I wrote simple search engine based on TF-IDF statistic and cosine similarity. I am still learning Scala, so would be glad to hear comments (here or at GitHub) regarding my code from Scala professionals.
package search
package object types {
type Word = String
type DocumentTitle = String
type SearchResult = (DocumentTitle, Double)
import search.types.{DocumentTitle, SearchResult, Word}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* Representation of a document as mapping from a word to number of instances in the document.
* When you create and ad-hoc vector, which doesn't have document title assigned you can use None
* as document title.
case class WordVector(private val sentence: Traversable[Word],
documentTitle: Option[DocumentTitle]) extends Traversable[(Word, Int)] {
private val wordCount: Map[Word, Int] = sentence.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.size)
val totalWordCount: Int = wordCount map (_._2) sum
def countOccurrencesOf(word: Word): Int = wordCount.getOrElse(word, 0)
override def foreach[U](f: ((Word, Int)) => U): Unit = wordCount.foreach(f)
case class TfidfVector(private val data: Map[Word, Double],
documentTitle: Option[DocumentTitle]) {
val length: Double = Math.sqrt(data.values.map(a => a * a).sum)
def apply(word: Word): Double = data.getOrElse(word, 0)
def commonWordsWith(other: TfidfVector) = data.keySet.intersect(other.data.keySet)
class IndexedDocuments(documentsSpace: Seq[WordVector],
docsContainingWord: Map[Word, Set[DocumentTitle]]
) {
val docCount = documentsSpace.size
* Think about a corpus as a space where every document is represented as a vector. This space has
* M dimensions, where M is the number of unique words in all documents. Naturally, the name/label
* of the vector is the title of the document.
* We need named vectors because at the end of the calculations we need to show the titles
* of the documents to the user.
val documentsAsTfidfSpace: Seq[TfidfVector] = documentsSpace map wordVectorToTfIdfVector toSeq
def wordVectorToTfIdfVector(wordVector: WordVector): TfidfVector = {
val data: Map[Word, Double] = wordVector map {
case (word, _) => (word, tfidf(word, wordVector))
} toMap
TfidfVector(data, wordVector.documentTitle)
def tfidf(word: Word, wordVector: WordVector): Double = {
if (documentsSpace.isEmpty) {
else {
val occurrencesInDoc: Double = wordVector.countOccurrencesOf(word).toDouble
val tf = occurrencesInDoc / wordVector.totalWordCount
val numDocsContainingWord = docsContainingWord.getOrElse(word, Seq.empty).size
if (numDocsContainingWord == 0) {
} else {
val idf = docCount / numDocsContainingWord.toDouble
val tfidf = tf * Math.log(idf)
* Calculates cosine similarity between two documents
def compareWithQuery(vectorFromUser: TfidfVector)(vectorFromCorpus: TfidfVector): (DocumentTitle, Double) = {
val vec = vectorFromCorpus
val commonWords = vectorFromUser.commonWordsWith(vec)
val numerator = commonWords map (word => vectorFromUser(word) * vec(word)) sum
val denominator = vectorFromUser.length * vec.length
(vec.documentTitle.get, numerator / denominator)
* @param sentence Has to be normalized (e.g. lowercased)
def search(sentence: Traversable[Word], topN: Int): Seq[SearchResult] = {
require(topN > 0, s"Top N has to be greater than 0 but was $topN")
val queryTfidfVector = wordVectorToTfIdfVector(WordVector(sentence, None))
val scoredDocuments: Seq[(DocumentTitle, Double)] = documentsAsTfidfSpace.map(compareWithQuery(queryTfidfVector))
.sortWith(_._2 > _._2) // by score descending
.filterNot(_._2 < 0.000001)
// .map(_._1) // keep only title
object Indexer {
def indexDocuments(documents: Iterator[(DocumentTitle, List[Word])]): IndexedDocuments = {
import scala.collection.mutable
val documentsSpace = new ListBuffer[WordVector]
val docsContainingWord = new mutable.HashMap[Word, Set[DocumentTitle]]
documents.foreach {
case (title, words) =>
documentsSpace += WordVector(words, Some(title))
words.foreach { word =>
val currentDocsWithThisWord = docsContainingWord.getOrElse(word, Set.empty)
docsContainingWord += word -> (currentDocsWithThisWord + title)
new IndexedDocuments(
package search
import search.types.{DocumentTitle, Word}
object SearchApp extends App {
require(args.length > 0, "Usage: As an argument you should pass the path to the folder containing documents (program will search through subdirectories")
val topNResults: Int = 10
val extractWords: (String) => Seq[String] = s => s.split("\\W+").map(_.toLowerCase).filterNot(_.trim.isEmpty)
val documentLoader: Iterator[(DocumentTitle, List[Word])] = {
import java.io.File
def recursiveListFiles(f: File): Array[File] = {
// src: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2637643/how-do-i-list-all-files-in-a-subdirectory-in-scala
val these = f.listFiles
these ++ these.filter(_.isDirectory).flatMap(recursiveListFiles)
val files = recursiveListFiles(new File(args.head)).filter(_.isFile)
println(s"Found ${files.length} documents")
files zip Stream.from(1) map { case (f, i) =>
if (i % 200 == 0) println(s"Loaded $i documents so far")
(f.getName, io.Source.fromFile(f).getLines().flatMap(extractWords).toList)
} toIterator
// test data
// List(
// ("doc1", List("welcome", "to", "scala", "labs")),
// ("doc2", List("welcome", "to", "Toronto")),
// ("doc3", List("introduce", "scala", "and", "enjoy", "scala")),
// ("doc4", List("hello", "scala"))
// )
println("Indexing, please wait...")
val indexedDocuments = Indexer.indexDocuments(documentLoader)
println("Indexing... DONE")
while (true) {
println("Enter a sentence or 'q' to quit")
val input: String = Console.in.readLine()
if (input == "q")
val topMatches = indexedDocuments.search(extractWords(input), topNResults)
if (topMatches.isEmpty)
println("Couldn't find any relevant documents")
else {
println(s"Top results:")