In order to learn the basics of Monte Carlo I calculated pi with it. I also wrote an explanation of the reasoning behind the code.
Down here you can see the circle with random points that I simulated in my code.
This programme calculates pi with Monte Carlo
Given a square and a circle inside it.
We have
Area_of_the_square = LENGTH ** 2
Area_of_the_circle = radius ** 2 * pi => (LENGTH ** 2) / 4 * pi
The circle is obviously smaller than the square.
We have the equation:
Area_of_the_square * number_less_than_one == Area_of_the_circle
This programme is going to put a big number of points inside the square
(I suggest TIMES_TO_REPEAT = 10**5).
It will then count how many of them are inside the circle,
number_less_than_one = points_inside_the_circle / total_points
After doing some simple math with this formula:
Area_of_the_square * number_less_than_one == Area_of_the_circle
we get that
pi = number_less_than_one * 4
NOTE: This method is deadly slow and quite complicated,
I made this programme just in order to learn.
import random
LENGTH = 10**5
def in_circle(point):
x = point[0]
y = point[1]
center_x = CENTER[0]
center_y = CENTER[1]
radius = LENGTH/2
return (x - center_x)**2 + (y - center_y)**2 < radius**2
count = inside_count = 0
for i in range(TIMES_TO_REPEAT):
point = random.randint(1,LENGTH),random.randint(1,LENGTH)
if in_circle(point):
inside_count += 1
count += 1
pi = (inside_count / count) * 4