
I wanted to dust off my C skills, so I decided to write a couple string manipulation functions. I aimed for simplicity and safety. Performance was not a concern.

Please be a thorough as you like. C is not my everyday language, so I might have made some obvious mistakes. I would also appreciate extra attention to the test cases I've provided. Are they easy to understand and expand? Is coverage good enough?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

// Erases a part of the string's content, filling the end with null chars.
// `startIndex` must be in a valid range inside this string. The char pointed by `startIndex` is included.
// If `count` is less than 0 or greater than the string's length, erases until the end, starting at `startIndex`.
// Does nothing if the string is empty or if `count` is zero.
size_t strErase(char * str, size_t len, size_t startIndex, int count)
    assert(str != NULL);
    if (*str == '\0')
        assert(len == 0); // This would indicate a parameter mismatch if not true.
        return len;

    // If the string is not empty, a length must be provided.
    assert(len != 0);
    assert(startIndex < len && "Index out of range!");

    // Do nothing in this case.
    if (count == 0)
        return len;

    // Erase ALL till the end of the string, starting from `startIndex`, if `count` is not in range.
    if (count < 0 || (size_t)count >= len)
        memset(&str[startIndex], 0, len - startIndex);
        return len - startIndex; // New length.

    // Erase `count` chars from an arbitrary position:
    size_t charsToMove = len - (startIndex + count) + 1; // Including the null terminator (+1)
    memmove(&str[startIndex], &str[startIndex + count], charsToMove);
    return len - count; // New length.

// Replaces a sequence of characters in a string by a single character.
// `startIndex` must be in a valid range inside this string. The char pointed by `startIndex` is included.
// If `count` is less than 0 or greater than the string's length, fills with `replaceWith` char starting at `startIndex`.
// Does nothing if the string is empty or if `count` is zero.
void strReplace(char * str, size_t len, size_t startIndex, int count, char replaceWith)
    assert(str != NULL);
    if (*str == '\0')
        assert(len == 0); // This would indicate a parameter mismatch if not true.

    // If the string is not empty, a length must be provided.
    assert(len != 0);
    assert(startIndex < len && "Index out of range!");

    // Do nothing in this case.
    if (count == 0)

    // Fill until end with the given char, starting at pos:
    if (count < 0 || (size_t)count >= len)
        memset(&str[startIndex], replaceWith, len - startIndex);

    int charsLeft = len - startIndex;
    memset(&str[startIndex], replaceWith, (count <= charsLeft) ? count : charsLeft);

// Thin wrapper over strcmp(str1, str2) == 0 for the test cases.
bool strEquals(const char * str1, const char * str2)
    return strcmp(str1, str2) == 0;

void Test_strReplace(void)
    // Replace end of string:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strReplace(s, strlen(s), 5, 6, '+');

        assert(strlen(s) == 11);
        assert(strEquals(s, "Hello++++++"));

    // Replace beginning of string:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strReplace(s, strlen(s), 0, 6, '+');

        assert(strlen(s) == 11);
        assert(strEquals(s, "++++++World"));

    // Replace middle of string:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strReplace(s, strlen(s), 3, 5, '+');

        assert(strlen(s) == 11);
        assert(strEquals(s, "Hel+++++rld"));

    // Replace end with count overflow:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strReplace(s, strlen(s), 5, 999, '+');

        assert(strlen(s) == 11);
        assert(strEquals(s, "Hello++++++"));

    // Replace the whole string from the start:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strReplace(s, strlen(s), 0, strlen(s), '+');

        assert(strlen(s) == 11);
        assert(strEquals(s, "+++++++++++"));

    // Replace the whole string from the start with count overflow:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strReplace(s, strlen(s), 0, 999, '+');

        assert(strlen(s) == 11);
        assert(strEquals(s, "+++++++++++"));

    // Count equal to zero is a no-op:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strReplace(s, strlen(s), 2, 0, '+');

        assert(strlen(s) == 11);
        assert(strEquals(s, "Hello World"));

void Test_strErase(void)
    // Erase end of string:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strErase(s, strlen(s), 5, 6);

        assert(strlen(s) == 5);
        assert(strEquals(s, "Hello"));

    // Erase beginning of string:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strErase(s, strlen(s), 0, 6);

        assert(strlen(s) == 5);
        assert(strEquals(s, "World"));

    // Erase from the middle of the string:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strErase(s, strlen(s), 3, 5);

        assert(strlen(s) == 6);
        assert(strEquals(s, "Helrld"));

    // Erase end with count overflow:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strErase(s, strlen(s), 5, 999);

        assert(strlen(s) == 5);
        assert(strEquals(s, "Hello"));

    // Erase the whole string from the start:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strErase(s, strlen(s), 0, strlen(s));

        assert(*s == '\0');

    // Erase the whole string from the start with count overflow:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strErase(s, strlen(s), 0, 999);

        assert(*s == '\0');

    // Count equal to zero is a no-op:
        char s[] = "Hello World";
        strErase(s, strlen(s), 2, 0);

        assert(strlen(s) == 11);
        assert(strEquals(s, "Hello World"));

int main(void)
    printf("Passed all tests!\n");

2 Answers 2

  • Asserts are good in the test cases, but not in the actual code. First, in a release version they are no-ops, so the release doesn't check anything. Second, they result in a program termination, which is a bit drastic.

  • Interfaces are unclear. What is len? It may only represent the length of the character array (vs C string), i.e. you do not rely on a terminating 0, and this, in turn, annuls the claim that strErase is filling the end with null chars. If you do rely on a terminating 0, do not have len as a parameter, but calculate it.

  • Treating negative count is a somewhat unorthodox. Normally (if allowed at all) it means "count backwards", that is, erase a [startIndex + count, startIndex) range.


There's quite a bit of repeated code in your solution. All of the code that you've used to check specific invariants (string is not NULL, length is not 0 etc) can be moved into a separate function:

static bool check_invariants(const char *str, size_t len, size_t start_index, int count)
    assert(str != NULL);
    if (*str == '\0')
        assert(len == 0); // This would indicate a parameter mismatch if not true.
        return false;

    // If the string is not empty, a length must be provided.
    assert(len != 0);
    assert(startIndex < len && "Index out of range!");

    return count == 0;

You might want to consider returning the (potentially modified) str from strReplace, as this is more consistent with the C standard library interface.


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