I finally have a working trampoline mechanism. Would anyone care to critique it?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <map>
template<typename T>
class Base
typedef void (T::*PFunc)(void);
typedef void (*PHandler)(void*);
using method_map_t = map< string, PHandler >;
static method_map_t& methods( ) {
static method_map_t* map_of_methods{};
if( ! map_of_methods ) map_of_methods = new method_map_t;
return *map_of_methods;
static void register_method( string name, PHandler handler ) {
methods()[name] = handler;
// generic trampoline
template<PFunc sig>
static void Handler( void* pInstance ) {
T* f = reinterpret_cast<T*>(pInstance);
(f ->* sig)();
class Final : Base<Final>
void Foo(){cout<<"got foo";}
void Bar(){cout<<"got bar";}
static void init(){
// register_method populates a table of "extern C" function pointers.
register_method( "foo", static_cast<PHandler>( &Handler<&Final::Foo> ) );
register_method( "bar", static_cast<PHandler>( &Handler<&Final::Bar> ) );
void InvokeFromC(void* inst, string name) {
Base<Final>::PHandler h = Base<Final>::methods()[name];
int main() {
Final* f = new Final{};
// simulate invoking from C
InvokeFromC( f, "foo" );
// your code goes here
return 0;
This question follows from here.