Are there any ways which I could improve and simplify this code? Is my code idiomatic Haskell?
Is the use of a lens library to change an element of a two-dimensional array unnecessary? If so, how could I replace it with a more elegant and simpler solution?
Do I need to make use of more types in order to make my code more understandable?
As a Haskell beginner, I am still trying to get used to the functional programming way and would appreciate it if answerers would provide a detailed and easy-to-understand answer (as well as references to materials which I could look up to learn more).
-- Tic Tac Toe implementation in Haskell.
module TicTacToe (
) where
import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
-- Size of the grid
n :: Int
n = 3
data Player = X | O deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
type Marking = Maybe Player
type Position = (Int, Int)
type Grid = [[Marking]]
-- An empty grid of size n x n.
emptyGrid :: Grid
emptyGrid = replicate n $ replicate n Nothing
data Game = Game {
board :: Grid,
curTurn :: Player
} deriving Show
-- Initial game which board is of size n x n,
-- starting with O as the first player.
newGame :: Game
newGame = Game {
board = emptyGrid,
curTurn = X
getWinSeqs :: Grid -> [[Marking]]
getWinSeqs grid = horizontal ++ vertical ++ [fDiag, bDiag]
where horizontal = grid
vertical = transpose grid
fDiag = zipWith (\ i x -> i !! (n - x - 1)) grid [0..]
bDiag = zipWith (!!) grid [0..]
-- Check if a game has been won on a board.
isWin :: Game -> Maybe Player
isWin (Game grid _)
| isWin' X = Just X
| isWin' O = Just O
| otherwise = Nothing
isWin' :: Player -> Bool
isWin' player = any (all (== Just player)) $ getWinSeqs grid
-- Make the next move.
move :: Game -> Position -> Game
move (Game grid player) (i, j) = Game {
board = nextGrid,
curTurn = nextPlayer
} where
nextGrid =
if isNothing $ grid !! i !! j
then set (ix i . ix j) (Just player) grid
else error "position is occupied"
| player == X = O
| otherwise = X