Here is a String
class that I've made for fun in my spare time, for myself.
I have a few concerns about it, and am considering going immutable or a mix of the two where the string would be immutable when initialized from a constant, and then mutable when changed.
Also I am considering how to implement Unicode. I could prefer not to have a default format such as always translating to UTF32 internally, but rather to be flexible and to have each instance keep its source format unless told otherwise. But then I would need a Char class to abstract the difference between formats, and I find it very fun to keep things optimized for performance as well.
- How would you go about this?
- Is there something very wrong in my class?
Please be criticize my code so that I can improve on it.
String defaults to String::Empty
#pragma once
#include "../Types.hpp"
#include "../DataStruct/Vector.hpp"
namespace Core
class String
static UInt NewLineLength;
static CStr const Empty;
typedef DataStruct::Vector<TChar> Vector;
Vector _vctr;
/* StrPtrVec internal class */
class StrPtrVec : public DataStruct::Vector<String*>
StrPtrVec(UInt capacity);
/* public static */
static UInt CStrLength(CStr);
static UInt CStrByteSize(CStr);
static void FormatToBuffer(TChar* buffer, UInt buffer_size, CStr format, ...);
static String FormatToString(CStr format, ...);
static Int Compare(CStr source, CStr target);
static Bool StartsWith(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value);
static Bool StartsWith(CStr text, CStr value);
static Bool EndsWith(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value);
static Bool EndsWith(CStr text, CStr value);
static UInt IndexOf(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value, UInt valueLength, UInt start = 0);
static UInt IndexOf(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value, UInt start = 0);
static UInt IndexOf(CStr text, CStr value, UInt start = 0);
static UInt LastIndexOf(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value, UInt valueLength, UInt start = Default);
static UInt LastIndexOf(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value, UInt start = Default);
static UInt LastIndexOf(CStr text, CStr value, UInt start = Default);
static String SubString(CStr text, UInt textLength, UInt start, UInt length);
static String SubString(CStr text, UInt start, UInt length);
//StrPtrVec* must be manually deleted to avoir leaks
static StrPtrVec* Split(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr delimiters, UInt delimitersLength);
static StrPtrVec* Split(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr delimiters);
static StrPtrVec* Split(CStr text, CStr delimiters);
static Bool IsDigit(TChar chr);
static Bool IsDigit(CStr text, UInt textLength);
static Bool IsDigit(CStr text);
static const UInt NoMatch = (UInt)-1;
static const UInt Default = NoMatch;
static const UInt MaxSize = NoMatch - 1;
/* Constructors && Destructor */
String(UInt capacity);
String(CStr value);
String(CStr value, UInt length);
String(CStr begin, CStr end);
String(String const & value);
String(String && value);
/* Operators */
operator CStr () const;
String& operator=(CStr text);
String& operator=(String const &text);
String& operator=(String && text);
String& operator+=(CStr text);
String& operator+=(String const & text);
String operator+(CStr text) const;
String operator+(String const & text) const;
Bool operator==(CStr text) const;
Bool operator!=(CStr text) const;
Bool operator>(CStr text) const;
Bool operator<(CStr text) const;
Bool operator>=(CStr text) const;
Bool operator<=(CStr text) const;
TChar operator[](UInt index) const;
/* Public Const Functions */
Bool IsEmpty() const;
UInt Capacity() const;
UInt Length() const;
UInt ByteSize() const;
CStr CStrPtr() const;
Int Compare(CStr value) const;
Bool StartsWith(CStr value);
Bool EndsWith(CStr value);
UInt IndexOf(CStr value, UInt start = 0) const;
UInt LastIndexOf(CStr value, UInt start = Default) const;
String SubString(UInt start, UInt length) const;
StrPtrVec* Split(CStr delimiters) const;
/* Public No-Const Functions */
void Clear();
void Reserve(UInt capacity);
void Shrink();
String& Append(CStr value);
String& Append(String const & value);
String& AppendLine(CStr value = String::Empty);
String& AppendLine(String const & value);
TChar* DrivePointer(UInt future_length);
String& TrimLeft();
String& TrimRight();
String& Trim();
Bool IsDigit();
String& Overwrite(UInt start, CStr begin, CStr end);
String& Replace(CStr oldValue, CStr newValue);
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "String.hpp"
#include "../Assert/Assert.hpp"
void FormatImpl(Core::TChar* buffer, Core::UInt buffer_size, Core::CStr format, va_list args);
Core::UInt FormatImplGetRequiredSize(Core::CStr format, va_list args);
namespace Core
UInt String::NewLineLength = String::CStrLength(NewLine);
CStr const String::Empty = Text("");
/* StrPtrVec internal class ***************************************************/
String::StrPtrVec::StrPtrVec() : DataStruct::Vector<String*>(Pod)
String::StrPtrVec::StrPtrVec(UInt capacity) : DataStruct::Vector<String*>(capacity, Pod)
auto it = Begin();
auto end = End();
while(it < end)
delete *it;
/* public static **************************************************************/
UInt String::CStrLength(CStr text)
UInt length = 0U;
while(*text != '\0')
return length;
UInt String::CStrByteSize(CStr text)
return CStrLength(text) * sizeof(TChar);
void String::FormatToBuffer(TChar* buffer, UInt buffer_size, CStr format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
FormatImpl(buffer, buffer_size, format, args);
String String::FormatToString(CStr format, ...)
va_list args;
UInt size;
String value;
va_start(args, format);
size = FormatImplGetRequiredSize(format, args);
va_start(args, format);
FormatImpl(value._vctr.DrivePointer(size), size, format, args);
return value;
Int String::Compare(CStr source, CStr target)
// 0 when source == target
// 1 when source > target
// -1 when source < target
if(*source == '\0' && *target == '\0') return 0;
if(*source == '\0') return -1;
if(*target == '\0') return 1;
if(*source < *target) return -1;
if(*source > *target) return 1;
return 0;
Bool String::StartsWith(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value)
CStr end = text + textLength;
while(text < end && *value && *text == *value)
return !*value;
Bool String::StartsWith(CStr text, CStr value)
while(*text && *value && *text == *value)
return !*value;
Bool String::EndsWith(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value)
CStr it = text + textLength - CStrLength(value);
return it >= text ? StartsWith(it, value) : false;
Bool String::EndsWith(CStr text, CStr value)
return EndsWith(text, CStrLength(text), value);
UInt String::IndexOf(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value, UInt valueLength, UInt start)
CStr it, end;
if(start >= textLength || textLength < valueLength)
return NoMatch;
it = text + start;
end = text + textLength;
while(it < end)
if(valueLength == 1 ? *it == *value : StartsWith(it, value))
return it - text;
return NoMatch;
UInt String::IndexOf(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value, UInt start)
return IndexOf(text, textLength, value, CStrLength(value), start);
UInt String::IndexOf(CStr text, CStr value, UInt start)
return IndexOf(text, CStrLength(text), value, CStrLength(value), start);
UInt String::LastIndexOf(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value, UInt valueLength, UInt start)
if(start != Default)
if(start > textLength)
return NoMatch;
textLength = start;
if(valueLength > textLength)
return NoMatch;
CStr rend = text - 1;
CStr it = text + textLength - valueLength;
while(rend < it)
if(valueLength == 1 ? *it == *value : StartsWith(it, valueLength, value))
return it - text;
return NoMatch;
UInt String::LastIndexOf(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value, UInt start)
return LastIndexOf(text, textLength, value, CStrLength(value), start);
UInt String::LastIndexOf(CStr text, CStr value, UInt start)
return LastIndexOf(text, CStrLength(text), value, CStrLength(value), start);
String String::SubString(CStr text, UInt textLength, UInt start, UInt length)
if(length > textLength) length = textLength;
if(!text || !length || start + length > textLength) return String();
return String(text + start, text + start + length);
String String::SubString(CStr text, UInt start, UInt length)
return SubString(text, CStrLength(text), start, length);
//delimiters is a list of TChar separators and not a single string separator
String::StrPtrVec* String::Split(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr delimiters, UInt delimitersLength)
StrPtrVec* vStr;
CStr begin, it, end;
UInt count;
vStr = new StrPtrVec();
return vStr;
vStr->Add(new String(text));
return vStr;
begin = text;
it = text;
end = text + textLength;
count = 0U;
while(it < end)
if(delimitersLength == 1 ? *it == *delimiters : IndexOf(delimiters, delimitersLength, it, 1U, 0U) != NoMatch)
if(begin != it)
vStr->Add(new String(begin, it));
begin = it + 1;
if(begin != end)
vStr->Add(new String(begin, end));
return vStr;
String::StrPtrVec* String::Split(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr delimiters)
return Split(text, textLength, delimiters, CStrLength(delimiters));
String::StrPtrVec* String::Split(CStr text, CStr delimiters)
return Split(text, CStrLength(text), delimiters, CStrLength(delimiters));
//Digits are 0123456789
Bool String::IsDigit(TChar chr)
TChar const value[2] = {chr, 0};
return String::IndexOf(Text("0123456789"), 10U, value) != String::NoMatch;
Bool String::IsDigit(CStr text, UInt textLength)
CStr it = text;
CStr end = text + textLength;
while(it < end)
return false;
return true;
Bool String::IsDigit(CStr text)
return IsDigit(text, CStrLength(text));
/* Constructors && Destructor *************************************************/
String::String() : _vctr(Vector::CtorModeEnum::Pod)
String::String(UInt capacity) : _vctr(capacity, Vector::CtorModeEnum::Pod)
//value must be null terminated
String::String(CStr value) : _vctr(Vector::CtorModeEnum::Pod)
UInt length = CStrLength(value);
_vctr.AddRange(value, value + length + 1);
//if length > 0 value must not be null
String::String(CStr value, UInt length) : _vctr(Vector::CtorModeEnum::Pod)
ASSERT_PARAMETER(length == 0 || value);
_vctr.AddRange(value, value + length + 1);
String::String(CStr begin, CStr end) : _vctr(Vector::CtorModeEnum::Pod)
ASSERT(begin <= end);
if(begin != end)
_vctr.AddRange(begin, end);
String::String(String const & value) : _vctr(value._vctr)
String::String(String && value) : _vctr((Vector&&)value)
/* Operators ******************************************************************/
String::operator CStr () const
return CStrPtr();
String& String::operator=(CStr text)
UInt n = CStrLength(text);
_vctr.AddRange(text, text + n + 1);
return *this;
String& String::operator=(String const & text)
if(this != &text)
*this = text.CStrPtr();
return *this;
String& String::operator=(String && text)
return *this;
String& String::operator+=(CStr text)
UInt length = CStrLength(text);
UInt current_length, new_length;
Bool max_size_overflowing;
//Check for MaxSize overflow
current_length = _vctr.Length();
new_length = current_length + length;
max_size_overflowing = new_length >= MaxSize || new_length < current_length;
_vctr.Remove(current_length - 1);
_vctr.AddRange(text, text + length + 1);
return *this;
String& String::operator+=(String const & text)
_vctr.Remove(_vctr.Length() - 1);
return *this;
String String::operator+(CStr text) const
return String(*this) += text;
String String::operator+(String const & text) const
return String(*this) += text;
Bool String::operator==(CStr text) const { ASSERT_PARAMETER(text); return Compare(text) == 0; }
Bool String::operator!=(CStr text) const { ASSERT_PARAMETER(text); return Compare(text) != 0; }
Bool String::operator> (CStr text) const { ASSERT_PARAMETER(text); return Compare(text) == 1; }
Bool String::operator< (CStr text) const { ASSERT_PARAMETER(text); return Compare(text) == -1; }
Bool String::operator>=(CStr text) const { ASSERT_PARAMETER(text); return Compare(text) >= 0; }
Bool String::operator<=(CStr text) const { ASSERT_PARAMETER(text); return Compare(text) <= 0; }
TChar String::operator[](UInt index) const
return _vctr.operator[](index);
/* Public Const Functions *****************************************************/
Bool String::IsEmpty() const
return _vctr.IsEmpty();
UInt String::Capacity() const
return _vctr.Capacity();
UInt String::Length() const
return _vctr.IsEmpty() ? 0U : _vctr.Length() - 1;
UInt String::ByteSize() const
return Length() * sizeof(TChar);
CStr String::CStrPtr() const
return IsEmpty() ? String::Empty : _vctr.Begin();
Int String::Compare(CStr value) const
return Compare(CStrPtr(), value);
Bool String::StartsWith(CStr value)
return StartsWith(CStrPtr(), value);
Bool String::EndsWith(CStr value)
return EndsWith(CStrPtr(), Length(), value);
UInt String::IndexOf(CStr value, UInt start) const
return IndexOf(CStrPtr(), Length(), value, CStrLength(value), start);
UInt String::LastIndexOf(CStr value, UInt start) const
return LastIndexOf(CStrPtr(), Length(), value, CStrLength(value), start);
String String::SubString(UInt start, UInt length) const
return SubString(CStrPtr(), Length(), start, length);
String::StrPtrVec* String::Split(CStr delimiters) const
return Split(CStrPtr(), Length(), delimiters);
/* Public Functions ***********************************************************/
//Clear does not deallocate memorys
void String::Clear()
void String::Reserve(UInt capacity)
_vctr.Reserve(capacity + sizeof(TChar));
void String::Shrink()
String& String::Append(CStr value)
*this += value;
return *this;
String& String::Append(String const & value)
*this += value;
return *this;
String& String::AppendLine(CStr value)
*this += value;
*this += NewLine;
return *this;
String& String::AppendLine(String const & value)
*this += value;
*this += NewLine;
return *this;
TChar* String::DrivePointer(UInt future_length)
auto buffer = _vctr.DrivePointer(future_length + 1);
buffer[future_length] = Text('\0');
return buffer;
String& String::TrimLeft()
auto it = _vctr.Begin();
UInt size;
while(it < _vctr.End() && *it == 32)
if(it != _vctr.Begin())
size = _vctr.End() - it;
Memory::Move(it, _vctr.DrivePointer(size), size * sizeof(TChar));
return *this;
String& String::TrimRight()
Vector::Element* it;
while((it = _vctr.RBegin() - 1) > _vctr.REnd() && *it == 32)
return *this;
String& String::Trim()
return TrimRight().TrimLeft();
Bool String::IsDigit()
return IsDigit(CStr(), Length());
UInt HowManyThereIs(CStr text, UInt textLength, CStr value, UInt valueLength)
UInt it = 0U, idx;
UInt count = 0U;
while(it < textLength)
idx = String::IndexOf(text, textLength, value, valueLength, it);
if(idx != String::NoMatch)
it = idx + valueLength;
return count;
String& _ReplaceRightToLeft(String& stringRef, UInt length, CStr oldValue, UInt oldValueLength, CStr newValue, UInt newValueLength)
Int diff = Int(newValueLength - oldValueLength);
Int offset = diff ? diff * HowManyThereIs(stringRef.CStrPtr(), length, oldValue, oldValueLength) : 0;
UInt newLength = length + offset;
CStr text = stringRef.CStrPtr();
CStr tail = text + length;
UInt idx;
UInt lengthToMove;
VoidPtr source, target;
while(length && String::NoMatch != (idx = String::LastIndexOf(text, length, oldValue, oldValueLength, String::Default)))
lengthToMove = length - (idx + oldValueLength);
source = VoidPtr(text + idx + oldValueLength);
target = VoidPtr(tail - lengthToMove + offset);
Memory::Move(source, target, lengthToMove * sizeof(TChar));
offset -= diff;
source = VoidPtr(newValue);
target = VoidPtr(text + idx + offset);
Memory::Move(source, target, newValueLength * sizeof(TChar));
tail -= lengthToMove + oldValueLength;
length = tail - text;
return stringRef;
String& _ReplaceLeftToRight(String& stringRef, UInt length, CStr oldValue, UInt oldValueLength, CStr newValue, UInt newValueLength)
### DF ### best ###
!## DF ### best ###
! DF F ### best ###
! DF ! ### best ###
! DF ! best est ###
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! DF ! best !
CStr text = stringRef.CStrPtr();
CStr it_source = text;
CStr it_target = text;
UInt idx;
while(String::NoMatch != (idx = String::IndexOf(it_source, length, oldValue, oldValueLength, 0U)))
Memory::Move((VoidPtr)it_source, (VoidPtr)it_target, idx * sizeof(TChar));
it_source += idx;
it_target += idx;
Memory::Move(VoidPtr(newValue), VoidPtr(it_target), newValueLength * sizeof(TChar));
it_source += oldValueLength; // 3
it_target += newValueLength; // 1
idx = text + length - it_source;
Memory::Move((VoidPtr)it_source, (VoidPtr)it_target, idx * sizeof(TChar));
it_source += idx;
it_target += idx;
stringRef.DrivePointer(it_target - text);
return stringRef;
//TASK TODO Switch Memory::Move by Memory::Copy when applicable
//TASK TODO The start param of IndexOf default to 0 and not to String::Default, unlike LastIndexOf.
// I called IndexOf with start = String::Default while meaning 0
// Maybe the start param should default to String::Default instead of 0
//TASK TODO Minimise and Optimise String::Replace
// consider a function for oldValueLength == newValueLength
// reconsider one function for all cases
String& _Replace(String& stringRef, UInt length, CStr oldValue, UInt oldValueLength, CStr newValue, UInt newValueLength)
Int diff = Int(newValueLength - oldValueLength);
if(diff >= 0)
return _ReplaceRightToLeft(stringRef, length, oldValue, oldValueLength, newValue, newValueLength);
return _ReplaceLeftToRight(stringRef, length, oldValue, oldValueLength, newValue, newValueLength);
String& String::Replace(CStr oldValue, CStr newValue)
UInt oldValueLength, length;
if(IndexOf(oldValue) == NoMatch)
return *this;
oldValueLength = CStrLength(oldValue);
length = Length();
if(oldValueLength > length)
return *this;
return _Replace(*this, length, oldValue, oldValueLength, newValue, CStrLength(newValue));
Units Tests are also present in the CoreSpecimen project on GitHub. I am limited to two links per post at this time so it's not linked here.