | limitTo : -(myCtrl.reviews.length / 2)">
                        <img ng-src="{{myCtrl.image(rev['type'])}}" alt="{{rev['type']}}"/>
                        <img src="/critic.gif" alt="Critic"/>
                        {{rev['name']}} <br/>
        <div id=footer>
            <p>(1-{{myCtrl.reviews.length}}) of {{myCtrl.reviews.length}}</p>


    var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

    app.controller('myController', ['$http', function($http){
        this.movie = '';
        var myApp = this;
        myApp.info = [];
        myApp.overview = [];
        myApp.over = [];
        myApp.pic = '';
        myApp.alt = '';
        myApp.reviews = [];

        this.change = function(movie){
            this.movie = movie;
            $http.get("./" + movie + "/info.txt").success(function(data){
                myApp.info = data.split('\n');
            $http.get("./" + movie + "/overview.txt").success(function(data){
                myApp.overview = data.split('\n');
            $http.get("./" + movie + "/reviews.json").success(function(data){
                myApp.reviews = data;

        this.rank = function(){
            if(myApp.info[2] >= 60){
                myApp.pic = "/freshbig.png";
                myApp.alt = "Fresh";
                myApp.pic = "/rottenbig.png";
                myApp.alt = "Rotten";

        this.image = function(r){
            if(r === 'FRESH'){
                return "/fresh.gif";
                return "/rotten.gif";


1 Answer 1


I think you need to decouple the view (html part) from the controller. You can do this by using $scope.

For example, instead of writing

<span ng-repeat="rev in myCtrl.reviews | limitTo : (myCtrl.reviews.length / 2 |number:0)">

You should

<span ng-repeat="rev in reviews | limitTo : (reviews.length / 2 |number:0)">

In the controller you put reviews in the $scope. Please see this doc https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_02


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