So I'm learning bits and pieces of python. Here's some code that just doesn't seem pythonic, and I'd like to improve it. I'm doing stochastic simulations with a Gillespie style approach, but if that doesn't mean anything to you, no worries. I'm trying to avoid some iterations and replace them with something like a list comprehension. The code will work, only I'm looking for a better way to do the same thing.
First I calculate a stopping time (maxTime
). Then I calculate the time of an event (and store it if it's less than maxTime
). Then the time of the next event (and store again). I repeat until I finally get an event happening after maxTime
import random
maxTime = random.expovariate(1)
L = []
eventTime = random.expovariate(10)
while eventTime<maxTime:
eventTime += random.expovariate(10)
Any cleaner way to write this code?