I'm writing a Java Servlet application where the users must enter information about a business. I'd like to prevent as many duplicate entries in the MySQL database as possible and I'd appreciate people's comments on the logic of the process.
When the user fills out the form and submits it, the business name and address are sent to a function which splits the address string, builds a query and queries the database for like-entries. If there's no result or more than one result, the user's input gets cleaned up and stored. If there's one result, the user's data is replaced by the existing business information.
private static List<Business> getBusinesses(String name, String address) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
List<Business> businessList = new ArrayList<>();
Connection conn = getConnection();
//split the address for the where clause in the query
String[] add = address.split(" ");
//get rid of punctuation, h/t http://stackoverflow.com/users/3053630/jeff-ward
name.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s]", "").replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
//build query
String query = "select id from business where ";
for (String add1 : add) {
query += "streetAddress like '%" + add1 + "%' and ";
//find at least a partial match to the business name
query += "businessName like '%" + name.substring(0, 4) + "%';";
query += "businessName like '%" + name + "%';";
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(query);
//build list of businesses
return businessList;
I do understand that I may get some incorrect answers (for example, "Dominos Pizza" at 55 Marbach Road will match with "Dominos Pizza" at 2557 Marbach Road), but I plan on doing further evaluation/matching before finalizing.