I'm trying to convert some very simple C# string utility functions to F# as a learning exercise. Ignore the fact that the C# version is implemented as an extension method for the moment.
The function adds a blank space before any upper case letters (with the exception of the very first char) - so, "ATestString"
becomes "A Test String"
return string.Concat(str.Select(x => Char.IsUpper(x) ? " " + x : x.ToString())).TrimStart(' ');
My first pass using F#:
let padWithSpace str =
(str |> Seq.fold (fun acc elm -> if Char.IsUpper(elm) then acc + (sprintf " %c" <| elm) else acc + (string elm)) "").TrimStart([| ' ' |])
Is there a more concise, or more importantly, idiomatic way to do this in F#?