
This is a Python script I wrote to generate a SVG animation of falling leaves.

How can I simplify my script and also make the animation look more realistic?

import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
from math import sin
import random

# author Kyle Kersey

# configuation
leaf_count = 30
min_fall_duration = 10.0
max_fall_duration = 15.0
min_rotation_time = 1.0
max_rotation_time = 3.0
min_leaf_size = 0.25
max_leaf_size = 0.75
min_sway_width = 90.0
max_sway_width = 110.0
path_points = 100
DEBUG = False

root = ET.Element("svg")
root.set("xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink")
root.set("version", "1.1")
root.set("width", "1000px")
root.set("height", "1000px")

# define a leaf
defs = ET.SubElement(root, "defs")
g = ET.SubElement(defs, "g")
g.set("id", "leaf")
path = ET.SubElement(g, "path")
path.set("transform", "scale(0.25)")
# the leaf shape
path.set("d", """M127.251-22.679l-26.198,49.003c-2.974,5.326-8.297,4.834-13.625,1.858l-18.97-9.851l14.14,75.266

for a in range(0,10):
    points = []
    sway_width = random.randrange(min_sway_width, max_sway_width)

    # create a sine wave path
    wave_height = (path_points/(15.0*1.5))
    for i in range(path_points):

    first = points.pop(0)
    point_list = "M%0.3f,%0.3f "%(first[0], -15)
    point_list += " ".join( map(lambda b: "L%0.3f,%0.3f"%(b[0],b[1]), points) )

    path = ET.SubElement(root, "path")
    path.set("d", point_list)
    path.set("class", "mPath")
    path.set("fill", "none")
    # the sine path will be visible when debuging
    if DEBUG:
        path.set("stroke", "black")
        path.set("stroke-width", "2")
    path.set("id", "p%d"%a)

for i in range(0, leaf_count):
    use = ET.SubElement(root, "use")
    use.set("xlink:href", "#leaf")
    use.set("x", "0")
    use.set("y", "0")
    # generate a fall color
    use.set("fill", "hsla(%d, 100%%, 50%%, .90)"%random.randrange(0,100))

    animateMotion = ET.SubElement(use, "animateMotion")
    animateMotion.set("dur", "%0.3f"%random.uniform(min_fall_duration, max_fall_duration))
    animateMotion.set("repeatCount", "indefinite")
    mpath = ET.SubElement(animateMotion, "mpath")
    mpath.set("xlink:href", "#p%d"%(i%10))

    # random rotation starting angle
    leaf_rotation = random.randrange(0,360)
    leaf_rotation = [leaf_rotation, leaf_rotation+360]
    # reverse the leaf rotation
    if bool(random.getrandbits(1)):

    animateTransform = ET.SubElement(use, "animateTransform")
    animateTransform.set("attributeName", "transform")
    animateTransform.set("attributeType", "XML")
    animateTransform.set("type", "rotate")
    animateTransform.set("from", str(leaf_rotation[0]))
    animateTransform.set("to", str(leaf_rotation[1]))
    animateTransform.set("dur", "%0.3fs"%random.uniform(min_rotation_time, max_rotation_time))
    animateTransform.set("repeatCount", "indefinite")

tree = ET.ElementTree(root)

svg_data = ""
with open("test.svg", "r") as f:
    svg_data = f.read()

html = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>svg test</title>
svg {

html = html.replace("{%svg_data%}", svg_data)
print html

Here is the output of the script.


1 Answer 1


Python comments:

  • One thing that might speed things up a little is to change your point-tuple to a tuple instead of a list. Python tuples are smaller and faster than lists, because they're immutable.
  • You might look into namedtuples. As well as being more efficient (see above), they let you name your entries so you can use b.x and b.y instead of b[0] and b[1], which is a bit nicer. Also it's clearer when they're being created as they get a constructor instead of just bare parens.
  • range(0,10) is the same as range(10), but the latter looks nicer.

Animation comments (not a graphics guy, so all I can comment on is the realism):

  • they all seem to be going in circles, with very few reversing despite your call to random.getrandbits(1) for reversal - perhaps more than a 50% chance is needed? (also, the call to bool() is unnecessary - nonzero is true in python)

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