I've coded a small command line helper tool for this library I'm working on. The library provides tools for the use of Virtual Texturing on iOS devices (mainly games).
This little command line helper is still pretty much a prototype that I coded as quick as I could, for testing a new file format. Some feedback would be appreciated before I expand it further:
// Virtual Texturing Library:
#include "vt_tool_image.hpp"
#include "vt_tool_pagefile_builder.hpp"
#include "vt_tool_platform_utils.hpp"
// Standard library:
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
namespace {
// ======================================================
// Local data:
// ======================================================
vt::tool::PageFileBuilderOptions cmdLineOpts;
std::string inputFile, outputFile;
// ======================================================
// printHelpAndExit()
// ======================================================
void printHelpAndExit()
"$ vtmake <input_file> <output_file> [--flags=]\n"
"Flags accepted:\n"
"--help : prints help text with list of commands.\n"
"--filter : (str) type of mipmapping filter: box, tri, quad, cubic, bspline, mitchell, lanczos, sinc, kaiser.\n"
"--page_size : (int) total page size in pixels, including border.\n"
"--content_size : (int) size in pixels of page content, not including border.\n"
"--border_size : (int) size in pixels of the page border.\n"
"--max_levels : (int) max mipmap levels to generate.\n"
"--flip_v_src : (bool) flip the source image vertically.\n"
"--flip_v_tiles : (bool) flip each individual tile/page vertically.\n"
"--stop_on_1_mip : (bool) stop subdividing when mip 0 is reached.\n"
"--add_debug_info : (bool) print debug text to each page.\n"
"--dump_images : (bool) dump each page as an image file (TGA format).\n"
"--verbose : (bool) print stuff to STDOUT while running.\n"
// ======================================================
// error():
// ======================================================
void error(const char * format, ...)
va_list vaList;
char buffer[1024];
va_start(vaList, format);
std::vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, vaList);
buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; // Ensure a null at the end
throw vt::tool::PageFileBuilderError(buffer);
// ======================================================
// parseFilterName():
// ======================================================
vt::tool::FilterType parseFilterName(const char * str)
// Find the value after the '=' sign, if any:
while ((*str != '=') && (*str != '\0'))
if (*str == '=') { ++str; }
if (std::strcmp(str, "box" ) == 0) { return vt::tool::FilterType::Box; }
if (std::strcmp(str, "tri" ) == 0) { return vt::tool::FilterType::Triangle; }
if (std::strcmp(str, "quad" ) == 0) { return vt::tool::FilterType::Quadratic; }
if (std::strcmp(str, "cubic" ) == 0) { return vt::tool::FilterType::Cubic; }
if (std::strcmp(str, "bspline" ) == 0) { return vt::tool::FilterType::BSpline; }
if (std::strcmp(str, "mitchell") == 0) { return vt::tool::FilterType::Mitchell; }
if (std::strcmp(str, "lanczos" ) == 0) { return vt::tool::FilterType::Lanczos; }
if (std::strcmp(str, "sinc" ) == 0) { return vt::tool::FilterType::Sinc; }
if (std::strcmp(str, "kaiser" ) == 0) { return vt::tool::FilterType::Kaiser; }
std::printf("WARNING: Unknown filter '%s'! Defaulting to box filter.\n", str);
return vt::tool::FilterType::Box;
// ======================================================
// parseInt():
// ======================================================
int parseInt(const char * str)
// Find the value after the '=' sign, if any:
while ((*str != '=') && (*str != '\0'))
if (*str == '=') { ++str; }
return std::stoi(str);
// ======================================================
// parseBool():
// ======================================================
bool parseBool(const char * str)
// Find the value after the '=' sign, if any:
while ((*str != '=') && (*str != '\0'))
if (*str == '=') { ++str; }
if ((std::strcmp(str, "false") == 0) ||
(std::strcmp(str, "no") == 0) ||
(std::strcmp(str, "0") == 0))
return false;
// Assume true for anything else, including an invalid value or an empty string.
// (results in true for "--flag" with no "=value" part)
return true;
// ======================================================
// startsWith():
// ======================================================
bool startsWith(const char * str, const char * prefix)
const size_t prefixLen = std::strlen(prefix);
if (prefixLen == 0)
return false;
return std::strncmp(str, prefix, prefixLen) == 0;
// ======================================================
// parseCmdLine():
// ======================================================
void parseCmdLine(const int argc, const char * argv[])
// Possible "--help" call
if ((argc == 2) && startsWith(argv[1], "--help"))
// Must have at least argv[0], in_file and out_file
if (argc < 3)
error("Not enough arguments!");
/* argc[0] == "vtmake" (prog name) */
inputFile = argv[1];
outputFile = argv[2];
for (int i = 3; i < argc; ++i)
if (startsWith(argv[i], "--help"))
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--filter"))
cmdLineOpts.textureFilter = parseFilterName(argv[i]);
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--page_size"))
cmdLineOpts.pageSizePixels = parseInt(argv[i]);
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--content_size"))
cmdLineOpts.pageContentSizePixels = parseInt(argv[i]);
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--border_size"))
cmdLineOpts.pageBorderSizePixels = parseInt(argv[i]);
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--max_levels"))
cmdLineOpts.maxMipLevels = parseInt(argv[i]);
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--flip_v_src"))
cmdLineOpts.flipSourceVertically = parseBool(argv[i]);
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--flip_v_tiles"))
cmdLineOpts.flipTilesVertically = parseBool(argv[i]);
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--stop_on_1_mip"))
cmdLineOpts.stopOn1PageMip = parseBool(argv[i]);
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--add_debug_info"))
cmdLineOpts.addDebugInfoToPages = parseBool(argv[i]);
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--dump_images"))
cmdLineOpts.dumpPageImages = parseBool(argv[i]);
else if (startsWith(argv[i], "--verbose"))
cmdLineOpts.stdoutVerbose = parseBool(argv[i]);
std::printf("WARNING: Unknown command line argument: '%s'\n", argv[i]);
if (cmdLineOpts.stdoutVerbose)
std::printf("Input file: \"%s\"\n", inputFile.c_str());
std::printf("Output file: \"%s\"\n", outputFile.c_str());
// ======================================================
// runPageFileBuilder():
// ======================================================
void runPageFileBuilder()
if (inputFile.empty())
error("No input filename!");
if (outputFile.empty())
error("No output filename!");
vt::tool::PageFileBuilder pageFileBuilder(inputFile, outputFile, cmdLineOpts);
} // namespace {}
// ======================================================
// main():
// ======================================================
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
parseCmdLine(argc, argv);
return 0;
catch (std::exception & e)
std::printf("ERROR: %s\n", e.what());
return -1;
The main purpose of this code, as you can see, is to parse and validate command line args. The heavy work is then done by the library.
It looks very C-ish, I'll admit. Since I wrote it quickly for testing, I didn't bother much. Also, command args validation is still pretty weak. I might consider refactoring it into a class and using less char*
and more std::string