Here are some things that may help you improve your code.
Omit C prolog and epilog if possible
The part you have correctly labeled "C prologue" in your code is used by the compiler to be able to access local variables. However both inputs and outputs to this assembly routine are in registers, so no stack manipulations are needed. For that reason, we can eliminate both in this code.
Don't push
registers you don't alter
In the addDen
routine, the rdi
register is pushed and then popped off the stack, but not altered by the routine. As a result, neither push
nor pop
are required and both could be omitted.
Avoid subroutine calls
Subroutine calls are not good for fast assembly code. Your addDen
code doesn't need to be a subroutine -- it can be placed inline, avoiding the overhead of a subroutine call.
Reduce jumps per loop iteration
The code as currently structured has both a comparison and conditional jump and also an unconditional jmp .whileLoop
that both occur within each loop iteration. Better practice is to minimize the number of jumps within each loop; ideally one should strive to reduce it to exactly one.
Use direct memory access for instructions
The current code uses this instruction sequence
movss xmm8, [One]
movss xmm9, [rdi]
divss xmm8, xmm9
However, the divss
instruction can use memory directly as a source, so we can shorten this to:
movss xmm8, [One]
divss xmm8, [rdi]
This saves us a register (xmm9
) and some time.
Avoid compare instructions if practical
The current code uses cmp rsi, 0
but that's not really needed since the dec esi
at the end of the loop already sets up the zero flag. Putting all of the previous hints together, a revised routine looks like this:
section .data
cvtsi2ss xmm0, rsi ; xmm0 = len = numerator
movss xmm10, [Zero] ; xmm10 = denominator
inc rsi
jmp .testzero
movss xmm8, [One]
divss xmm8, [rdi]
add rdi, 4
addss xmm10, xmm8
dec rsi
jnz .more
divss xmm0, xmm10
Take advantage of SIMD where practical
SIMD stands for Single Instruction, Multiple Data which allows the CPU to execute multiple operations in parallel, speeding up the routine. Because your code calculate reciprocals of each data item in the list, we can do that calculation in parallel (4 at a time using SSE) and save some time. If there aren't 4 data items, we can drop back to a simple serial approach as with what you've already written. Here's one way to write such a routine:
section .data
One dd 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
section .data
cvtsi2ss xmm0, rsi ; xmm0 = len = numerator
xorps xmm10, xmm10 ; xmm10 = denominator = 0
mov rax, rsi
shr rax, 2
jz .single
movups xmm9, [One] ; Loads series of 1s in
movaps xmm8, xmm9 ; copy those ones
divps xmm8, [rdi] ; fetch 4 floats
add rdi, 16
addps xmm10, xmm8
dec rax
jnz .doquad
movaps xmm8, xmm10 ; copy xmm10
shufps xmm8, xmm10, $04E ; swap low and high halves
addps xmm8, xmm10 ; sum now in xmm8
movaps xmm10, xmm8 ; copy xmm8
shufps xmm10, xmm8, $0B1 ; swap pairs into xmm10
addps xmm10, xmm8 ; now have 4 copies of sum in xmm10
and rsi, 3 ; less than 4 left
inc rsi
jmp .testzero
movss xmm8, [One]
divss xmm8, [rdi]
add rdi, 4
addss xmm10, xmm8
dec rsi
jnz .more
divss xmm0, xmm10
Test your results
With assembly language code like this, as with much code, the two things one generally looks for are correctness and speed.
Although the algorithm is essentially identical in all versions, there is subtle difference that is inherent with the addition of floating point numbers. Specifically, with floating point numbers, adding a large number to a small number can lead to loss of precision. In extreme cases, if a
is very large and b
is very small, we can have a + b = a
which is obviously incorrect for non-zero values of b
. (See the oft-cited and still excellent What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic, by David Goldberg for a readable technical discussion for why this is so.) This can affect the harmonic mean calculations. For example, if we calculate the harmonic mean of the numbers \$1 \cdots 100000\$, in that order, the correct value is approximately 8271.198621. However, the original code reports 8270.716797 which is off by a bit. The reason is that by the time we get to 100000, we're adding a very small number (1e-5) to a relatively much bigger number of about 12.09. One can use doubles instead of floats here, but while that helps, it only postpones the inevitable when dealing with floating point addition. Numerical analysis is important with these kinds of calculations to assure that the answers are as accurate as they need to be.
The desire for speed can sometimes conflict with the other goal of correctness, but in this case, we can serve both interests. When the calculation is parallelized, the effect is that we calculate 4 reciprocals and add 4 results at a time to 4 separate sums. Because the SSE instructions take about the same amount of time to do one division as to do four in parallel (or 8 in parallel if you can use SSE2 or newer) the results are obtained about 4x as quickly (or 8x with SSE2). This is where the real speed dividends are, and there's also potentially a small increase in accuracy because each sum is only (roughly) 25% of the total sum (given randomly distributed numbers as input), the loss of precision is slightly reduced.
Here is the C++ program I used to test all variations, including a pure C++ variant that uses double
s for calculation instead of float
The following code was used to evaluate the various versions for both speed and accuracy. The stopwatch.h
code from this question and was designed for exactly this kind of purpose.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "stopwatch.h"
extern "C" float harmonicMean(float *arr, unsigned len);
extern "C" float harmonicMean2(float *arr, unsigned len);
extern "C" float harmonicMeanP(float *arr, unsigned len);
float hmean(float *arr, unsigned len)
double sum = 0;
double n = len;
for ( ; len; --len, ++arr)
sum += 1.0/(*arr);
return n/sum;
struct MeanTest
float (*calc)(float *, unsigned);
std::string name;
static MeanTest test[]{
{harmonicMean, "original" },
{harmonicMean2, "tweaked" },
{harmonicMeanP, "parallel" },
{hmean, "C++ double" },
{nullptr, ""},
int main()
const unsigned arrlen{100000};
const unsigned iterations{1000};
float nums[arrlen];
float hm;
std::iota(nums, nums+arrlen, 1);
Stopwatch<std::chrono::milliseconds> sw;
for (MeanTest *t = test; t->calc != nullptr; ++t) {
for (unsigned i = iterations; i; --i)
hm = t->calc(nums, arrlen);
std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << hm << ", "
<< t->name << " time = " << sw.elapsed() << " ms\n";
8270.716797, original time = 496 ms
8270.716797, tweaked time = 431 ms
8271.209961, parallel time = 108 ms
8271.198242, C++ double time = 675 ms
As you can see, the C++ version was slowest, but most accurate (only off by about 0.0004) but the parallel version was second most accurate but 4x faster than the next fastest.
Using SSE2 instructions would allow one to approach 8x faster and would also allow for some simplification in the use of the shufps
instruction. I'll leave that fun for you.