
I have a multidimensional array with associative values... I want to add some information to multiple arrays at the same time. Doing $array1=$array2=array(... seems to work but I'm worried that it's too easy. Will any array get extra data or have data overwritten by doing this? What kind of unexpected behavior might I expect from this kind of code? Al should have 3 entries in it, while Bob and Chris will each have two... right? It seems to work, but I'm worried I'm overlooking something.

<?    $content['Al'][]= array(
       "text"=>"Admin Login",
    $content['Al'][]=$content['Bob'][]=$content['Chris'][] = array(
       "text"=>"Login to Wordpress",
    $content['Al'][]=$content['Bob'][]=$content['Chris'][] = array(
       "text"=>"Login to Gallery",

function userbox($heading,$contents){
    if($contents=="") return;
    echo "<div class=\"refbox\">


    foreach ($contents as $key){
        if($key['link']!="")echo "<a href=\"".$key['link']."\">";
        if($key['icon']!="")echo"<img src=\"/images/icons/".$key['icon']."\" alt=\"".$key['text']."\" class=\"icons\">";
        echo $key['text'];
        if($key['link']!="")echo "</a>";
        if($key['updated']!="")echo " <span style=\"float:right;\">(".$key['updated'][0].")</span>";
        echo "<br>";    
    echo "</p>


Then in the content of the page I have


This should show a 'refbox' div with the users links in it within the page.

  • \$\begingroup\$ It now makes much more sense, and appears to now be review-able. Watch the hypothetical words though, people see those and move on (Say I have...), instead focus on the actual concern you have. For example: "This code works, but it seems like a hack", "I'm worried my solution will be difficult to maintain / read", "It does what I expect, but seems to perform slowly, how could it be optimized", etc... Also, thanks for caring and taking the time to fix up the question. \$\endgroup\$
    – xDaevax
    Commented Nov 18, 2014 at 15:20
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for the suggestions! I've cleaned it up a bit further... Afraid I'm a bit used to Stackoverflow so posted the bare minimum. \$\endgroup\$
    – aslum
    Commented Nov 18, 2014 at 15:26

1 Answer 1


It works and I can't see any side effects, but it is unusual to see code like this, and I am not sure of the point of creating all 3 user arrays at once.

Do you intend to display all 3 user menu options at the same time, or can only 1 user be logged in at once?

This is my preference for readability, also if you create a menu array and need items in a different order for different users, it would be difficult to achieve using the current code.


function build_menu($user)
    // ### clearly show what each test is and what menu options are being set
    $menu = array();

    if ($user == 'Al') {
        $menu[] = array(
            "link" => "/admin.php",
            "text" => "Admin Login",
            "icon" => "wp.png");

    if (in_array($user, array('Bob', 'Chris'))) {
        // menu options for multiple users can use in_array test

    // default menu options for all users
    $menu[] = array(
        "link" => "/Wordpress/wp-login.php",
        "text" => "Login to Wordpress",
        "icon" => "wp.png");

    $menu[] = array(
        "link" => "/Gallery/Login.php",
        "text" => "Login to Gallery",
        "icon" => "picutres.jpg");

    return $menu;

function userbox($heading, $contents)
    // ### contents is supposed to be an array, why test it for being a blank string?
    // ### use {} to show scope
    if ($contents == "") {

    // ### escape heading, what if it has html chars
    echo "<div class=\"refbox\">

            <h2>" . htmlspecialchars($heading). "</h2>

    /// ### think about your variable naming, $contents is actually menu items
    /// ### and $key is ambiguous, key of what?
    /// ### what if you used foreach ($menu_items as $menu_item) {

    foreach ($contents as $key) {

        // ### use {} around if statements, it is easier to see the scope of what is effected
        // ### use not empty instead of != "", that way if an array key doesn't exist like the 'updated' key below, your program won't generate a warning
        // ### use single quotes if you don't want to escape every double quote

        // if($key['link']!="")echo "<a href=\"".$key['link']."\">";
        if (!empty($key['link'])) {
            echo '<a href="' . $key['link'] . '">';

        // ### i have given an example above, I will leave these ones for you to change
        if($key['icon']!="")echo"<img src=\"/images/icons/".$key['icon']."\" alt=\"".$key['text']."\" class=\"icons\">";

        // ### escape html incase there are special characters
        // echo $key['text'];
        echo htmlspecialchars($key['text']);

        if($key['link']!="")echo "</a>";
        if($key['updated']!="")echo " <span style=\"float:right;\">(".$key['updated'][0].")</span>";
        echo "<br>";
    echo "</p>

$user = 'Al';
$menu = build_menu($user);
userbox($user, $menu);

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