This code works to copy named capture groups of a Regex to the same named properties of a strongly typed object. However, it's not pretty. Someone mentioned I should use polymorphism to at least remove the five if statements.
What should I consider when improving this code? Suggested reading?
// Copies named capture groups in a REGEX to the properties of an object
// if the names match
static public void CopyProperties(Regex regex, Match source, object target)
if (target != null && source != null && source.Success)
var targetType = target.GetType();
// only step through non numeric capture names
foreach (var sourceProp in regex.GetGroupNames()
.Where(p => !Regex.IsMatch(p, @"^\d+$") &&
// does the target property the same as source exist?
var targetPropName = targetType.GetProperty(sourceProp);
// if the source and target exist
if (targetPropName != null &&
!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(source.Groups[sourceProp].Value) )
var targetPropSetter = targetPropName.GetSetMethod();
// created a variable for each possible type
// because I couldn't inline the Convert.ToInt32, etc.
string sourceValue = source.Groups[sourceProp].Value;
int? intValue = !Regex.IsMatch(sourceValue,
? (int?) null
: Convert.ToInt64(sourceValue) <= Int32.MaxValue
? Convert.ToInt32(sourceValue)
: (int?) null;
long? longValue = Regex.IsMatch(sourceValue,
? Convert.ToInt64( sourceValue)
: (long?) null;
bool? boolValue = Regex.IsMatch(sourceValue,
? Convert.ToBoolean(sourceValue)
: (bool?) null;
decimal? decimalValue = Regex.IsMatch(sourceValue,
? Convert.ToDecimal(sourceValue)
: (decimal?) null;
// multiple if because it didn't like a switch statement
// I didn't think five micro functions would improve this
if (targetPropName.PropertyType == typeof(string))
new[] { (object) sourceValue });
if (targetPropName.PropertyType == typeof(Nullable<Int32>))
new[] { (object) intValue });
if (targetPropName.PropertyType == typeof(Nullable<Int64>))
new[] { (object) longValue });
if (targetPropName.PropertyType == typeof(Nullable<Boolean>))
new[] { (object) boolValue });
if (targetPropName.PropertyType == typeof(Nullable<Decimal>))
new[] { (object) decimalValue });